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Countdown to Athens Rep Payment


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No, I will not refrain from posting. The fact that you have a large number of aid slots to choose from means that you should have had aid flowing out immediately after the agreement was reached. During all of the time that the Knights of Ni! were "inactive" during your negotiations, you could have been planning what nations would be sending, as well.

/me yawns

A broken record would be far more entertaining than your self-righteous crap. Your comments are like a dog fart in the car except no one can open a window to let it out.

Edited by Tygaland
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/me yawns

A broken record would be far more entertaining than your self-righteous crap. Your comments are like a dog fart in the car except no one can open a window to let it out.

Yes, clearly expecting an alliance to stand by its word is crap these days. I am so pleased that "Karma" corrected the world.

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Yes, clearly expecting an alliance to stand by its word is crap these days. I am so pleased that "Karma" corrected the world.

You have no evidence they will not stand by their word. Your only issue is they are not doing it to your timetable. You are not relevant to this issue no matter how hard you demand that you should be.

I'll add "not sending reps to Brookbank's timetable" to the list of Karma's heinous post-war crimes then. You really are a fool.

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You have no evidence they will not stand by their word. Your only issue is they are not doing it to your timetable. You are not relevant to this issue no matter how hard you demand that you should be.

I'll add "not sending reps to Brookbank's timetable" to the list of Karma's heinous post-war crimes then. You really are a fool.

I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of someone like you than a hypocrite.

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Yes, clearly expecting an alliance to stand by its word is crap these days. I am so pleased that "Karma" corrected the world.

Since I doubt you know what the agreement is for all we know they might have agreed to start payment next month.

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Since I doubt you know what the agreement is for all we know they might have agreed to start payment next month.

Possible. Unlikely, but possible.

The longer it takes for Athens to actually start sending aid, especially with no explanation of *why* they still aren't sending, the worse Athens looks.

So Knights of Ni! could have told them "We agree to this amount, but you can't disclose the amount, the terms, or the timing, and you can't start sending for 2 months" just to make Athens look bad.

But I don't think that's it.

I think that Athens is making Athens look bad. From the "raid" until now, Athens hasn't done anything that makes them look good on this deal.

Two or three weeks ago, when someone was giving credit to Athens for making rep payments, I pointed out that no reps had been sent, and I was told I was the bad guy for pointing it out.

Now it's 3 weeks after the "raid", the "we haven't agreed on an amount" excuse is a couple of days old, and still there is no evidence of actual payments.

Luckily for Athens, though, we now know that it's all Bilrows fault. Or something.

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Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop

Thank you for all the concerns. It's appreciated, I've noticed how grateful the Knights of Ni! members are on this thread and they have my condolence.

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I hate to sound like a broken record, but there are only 37 members in the Knights of Ni!, and it has now been approximately 43 hours since an agreement was reached, according to Athens, and yet nothing has been sent out. I understand time is needed to set things up, but you have literally had more than an hour per nation in the Knights of Ni! to arrange the reparations payments. Surely it can not take this long to begin sending. You have had plenty of time to set up a number of what appear to be both internal and external technology deals in this time, so I would think you would have had time to set up your reparations payments.

So I hate it you've contacted the Knights of Ni! and asked them for an explanation about this and they've said that everything is set up and they've given Athens a list of nations they wish to receive money? Because, you know, if you hadn't and Athens didn't get a target list yet you'd look mighty stupid, wouldn't you.

I also trust you've talked to Athens in private and asked if they had a good reason for the delays and not just assumed that internal and external tech deals (which are, of course, usually organized ad-hoc by the individual members involved, and may have been arranged some time ago) were indicative of complete and full activity? Because, again, if you didn't and this was the reason you sure would look mighty stupid.

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So I hate it you've contacted the Knights of Ni! and asked them for an explanation about this and they've said that everything is set up and they've given Athens a list of nations they wish to receive money? Because, you know, if you hadn't and Athens didn't get a target list yet you'd look mighty stupid, wouldn't you.

I also trust you've talked to Athens in private and asked if they had a good reason for the delays and not just assumed that internal and external tech deals (which are, of course, usually organized ad-hoc by the individual members involved, and may have been arranged some time ago) were indicative of complete and full activity? Because, again, if you didn't and this was the reason you sure would look mighty stupid.

You invoke to much faith into him.

Edit: Thanks for clarifying my post earlier since I tend to hide meanings inside my post.

Edited by Tick1
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So I hate it you've contacted the Knights of Ni! and asked them for an explanation about this and they've said that everything is set up and they've given Athens a list of nations they wish to receive money? Because, you know, if you hadn't and Athens didn't get a target list yet you'd look mighty stupid, wouldn't you.

I also trust you've talked to Athens in private and asked if they had a good reason for the delays and not just assumed that internal and external tech deals (which are, of course, usually organized ad-hoc by the individual members involved, and may have been arranged some time ago) were indicative of complete and full activity? Because, again, if you didn't and this was the reason you sure would look mighty stupid.

This thread got started because Athens made such a big show of how it was they had done wrong, wanted to make amends, and promised to pay reparations. At some point someone was bound to ask, "where's the money?" It's really a simple thing to answer, but whole Irish jigs have been danced responding to it, including Tigger bouncing around on his tail demanding to know if people can read for no apparent reason. The real answer up to this point is, "didn't get sent." Fine. Hopefully soon someone will put up the cash and we can all go back to commenting on meaningless press releases.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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This thread got started because Athens made such a big show of how it was they had done wrong, wanted to make amends, and promised to pay reparations. At some point someone was bound to ask, "where's the money?" It's really a simple thing to answer, but whole Irish jigs have been danced responding to it, including Tigger bouncing around on his tail demanding to know if people can read for no apparent reason. The real answer up to this point is, "didn't get sent." Fine. Hopefully soon someone will put up the cash and we can all go back to commenting on meaningless press releases.

No ChairmanHal, that is not why this thread was made. If you didn't get the memo you completely need to go contact Bilrow. Seeing as you have failed to get a hold of Knights of Ni! on IRC/Forums you also have failed to mention anything worth reading.

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Just when I thought this beautifully lulzy thread was dead...

/me wipes away a tear

Anyway. Our reparations agreement with Ni is fairly unorthodox, so you likely won't see a lot of aid going from Athens to Ni. If anybody wants to ask Ni what the deal is, we're not stopping you. We negotiated and each threw out numbers. They gave one, we gave one, they gave a new one, and we agreed. It's how negotiations work.

That said, we're not going to go out of our way to slake your curiousity about what they are. Some people made posts in here that actually sounded like they were concerned. Those people generally got a PM or a query where I basically gave my word reps would be paid. (but not all of them, I kinda gave up after page 20) If you don't trust my word that reps will be sent to Ni, that's sort of a problem but not really. It's a problem in the sense that I'd like to be somewhat trustworthy in the eyes of the community, but it's not a problem in that the people who haven't been really annoying already know the deal.

Basically the more accusatory you sound in this thread, the less I want to tell you.

EDIT: We'd have posted the final deal ourselves if it weren't for this thread.

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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This thread got started because Athens made such a big show of how it was they had done wrong, wanted to make amends, and promised to pay reparations.

It was cunning of them to have Penkala make it public for them, wasn't it!

At some point someone was bound to ask, "where's the money?" It's really a simple thing to answer, but whole Irish jigs have been danced responding to it, including Tigger bouncing around on his tail demanding to know if people can read for no apparent reason. The real answer up to this point is, "didn't get sent." Fine. Hopefully soon someone will put up the cash and we can all go back to commenting on meaningless press releases.

The question has been answered numerous times, Hal. You ignoring the answer and re-asking the question does not mean the answer given disappears from the public record. I can't imagine why I questioned your comprehension skills...

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No ChairmanHal, that is not why this thread was made. If you didn't get the memo you completely need to go contact Bilrow. Seeing as you have failed to get a hold of Knights of Ni! on IRC/Forums you also have failed to mention anything worth reading.

Who said I failed to get hold of them? Actually was rather easy to do....

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Our reparations agreement with Ni is fairly unorthodox, so you likely won't see a lot of aid going from Athens to Ni. If anybody wants to ask Ni what the deal is, we're not stopping you. We negotiated and each threw out numbers. They gave one, we gave one, they gave a new one, and we agreed. It's how negotiations work.

There nothing unorthodox at all about reps that were destined for Athens from NPO instead going to KoN. The problem at last check is that there wasn't anything flowing from NPO either. As for the negotiations, I glad to hear from both parties they have been concluded.

The question has been answered numerous times, Hal. You ignoring the answer and re-asking the question does not mean the answer given disappears from the public record. I can't imagine why I questioned your comprehension skills...

People (not just me, trust me) are getting *really* tired of you showing up in threads, taking up a position, and then constantly questioning people ability to read, comprehend, and their over all intelligence simply because they hold a position opposite yours.

Don't you have another state of the alliance thread to create or something?

Edited by ChairmanHal
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There nothing unorthodox at all about reps that were destined for Athens from NPO instead going to KoN. The problem at last check is that there wasn't anything flowing from NPO either. As for the negotiations, I glad to hear from both parties they have been concluded.

You're out of the loop on that one.

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There nothing unorthodox at all about reps that were destined for Athens from NPO instead going to KoN. The problem at last check is that there wasn't anything flowing from NPO either.

People (not just me, trust me) are getting *really* tired of you showing up in threads, taking up a position, and then constantly questioning people ability to read, comprehend, and their over all intelligence simply because they hold a position opposite yours.

Don't you have another state of the alliance thread to create or something?

Anyone reading the last two pages could tell you that unorthodox has to do with donations and tech, and nothing about NPO. The only mention of NPO paying was Bilrow's baseless accusation. The only thing NPO has in this affair at all is Bilrow's nose. I think even he's realized there's nothing here. The fact you don't says a lot more about you than Tyga.


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Anyone reading the last two pages could tell you that unorthodox has to do with donations and tech, and nothing about NPO. The only mention of NPO paying was Bilrow's baseless accusation. The only thing NPO has in this affair at all is Bilrow's nose. I think even he's realized there's nothing here. The fact you don't says a lot more about you than Tyga.


I won't say they were completely baseless. There was definitely a discussion about just forwarding reps from NPO to Ni, but it didn't get very far. (and no, this thread had nothing to do with it)

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People (not just me, trust me) are getting *really* tired of you showing up in threads, taking up a position, and then constantly questioning people ability to read, comprehend, and their over all intelligence simply because they hold a position opposite yours.

Don't you have another state of the alliance thread to create or something?

I posted a new SoA a few hours ago. Don't tell me you missed it!

As for people getting tired of me posting in discussions well, too bad. If I see people posting crap I'll call them on it. You probably feel the way you do because most of what you post is crap and you call me into action more than most. ;)

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I posted a new SoA a few hours ago. Don't tell me you missed it!

As for people getting tired of me posting in discussions well, too bad. If I see people posting crap I'll call them on it. You probably feel the way you do because most of what you post is crap and you call me into action more than most. ;)

I'm tired of you n00b.

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