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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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Invicta doesn't make veiled threats. You can ask Terry Howard.

I'm direct. Apparently I have injured some of your feelings, and for that I apologize. But I don't mince words. If I wanted us to attack you, you would have been told that in unmistakable words.

I can appreciate that in a man, seriously.

Still, I don't see a reason for any of you to complain about Stickmen, they haven't done anything wrong. Contrary to someone who is now bragging about him not being in anarchy yet. :P

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Like I said, you want to know why I believed that to be the case, then ask him.

Apparently if you're denying it... Ah well.

Again, how can Jonte possibly speak for FOK? What can I deny if I even didn't knew of it till now?

You're still talking nonsense.

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We did. The Illuminati are gone now.

Right, I'm sure you told them the minute you thought about attacking them, that you were going to attack them. And I'm positive that no amount of planning went into it, and at no time was illuminati kept in the dark about what was coming through either flat out trickery or false hope, that war was avoidable.

Yes, I'm sure you're quite the honest man when it comes to these things, and you have never, and will never, bide your time, fluff up your enemies with a false sense of security, and attack only when the odds are dramatically in your favour.

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And I have logs of SLCB and iFok trolling our IRC channel (using plenty of expletives I can't put here) well before this senate business came about. Is that relevant?

What about when Stickmen just decided to join Purple without talking to anyone on Purple? Messaging sovereign alliances about voting for your candidate?

You're lucky we are as nice as we are. I'm sure many out there on Bob would see these actions as purely hostile. But as long as you're having fun, right?

Ok I only made it this far and I have to interject.

This was totally unrelated. like... I can't explain it or anything, but it was planned, and totally unrelated to senate seats or purple unrest or whatever people are claiming.

but that day of trolling was pretty fun in #awfulsea

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I don't know the Michael fella, but Stetson is a cool guy, easy to work with, and quite pleasant and bright and fun. I'd like to counter-endorse with Stetson of Axeland, for purple senate :P

the candidate that we endorse for purple senator is superior to the candidate that you endorse for purple senator.

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Ok I only made it this far and I have to interject.

This was totally unrelated. like... I can't explain it or anything, but it was planned, and totally unrelated to senate seats or purple unrest or whatever people are claiming.

but that day of trolling was pretty fun in #awfulsea

But yes, we're the beligerent ones who didn't want to play nice. :D


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But yes, we're the beligerent ones who didn't want to play nice. :D


case made for my previous argument about the candidate that we endorse for purple senator being superior to the candidate that you endorse for purple senator.

reason(s) (i'll edit more in as they present themselves)

1) Stetson is belligerent and doesn't play nice.

I'd like to also take this opportunity to mention that at this rate, coming up with poignant reasons to support our candidate is like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Invicta doesn't make veiled threats. You can ask Terry Howard.

I'm direct. Apparently I have injured some of your feelings, and for that I apologize. But I don't mince words. If I wanted us to attack you, you would have been told that in unmistakable words.

Like "what you've done is an act of war."?

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No. I think I will quote Electron Sponge.

That's a good example of a threat. :)

cant even come up with your own threat so you have to borrow someone else's? you're really not very good at this, are you?

it's absolutely laughable for you to pretend that you don't want to see us destroyed. I know you do. I know you do. I can just see you in the back-chambers of whatever hovel you cower in, wringing your hands, pacing, desperately trying to figure out a way to destroy us for having the gall to do as we please in your sphere... YOUR SPHERE... desperately trying to figure out a way to do that and to still come out on top in the end as both the winner AND the good guy...

but your tiny little brain can't wrap itself around the problem to crap out a solution.

and it's driving. you. insane.

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cant even come up with your own threat so you have to borrow someone else's? you're really not very good at this, are you?

it's absolutely laughable for you to pretend that you don't want to see us destroyed. I know you do. I know you do. I can just see you in the back-chambers of whatever hovel you cower in, wringing your hands, pacing, desperately trying to figure out a way to destroy us for having the gall to do as we please in your sphere... YOUR SPHERE... desperately trying to figure out a way to do that and to still come out on top in the end as both the winner AND the good guy...

but your tiny little brain can't wrap itself around the problem to crap out a solution.

and it's driving. you. insane.

It really hard to say if you're being serious anymore. <_<

So the main Purple alliances are saying that the Stickmen can't run a guy for senate? If this is the truth, it is just really sad on Purples behalf.

No, we aren't. We never have been. Read the thread.

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No. I think I will quote Electron Sponge.

That's a good example of a threat. :)

Let's do some math.

Given: A=B and B=C

Conclusion: A=C

I think everyone can agree with that.

So let's apply it to RL. (OOC: Well CN RL, not REAL real life)


<Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

<Haflinger> Impersonating alliance government is an act of war, however.

Conclusion: You have committed an act of war.

How much more direct can you be without upfront saying it? It's pretty direct for anyone who's been through.. I want to say 8th or 9th grade math. I forget when I learned that rule.

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So the main Purple alliances are saying that the Stickmen can't run a guy for senate? If this is the truth, it is just really sad on Purples behalf.

If they could stop us doing it they would, but they really don't have the balls to, and so just baw all day about it.

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We've yet to post a topic on the matter. Who posted this thread?

What you just posted would actually back up my statement. You're all bawing in this thread and in private, yet you don't have the gumption to make your own thread, call us out etc. etc.

Edited by Shovel
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Ok so after Stickmen had already come to PEACE for talks about becoming members of the Bloc you come back with a revision in the treaty that would prevented iFOK and SLCB from having the ability to have a senator in the rotation and FCO barely meeting the criteria? That's really encouraging.

Also before you say we were planning this before talks with Stickmen:

And things get more interesting. I'm still convinced PEACE are in the wrong here, and this certainly isn't helping their case any.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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The entire concept of trying to 'control' senate seats is ridiculous. If you have the support of the people in the sphere, ie; those who make up the trades and whose opinion matters most. Then you deserve the seats. Nobody should threaten others for senate seats. It's such a ridiculous concept, and is completely outdated. I support SLCB in their right to elect whomever they goddamn please.

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