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Sometimes Its Just Necessary


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TeamColtra made a mistake and it can happen to anyone, as such UINE will NOT pursue a ZI and he will be allowed to head to the alliance of his wish. The destruction of his pixels neither excites me nor does it serve any practical purpose. The damage to TeamColtra`s reputation has been more than enough.

Thank you all for your concern

EDIT* Forgot the NOT :P

Honorable as always Keve.

Yes, it appears so.

Quite right

Edited by Barix9
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Honorable as always Keve.

Quite right

How unfortunate, I wanted his pixels to be distributed for the greater good

**whispers off in the distance**

*the greater good*

Edit- I know kill me for these edits today! o/ Keve, you really are a kind loving guy, not many people would withhold war from TC. It is very honorable and though TC will keep his Pixies *cough* I mean Pixels, it will be very hard to keep any reputation after this post. o/ Keve, o/ The Emperor of UINE.

Edited by Jtkode
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Dear Coltra,

My coup at least had SOME basis of reasoning. This one's just gay.

I Still Don't Like You,

The Former Otto V Bismarck

Former Internal Affairs Minister

Ex- North Atlantic Defense Coalition

I :wub: you. :P

Also, I've never had any interaction with UINE or Keve. Neither has my alliance, I believe.

But, as far as I can tell, keve seems to have some good friends who are gonna support him no matter what.

TC, I've had talks with you and you will not get far with your attitude.

Good luck in resolving this, UINE.

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Great coup! Honestly your reasons are a complete joke. Sure Keve don't want to sell to tC and the reasons he gave me are justified and I completely understand it. Its his right as a leader to refuse to sell tech to anyone he wants. Also the fact that you are so butthurt about him offer/placing people in government without holding elections is a bit too much. He is the ruler of a small alliance that could use people in office NOW not later so its pretty normal for a person to be appointed into a position right away instead of waiting the month or more for the next set of elections to roll around. I ran a few small alliances in my day and I understand why he would do it. Sometimes you got to break the rules to advance.

I don't like the fact that you are sticking someone in a leadership position who wanted to bail on the alliance before. Wtf do you think she will do when things get are or she gets bored? Be smart about it. There are so many better ways for someone to go about this then a coup. Next time I suggest you try another root.

Now with that said. The alliance known as The Dark BrotherHooD supports Keve as the rightful leader of UINE. Keve if you need anything please feel free to come to us for help. We may not be allied but the TDB likes your style.

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Great coup! Honestly your reasons are a complete joke. Sure Keve don't want to sell to tC and the reasons he gave me are justified and I completely understand it. Its his right as a leader to refuse to sell tech to anyone he wants. Also the fact that you are so butthurt about him offer/placing people in government without holding elections is a bit too much. He is the ruler of a small alliance that could use people in office NOW not later so its pretty normal for a person to be appointed into a position right away instead of waiting the month or more for the next set of elections to roll around. I ran a few small alliances in my day and I understand why he would do it. Sometimes you got to break the rules to advance.

I don't like the fact that you are sticking someone in a leadership position who wanted to bail on the alliance before. Wtf do you think she will do when things get are or she gets bored? Be smart about it. There are so many better ways for someone to go about this then a coup. Next time I suggest you try another root.

Now with that said. The alliance known as The Dark BrotherHooD supports Keve as the rightful leader of UINE. Keve if you need anything please feel free to come to us for help. We may not be allied but the TDB likes your style.

Extremely classy!

o/ TDB

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One of my reasons for wanting to distance myself from UINE has been because of TeamColtra's membership. Time and again he has proven himself a lightning rod for drama and tends to well overstay his welcome in alliances.

I don't know any of the issues that caused this, and don't care to know. I do hope, however, that some lessons are learned from this and that you can move on for a better future.

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Enough is enough.

We are people not animals.

Today I write to set a few things straight.

I have been in UINE sense only a few days after its begining. Me and keve was best friends in the CN world believe it not... to the extent that he made me Prime Minister of UINE and put much trust in me to wich I am thankful for.

But just in every alliance things change... me and Keve didnt always agree on things auctually not by the long run did we agree on everything that is why tensions began to grow... to be honest it was Keves liberal and innovative mind verses my Conservative and traditional ways... that is why things happened how they did.

I dont expect anyone to see this from my point of view becuase of course you are not me... but the only thing I did wrong in UINE was voice my opinion and yeah I made a couple of FA flops... a few people even wanted to leave the alliance because I wasnt "A Friend" but to much of a "leader". At least that is what keve told me. I later went on that rouge stage which everyone should be aware of... but it was with good reason I left being promised that we would still be friends and that everything would be ok but as soon as I left it wasnt eventually I had people attacking me for every dime... people would query me and flame things up on IRC... then false lies started going around.... at that time all I wanted to see was the Fall of Keve... not UINE.

Well about 4 months go by and one day while im at my computer I decided to shoot by mIRC. As soon as I do I get a Query from Keve.... yeah.

01[15:46] <codeXveronica> Yeah Yeah yeah

01[15:46] <codeXveronica> Lets try not to talk about that

[15:46] <Keve69[uINE]> and Im happy to hear that cuz we have loads of work to get done still

[15:46] <Keve69[uINE]> and I remember the value you can have on a team

[15:46] <Keve69[uINE]> for now look around the forums and make yourself at home again

01[15:47] <codeXveronica> I will thanks

[15:51] <Keve69[uINE]> <Keve69[uINE]> I recruited a nation into the alliance

[15:51] <Keve69[uINE]> <Keve69[uINE]> she used to be in IRON

[15:51] <Keve69[uINE]> <Keve69[uINE]> but re-rolled after the war

[15:52] <Keve69[uINE]> <Keve69[uINE]> and here is the interesting part

[15:52] <Keve69[uINE]> <Keve69[uINE]> she used to be a recruiter

[15:52] <Keve69[uINE]> so yeah...

[15:52] <Keve69[uINE]> Ill send Nathan to talk to you

01[15:53] <codeXveronica> Ok cool :)

01[15:54] <codeXveronica> Lol it feels odd working under noobs lol but I will be a good gurl

[15:54] <Keve69[uINE]> meh Nathan is getting alot better lately

[15:56] <Keve69[uINE]> is he talking to you?

01[15:58] <codeXveronica> Yeah

[15:58] <Keve69[uINE]> cool

[15:58] <Keve69[uINE]> has he said anything horrible :P

01[15:58] <codeXveronica> lol... He did something I wouldnt do

[15:59] <Keve69[uINE]> ?

01[15:59] <codeXveronica> He offered me Deputy Minister of Recruitment only after saying two words to me

01[15:59] <codeXveronica> lol

01[15:59] <codeXveronica> I declined

[16:02] <Keve69[uINE]> good

[16:02] <Keve69[uINE]> jeez I asked him not to do that

[16:02] <Keve69[uINE]>

[16:02] <Keve69[uINE]> anyways...

[16:02] <Keve69[uINE]> If you want a recruitment gold min

[16:03] <Keve69[uINE]> an alliance recently disbanded

[16:03] <Keve69[uINE]> Crimson Guard

[16:03] <Keve69[uINE]> I messaged them

[16:03] <Keve69[uINE]> but lets see if you can pick a few up

01[16:03] <codeXveronica> lol... I would rather not do anything thats going to later get me in trouble for poaching

01[16:03] <codeXveronica> lol

01[16:04] <codeXveronica> Im gettting sick of the poaching card

Yeah so ya see I got on IRC and keve decided to ask me if he wanted me to come back... I dont have all the logs there but I can get more with a request.

Ok so I was first like Ok sure... I just wont be serious about the game anymore... but as time passed I wanted things to be how they were before... sooner or later keve asked me to run for Triumvir... so I did Keve assured me I would win and of course I did... what later bothered me is how keve swayed the election of MoD AND Trium

[22:19] <Keve69[uINE]> congratz your in the lead for the elections

[22:19] <Keve69[uINE]> ok

[22:19] <Keve69[uINE]> heres the problem

01[22:19] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Yes I know

01[22:19] <codeXveronica[uINE]> WHats the prob?

[22:19] <Keve69[uINE]> as it stands

[22:19] <Keve69[uINE]> Hippie is gonna get DMoD

[22:19] <Keve69[uINE]> thats not gonna fly

[22:20] <Keve69[uINE]> I wanna change the rules to: when there are 3 or more candidates the minister chooses his deputy

01[22:20] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I see

Session Close: Thu Oct 01 22:21:07 2009

01[22:22] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Its a little crooked keve...

[16:45] <Keve69[uINE]> is a recruiter ;)

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Keve

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I have been talking to cassius

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> and he wants to come back... but he kinda thinks you were wrong by telling him he could be Triumvir and then having elections instead

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Plus its 11K NS

01[16:57] <codeXveronica[uINE]> and I guy who is good at finance and education

01[16:57] <codeXveronica[uINE]> if we are on his good side

[16:58] <Keve69[uINE]> I know

[16:58] <Keve69[uINE]> I was wrong

[16:58] <Keve69[uINE]> and I told him

[16:58] <Keve69[uINE]> but my back was against the wall

Then the Top situation.

01[00:07] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Keve we got a new active members who use to be MoF at some other alliacne

01[00:07] <codeXveronica[uINE]> He needs to be masked

01[00:07] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I still dont have full admin

01[00:07] <codeXveronica[uINE]> and today TOP came to us wondering why TnE told them not to do tech deals with them

01[00:07] <codeXveronica[uINE]> lol

01[00:08] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Me and Pyro took care of it

[00:08] <Keve69[uINE]> ok

[00:08] <Keve69[uINE]> are they gonna leave TnE alone?

01[00:09] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I believe so... we told them that we are only obligated to trading with Blunity.. and so is TnE

[00:09] <Keve69[uINE]> ok

01[00:09] <codeXveronica[uINE]> it was somethig that had to be made up spur of the moment... pyro was going to tell them that our allies intended to go to war with them

01[00:09] <codeXveronica[uINE]> in a few months

01[00:09] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I didnt think that was a good idea

[00:11] <Keve69[uINE]> your damn right

[00:11] <Keve69[uINE]> LOL

[00:11] <Keve69[uINE]> that wasnt a good idea

[00:11] <Keve69[uINE]> hehe

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> lol

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> <Mack[TnE-Away]> [14:06] <Keve69[uINE]> ?

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> Its not a misunderstanding

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> I just got some logs

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <PyroPyotr[uINE|GOV]> yeah me too

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <PyroPyotr[uINE|GOV]> well

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <PyroPyotr[uINE|GOV]> I'm going to explain the situation to DrDan

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> Dont

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> Im not sure if you should do that yet

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> Do they know about this war yet?

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> or is it secret?

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> -frozen.coldfront.net:@#secret- MackBot invited Demago into the channel.

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <PyroPyotr[uINE|GOV]> I don't think it's secret

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> -ChanServ:#secret- PROTECT command used for Pickle[TnE] by MackBot

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> Just dont accidently give away intelligence.

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <PyroPyotr[uINE|GOV]> ok

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <PyroPyotr[uINE|GOV]> I wont

01[00:12] <codeXveronica[uINE]> <codeXveronica[uINE]> I would tell them that its just confidential... and in our own rights to deny sales to anyone given alliance and or entity

01[00:13] <codeXveronica[uINE]> but then we went with the blunity thing

[00:15] <Keve69[uINE]> ok

[00:15] <Keve69[uINE]> thx for the logs

[00:15] <Keve69[uINE]> I understand you had to say something

[00:16] <Keve69[uINE]> and pretty much make it up on the moment

[00:16] <Keve69[uINE]> so good job

Domestics in between.

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Because i honestly feel that you over reacted in this situation

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> and you only punished me because you like Nathan so much

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> And thats an unfair reason

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> You didnt even want to reason or hear what I had to say

01[16:56] <codeXveronica[uINE]> It was that I change or I get fired

01[16:57] <codeXveronica[uINE]> SO I changed


01[16:57] <codeXveronica[uINE]> and then Nathan had a problem with that

[16:57] <Keve69[uINE]> ok

[16:57] <Keve69[uINE]> its not cuz I LIKE him

01[16:57] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Even it its unfair to everyone else .... yeah keve I get it

[16:57] <Keve69[uINE]> its has nothing to do with it

[16:57] <Keve69[uINE]> Moo-cows could come here

[16:57] <Keve69[uINE]> and if Nathan made him wanna quit Id act the same way

Me deciding I would just leave.

[18:51] <Keve69[uINE]> right now Veronica I see you when you had merged into UINE

[18:51] <Keve69[uINE]> exactly the same

[18:52] <Keve69[uINE]> and I feel like your gonna be moving in the same direction....

[18:52] <Keve69[uINE]> and thats simply because you wont compromise

01[18:52] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Keve... I will compromise

[18:52] <Keve69[uINE]> you wont do anything but the two extremes

01[18:52] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I respectfully step down as Triumvir of UINE

01[18:52] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Ok keve

[18:52] <Keve69[uINE]> see that the extreme

01[18:52] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I am willing to compromise

[18:52] <Keve69[uINE]> right there

01[18:53] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Even if it kills me

01[18:53] <codeXveronica[uINE]> I will compromise

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> THANK GOD

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> I love you

01[18:53] <codeXveronica[uINE]> and the old jenn will never rise

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> thank gof

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> god*

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> thank you

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> trust me

[18:53] <Keve69[uINE]> you will become insanely more popular than me

01[18:53] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Ok... keve.. my compromise it step down

[18:54] <Keve69[uINE]> what?

01[18:54] <codeXveronica[uINE]> Like I said... maybe in due time

[18:54] <Keve69[uINE]> no-noi-no-no-no

ok so you see time went on and I just wanted to leave UINE... I and just like before I had the last straw but me being the Christian and changed woman I am I refused to stay around and be a lap dog... I left... keve comes up with 30Million in Development I was supposed to of owed to him (agreement Never made) even after Keve admittes I was Key to Development and donated 70% of the recruitment... and even donated 70Million of my own recruitment money... ok so to make a long story short I left keve got pissy and attacked me... me being the better person got my new alliance to work on resolving it... it got resolved.

IF you think keve is a good leader then by my guest. I could care less.... but enough is enough and when will te buck stop.

Nov 18 17:44:09 <codeXveronica> Hello

Nov 18 17:44:13 <codeXveronica> Can I ask you a few questions

Nov 18 17:44:30 <Pickle[TnE]> hi

Nov 18 17:44:48 <codeXveronica> Remember when Keve told you not to do tech deals with TOP?

Nov 18 17:45:28 <Pickle[TnE]> yeah

Nov 18 17:45:40 <codeXveronica> Do you remember the reason why?

Nov 18 17:46:09 <codeXveronica> Wasnt it something because of a coming war.. with TOP and not being the ones to help them to develop any further?

Nov 18 17:46:23 <Pickle[TnE]> yeah

Nov 18 17:46:28 <codeXveronica> or was it something else... damn I cant remember

Nov 18 17:46:54 <codeXveronica> thats it?

Nov 18 17:47:18 <Pickle[TnE]> it was something about a war

Nov 18 17:47:32 <codeXveronica> Do you remember who with...

Nov 18 17:47:39 <Pickle[TnE]> top

Nov 18 17:47:45 <codeXveronica> ok.

Nov 18 17:47:53 <Pickle[TnE]> and some other allied alliance with top

Nov 18 17:48:07 <Pickle[TnE]> i think one was gramlins but im not sure

Nov 18 18:01:29 <codeXveronica> Thanks I appreciate it :D

Nov 18 18:02:57 <Pickle[TnE]>

Keves own protectorate... well have at it.

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One of my reasons for wanting to distance myself from UINE has been because of TeamColtra's membership. Time and again he has proven himself a lightning rod for drama and tends to well overstay his welcome in alliances.

I don't know any of the issues that caused this, and don't care to know. I do hope, however, that some lessons are learned from this and that you can move on for a better future.

Well said, Kevin. I could not have said it better myself.

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And Keve you can deny it all till the sun turns blue and that is just ok... I have god on my side and thats all I need. So good luck to you in the future... and if you want to make this into a debate then I have lots more logs.... from codeXveronicas side and before that toooo.

Im making a stance.... and its the moral stance.... its the right stance.

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I ddint call keve bad... or try to put him in a bad light.. I just want to tell the truth and thus it is.

All you did is show that Keve has UINE's and his allies best interests at heart. I guess he should be thanking you? What exactly are you trying to prove here?

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I dont expect anyone to see this from my point of view becuase of course you are not me... but the only thing I did wrong in UINE was voice my opinion and yeah I made a couple of FA flops... a few people even wanted to leave the alliance because I wasnt "A Friend" but to much of a "leader". At least that is what keve told me. I later went on that rouge stage which everyone should be aware of... but it was with good reason I left being promised that we would still be friends and that everything would be ok but as soon as I left it wasnt eventually I had people attacking me for every dime... people would query me and flame things up on IRC... then false lies started going around.... at that time all I wanted to see was the Fall of Keve... not UINE.

I suppose the glaring question that remains is whether you were involved in, or otherwise supported, this coup attempt.

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