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Legion now is much more interested in the politics of Purple than what NPO may or may not want. The puppet strings are gone. I'm sorry if they aren't living up to your standards for what you think Legion *should* be, but the Legion of 2006 simply doesn't exist anymore.

And apparently have no ambition to regain their stature either. Which is why they're getting rated low, besides the puppet strings and constant outward love for NPO.

That is just a terrible, terrible pun. You should feel bad.

Had to be done, I'm willing to submit to some self-loathing. :v

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And apparently have no ambition to regain their stature either. Which is why they're getting rated low, besides the puppet strings and constant outward love for NPO.


Do you even know what you're talking about when you say "stature"? Legion had stature when the sanctioned alliances read like a list of every alliance with more than One Hundred members.

Legion hasn't had "stature" since people remembered why they hated GOLD.

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Ok. I think we both agree that's how it happened.

Now go look up the definition of Stockholme Syndrome and tell me you didn't just describe it. I'm not saying you aren't friends with NPO. I'm not saying you should cancel your treaty with them. I'm not saying either of you are bad alliances. I am saying that you are friends with NPO because when they took control of your alliance you began to identify and sympathize with them.

Stockholm Syndrome generally doesn't involve the captor falling for the victim enough that they release them early and pay back a significant portion of their reparations.

Then again, maybe we've just got different interpretations.

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And apparently have no ambition to regain their stature either. Which is why they're getting rated low, besides the puppet strings and constant outward love for NPO.

Had to be done, I'm willing to submit to some self-loathing. :v

Self loathing? What about how the REST of us feel? :P

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Thank god it was a significant portion.

...as well as political aid, military aid, financial advice (the Pacific Bank has always been pretty baller), connections to new allies, intel... the list goes on.

What exactly do you define as relevance, Xiphosis? Just wondering.

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Stockholm Syndrome generally doesn't involve the captor falling for the victim enough that they release them early and pay back a significant portion of their reparations.

Then again, maybe we've just got different interpretations.

Sorry to burst your bubble bud, NPO didn't "fall" for you. They got to know you well enough to see how easily manipulable you were, then made the necessary steps to create within Legion a sense of gratitude for their great mercy of not keeping you as an eternal viceroyship and tech farm.

You need to ignore NPO's entire history of foreign affairs to think they rubbed up on you out of infatuation.

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i dont know which was more cringe worthy, xiph's pun or lincongrad not understanding what stockholm syndrome is

I know what it is. I disagree with your assertion that this case is one of Stockholm Syndrome.


You need to ignore NPO's entire history of foreign affairs to think they rubbed up on you out of infatuation.

Sometimes if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a duck.

Edited by Lincongrad
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From Wikipedia (ok its not official, screw me):

"The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological shift that occurs in captives when they are threatened gravely but are shown acts of kindness by their captors. Captives who exhibit the syndrome tend to sympathize with and think highly of their captors, at times believing that the captors are showing them favor stemming from inherent kindness. Such captives fail to recognize that their captors' choices are essentially self-serving. When subjected to prolonged captivity, these captives can develop a strong bond with their captors, in some cases including a sexual interest."


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See: Karma War

See: Popcorn war (IS-CG)

Balls you say?

when's the last time any alliance you were a part of did anything ballsy?

Give Invicta more credit, yeah they screwed up, but they really do have their allies at heart and honor is really important there.

Uhh, what?

Invicta hasn't shown any balls for the last 3 months. RIA showed plenty of balls in the hours before the Karma war broke out when we were prepared to fight a Guerilla Warfare campaign against what seemed like overwhelming forces and only a few key allies.

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Uhh, what?

Invicta hasn't shown any balls for the last 3 months. RIA showed plenty of balls in the hours before the Karma war broke out when we were prepared to fight a Guerilla Warfare campaign against what seemed like overwhelming forces and only a few key allies.

Uhh, no one ever thought that was going to happen in the hours before the Karma war.
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No one ever accused him of knowing what he was talking about, either.

No one ever accused either of you knowing since you weren't in the channel where everyone decided to sit it out. Go ask Delta, please, before you make fools of yourselves.

Hmmm? Signing on to help NpO? Must have missed that history class somewhere..

Guess you did. Ask your government.

I don't ever remember fighting for NpO in the NoCB war.

That's because NpO allowed you to be rolled by Valhalla before it got to that point.

Actually I seem to remember fighting with what you refer to as the "Hegemony" at that time (I can only assume you are refering to the Pro-NPO coalition forces). Actually, the fact that you were refer to both the Pro-NPO forces of the NoCB war and the Pro-NPO forces of the Karma as the "Hegemony" thereby infering they are the same of a similar institution is rather laughable when you compare the composition of the respective coalitions, which begs the question whether you have any idea what you are talking about and why anyone should be listening to you.

Pretty sure you can ask anyone I know if I "know what [i'm] talking about". It's probably all a little too confusing for you in your black-and-white world anyways, though.

We supported treaty partners in the Karma War instead of bailing on them, yeah Stockholm Syndrome whatever, it was the honorable thing to do even though a vocal minority was vehemently opposed to helping the NPO. Your alliance honored its treaty obligations as well and I respect you for it. Baseless and factually incorrect name-calling is puerile. If you really want to get to know Legion then feel free to visit us on IRC or at avelegio.net, or you can hold to your opinion like a rapid dog. Your move.

You signed a treaty with an alliance that had you beaten down a couple of times and defended them. That's essentially Stockholm Syndrome.

Don't worry about it Fingolfin, they need a reason to hate and true friends of Pacifica are very easy to hate on right now. You guys stuck to your guns and fought by your allies when you knew you'd lose; when MK does it it's honorable, when you guys do it you're meatshield plus. CN runs on cognitive dissonance, I swear.

Please point me to where MK's allies supported someone attacking them, then fought them themselves and had a viceroy rule over them. Oh, wait... that never happened.

Edited by Penkala
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See: Karma War

See: Popcorn war (IS-CG)

Balls you say?

when's the last time any alliance you were a part of did anything ballsy?

Give Invicta more credit, yeah they screwed up, but they really do have their allies at heart and honor is really important there.

Wow, I missed this earlier. Good on you if you think sending a few million in aid is ballsy. How long did Invicta fight for in the Karma war anyway?

Oh yeah....


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That would be a valid point only if I was claiming that NPO had destroyed Athens' identity. I'm not.

EDIT: I just realized that it has been 2 years since Purplegate today.

I'm saying that if you read Athens charter it doesn't tell you much about who we are as an alliance. In fact, I'm willing to bet 99% of people with an idea of who Athens is as an alliance have never read our charter. I don't even remember the last time I read our charter. :P

99% of people with an opinion about Legion haven't read your charter, but they do have an opinion about your alliance.

Charters =/= Identity

Actions = Identity

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From Wikipedia (ok its not official, screw me):

"The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological shift that occurs in captives when they are threatened gravely but are shown acts of kindness by their captors. Captives who exhibit the syndrome tend to sympathize with and think highly of their captors, at times believing that the captors are showing them favor stemming from inherent kindness. Such captives fail to recognize that their captors' choices are essentially self-serving. When subjected to prolonged captivity, these captives can develop a strong bond with their captors, in some cases including a sexual interest."


[ooc]It eerie how similar it happened in-game to RL. Everything except the sexual stuff :P[/ooc]

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