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wF/VE Competence



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So I just had been getting to thinking about how this poll is clearly biased against VE - far moreso than it is against wF... and then I just happened to remember that quite a while back Polar decided to roll The Dark Fist, Starcraftmazter's alliance, of whom at the time VE was the only major treaty partner of. As they also held a treaty with Polar (which they soon canceled over the incident) VE decided to stay neutral in the conflict.

Now I have to wonder if maybe Starcraftmazter's motives in this aren't entirely honest, hm? Maybe somebody is a bit bitter and trying to slander someone else's good name because of it?

You shouldn't speak on things that you have little to no knowledge of.

As far as I can remember in my time in Dark Fist, which has been since it's inception, we have never been rolled by Polar. Or anyone else for that matter. I do seem to remember Federation of Independent Sovereign Territories (FIST) getting rolled by NpO. I seem to also recall FIST being in a black bloc during that time that was connected through the treaty web to a number of different alliances. And deep in the mind fog I have the faintest recollection of FIST requesting that none of their allies enter the conflict, despite of few of them very much wanting to get involved.

If you're going to call someones motives into question you should at least take the time to come up with a sensible story. Perhaps one based on facts.

As for SCM harboring some deep hatred for VE I can only laugh ( :lol1: ). When SCM doesn't like somebody it's quite obvious (see: NSO). Is the poll worded in a slanted manner? Perhaps. I'm not, nor ever have I been, a professional analyzer of polls (does that sound dirty to anyone else?). At the same time I'd hope that the majority of Planet Bob wouldn't be tricked into voting for an option that they don't agree with based on the tricky tricky wording.

EDIT: And if you don't like the poll so much perhaps you should stop bumping it by repeating what others have already said.

Edited by Daikos
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So... was the !@#$%* link ever checked by anyone before you backed up wF?

Actually, we pretty much have standing orders for everybody to stay the $%&@ away from !@#$%* since theres seems to be a really high incidence of people doing stupid !@#$ like sticking gov logs up there, so we're not really familiar with its function. I hit the paste bin link in the screen shot when we first saw it, it returned a 404. It didn't seem immediately suspicious since I know they couldn't possible retrain everything all the time. When a webpage goes away 404's happen.

The intricacies on how they generated their URLS (I had assumed random until the explanation thread, it was enlightening) were lost on us at the time, but the contents of the message were less important than that the message existed at the time. KD had told us he had no idea who the guy was, so a PM involving the two of them seems like proof he was lying to us.

Alas, everything was manufactured by a third party in an attempt to start a war to satisfy his own boredom.

So yes, we got played. No that does not make us or WF incompetent, it was a very well preformed scam, as nofish pointed out, our muti-ing mastermind was very well placed to pull it off. Hind sight, is 20/20 yea it was a mistake, but the information at the time did not suggest other possibilities.

Or is the first thing you think of when presented with evidence an attack on your alliance was planned rather than a $%&@up is to think "gee I wonder if somebody is muti-ing and trying to start a war by faking messages and playing his position in two alliances to make his scheme beleivable" ?

I wouldn't even after this, its a freaking ridiculous idea, its so far outta left feild its left the stadium, That level of paranoia just inst healthy.

tl;dr Yea we got played, no we're not happy, not we're not stupid.

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Accepting random info from random people as gospel is pretty much the definition of gullible in regards to CN.

That's as bad as people falling for filter evasion = warn raise (Damn this filter. Didn't know he was on the list. lol...Anyway, pretty obvious who I'm talking about I think) pranks when he used to impersonate alliance leaders. (And always had the same hostmask)

Edited by Lady Gaga
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No, I haven't. Sorry, I skipped ahead. I looked back at some previous posts, and I'm caught up, I think. My bad.

The dangers of skimming :P

Because of his position in both alliances, and his trusted spot in WF, Raj was in an unparallelled position to produce fake evidence with one account and lend it legitimacy with the other. Being in a position to 'verify' your own faked evidence is pretty sweet spot to run a scam from.

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VE has been weak on solid judgment and good decisions since Egore left. Some would say it started before that even, but I'll give my old friend the benefit of the doubt.

EDIT: I still dislike this poll, though. Not everything in CN needs a poll.

Edited by Jonathan Brookbank
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Ultimately I think it's more hastiness rather than outright incompetence that resulted in this erroneous conflict. Mistakes can and were in this case made, and wF is at least making efforts and taking requisite action to atone for said mistakes. I imagine both parties will be a bit more careful and thorough in the future.

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