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Rating alliances


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If he wasn't baiting, he should understand that the way he phrases his posts comes off that way and try to not do so in future. He'd been talking about 'feeding off the hate' and so on before his rating post as well ;).

And yes, rising to the bait wasn't clever, but people were trying to claim that Ragnarok/Hoo had been unreasonably aggressive towards NSO, when in actuality his response to Corinan's (real or apparent) bait was fairly diplomatic.


So we can agree that we popularized "white peace" and Van Hoo created "Aggressive Diplomacy".

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I suppose I should get around to actually doing some rating. Justifications given for large alliances and/or ones I care about.

lolhalla - 3 - Defintely less vocal since they lost that whole Continuum thing. I wonder why.

I could have swore ODN government had a different view of Valhalla back when it was puckering up to IRON.

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If he wasn't baiting, he should understand that the way he phrases his posts comes off that way and try to not do so in future. He'd been talking about 'feeding off the hate' and so on before his rating post as well ;).

And yes, rising to the bait wasn't clever, but people were trying to claim that Ragnarok/Hoo had been unreasonably aggressive towards NSO, when in actuality his response to Corinan's (real or apparent) bait was fairly diplomatic.

Are you seriously claiming that my lovely Doppiebear "started it" by simply participating in the topic?

This is a stupid argument anyway, and you won't ever stop finding any possible link to justify your bias, but that's just remarkably inane and irrational. Hence, I must remark.

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I could have swore ODN government had a different view of Valhalla back when it was puckering up to IRON.

I do believe that was one or two specific people, and 12 months ago.

At any rate, how're you doing these days SpoiL?

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That's pretty possible. Views Change, don't they?


Yes. Just fun watching those views change opposite to mine. I'm a little curious to know what changed them. BnT maybe.

I do believe that was one or two specific people, and 12 months ago.

At any rate, how're you doing these days SpoiL?

They were some ambitious people, fighting an uphill battle. ;)

I am well, thanks.

Edited by SpoiL
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Who's really baiting here? Corinan for voicing a simple opinion and defending it or you for insinuating that Corinan "started it".

OOC: Honestly, I'm tempted to just report you for discussing mod issues but I think it would be counterproductive as you've already done enough damage by making false accusations of baiting after Corinan simply participated in this topic, as per the OP's instructions.

Just as you say Corinan is entitled to his opinion, guess what bob is also entitled to his aswell.

He plays it as he see it, and it is not very often that he is incorrect in his findings.

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Just as you say Corinan is entitled to his opinion, guess what bob is also entitled to his aswell.

He plays it as he see it, and it is not very often that he is incorrect in his findings.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion. Who am I to deny them of it?

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Just as you say Corinan is entitled to his opinion, guess what bob is also entitled to his aswell.

He plays it as he see it, and it is not very often that he is incorrect in his findings.

Let me be perfectly clear, we in NSO are all for one's right to be wrong. ;)

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Let me be perfectly clear, we in NSO are all for one's right to be wrong. ;)

Well after reading Corinan's rankings, does seem over the top since you do either one of two things for most alliances. Saying that they bash NSO all the time or want to destroy you but don't have the nads to.

Therefor I consider bobs opinion to be correct

Now since you say this about so many alliances do you not consider in the slightest if true why they would bash or want NSO destroyed? or are you to busy worshiping Ivan's shopping list as stated by Sunstar.

when I say you, I mean Corinan not you SpoiL ;)

EDIT: Grammer FTW

Edited by nutkase
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Who's really baiting here? Corinan for voicing a simple opinion and defending it or you for insinuating that Corinan "started it".

OOC: Honestly, I'm tempted to just report you for discussing mod issues but I think it would be counterproductive as you've already done enough damage by making false accusations of baiting after Corinan simply participated in this topic, as per the OP's instructions.

If I call you out on baiting, does that mean I'm baiting? Pretty sure Hoo was voicing his opinion, too. Damn this argument is annoying.

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i'll play (but don't expect many high or low numbers and if you ask me tomorrow some numbers may change)

TOP - 5 Used to be higher, but I lost a lot of respect for them over the first half of this year

MHA - 4 see TOP

Sparta - 5 don't much care either way

NpO - 6 Post Sponge Polar is ++ but I question the influences of another alliances

IRON - 8 Good chaps

ODN - * other than Cat i don't know anyone, and have no opinion

FARK - 5 I went to ZI for these guys back in the day, but have had little interaction since

GPA - 5 pacifism, lol

NPO - 4 i have prejudices from my early days in CN, and the actions immediately preceding and during the opening rounds of teh Karma war left a bad taste in my mouth, but I'm willing to see if Cortath can do anything with what they have

FOK - 4 mostly because of the ifok relationship

MK - 6 If i wasn't in Valhalla, i'd have most likely wound up in MK when my sabbatical on the moon ended

WTF - * no opinion

TOOL - 6 Kinda like these guys, no real reson for it though

TDO - *

VE - *

Legion - 7 Some good people doing a decent job and working against a bad rap. Saying they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome is a slap in the face.

RoK - 6 Always seem decent enough when speaking to them, and whoo Vikings

GATO - 6 My first home, way back when

CSN - *

Athens - 3 Sorry, Jack annoys the hell outta me

Gremlins - 4 They know the game, but they irk me for no apparent reason

MCXA - 5 some days i'm not sure what to make of MCXA, although i've never made much of an attempt to know them better

UPN - 4 Hi Altheus >_>

RIA - 5 no real contact outside of Karma related business, easy enough to talk to though

STA - 2 a few poison apples spoil this batch, could easily rate higher

Invicta - 5 recently lowered my opinion but they've been repairing the rift and could rate higher

RnR - *

MASH - 6 Even if they did fight on the wrong side =P

*** this is taking too long, so i'm just going to hit a few more and call it a post***

NSO - 3 The evil NPO of old is here, mostly because i don't like Ivan or his personality cult

MA - 6 no Kait =(

Umbrella - 5 hard to figure, but seemingly fair people

FAN - 7 Gotta love how they stuck it out

PC - 6 not much contact, but i've never had an issue with them recently and they were exceedingly easy to work with as we came off terms

GGA - 4 Wrong turn at Albuquerque

TPF - 7 Much love for the AA in general, certain individuals not so much

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NSO - 3 The evil NPO of old is here, mostly because i don't like Ivan or his personality cult

First part is true, but someone's going to have to point me in the direction of Ivans cult in the NSO. I've been here since day one and I still can't find it. Ignorance.

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First part is true, but someone's going to have to point me in the direction of Ivans cult in the NSO. I've been here since day one and I still can't find it. Ignorance.

I know nothing of how it works within NSO, but claiming there's no Personality Cult around Ivan is ridiculous. Look at the reactions to threads and appearances he made before his most recent reroll, and what other former CN player could walk back into the game and create an AA of any significance over a weekend because of his name alone?

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I know nothing of how it works within NSO, but claiming there's no Personality Cult around Ivan is ridiculous. Look at the reactions to threads and appearances he made before his most recent reroll, and what other former CN player could walk back into the game and create an AA of any significance over a weekend because of his name alone?

Perhaps Ivan actually is a talented enough leader to have gotten such a thing on his own merits?

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I know nothing of how it works within NSO

You could have (and should have) stopped right there. Yes, we grew quickly in the beginning due to the initial excitement of Ivans return, but the glory seekers soon left us. What we have now is the real deal and not some gaggle of misty eyed sycophants fawning over his every word. There is no personality cult in the New Sith Order.

Ok maybe there is but it's built around me. I mean look at me!

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Perhaps Ivan actually is a talented enough leader to have gotten such a thing on his own merits?

or perhaps you've just drank too much of the kool-aid.

I don't expect any standing member of any of the Orders to willingly admit to being a part of the aforementioned personality cult past or present, most people can't see it from the inside. This isn't a knock against you, Corinan or anyone else to whom it applies, it's just the way it works.

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or perhaps you've just drank too much of the kool-aid.

I don't expect any standing member of any of the Orders to willingly admit to being a part of the aforementioned personality cult past or present, most people can't see it from the inside. This isn't a knock against you, Corinan or anyone else to whom it applies, it's just the way it works.

LOL, we're cult members, Chron! We should all start wearing utilitarian gray jumpsuits and shaving our heads. If we're gonna do it we might as well do it right. There's no comets scheduled to pass by Bob anytime soon, is there?

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You could have (and should have) stopped right there. Yes, we grew quickly in the beginning due to the initial excitement of Ivans return, but the glory seekers soon left us. What we have now is the real deal and not some gaggle of misty eyed sycophants fawning over his every word. There is no personality cult in the New Sith Order.

Ok maybe there is but it's built around me. I mean look at me!

Thou dost protest too much methinks.

The Personality Cult built NSO by your own admission. The only reason it may no longer exist is because familiarity breeds contempt, and his image is tarnished by repeated exposure.

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Well after reading Corinan's rankings, does seem over the top since you do either one of two things for most alliances. Saying that they bash NSO all the time or want to destroy you but don't have the nads to.

Therefor I consider bobs opinion to be correct

Now since you say this about so many alliances do you not consider in the slightest if true why they would bash or want NSO destroyed? or are you to busy worshiping Ivan's shopping list as stated by Sunstar.

when I say you, I mean Corinan not you SpoiL ;)

EDIT: Grammer FTW

I joined NSO for the fabulous Heft. I never heard of this Ivan Muldabi chap.

No way would I join an alliance for quality leadership. Nope, not me, never.

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I know nothing of how it works within NSO...

You're right- you don't. Why you think you would thus be qualified to comment on the NSO is beyond me.

As for the rest of that quote, did it ever occur to you that the NSO wasn't founded to be a 1 man alliance and that those responsible for its founding were competent enough to establish a basic infrastructure to ensure that the alliance wouldn't fall like a house of cards? Had the NSO been simply founded on a "cult of personality" then it would've fallen flat on its face, but it has instead thrived because those institutions that were created to ensure the viability of the alliance have proven to be the hallmark of effeciency and competency. But please, go ahead and attribute every last shred of success that we've had to this elusive "cult of personality" that apparently surrounds Ivan like some dark shroud; ignore the institutions that are responsible for our success and continued growth. After all, your actual argument isn't based on anything resembling facts or evidence, but rather on a mish-mash of misconstrued beliefs and platitudes that all seem to center around this vague "cult of personality".

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