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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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Since the statement that it would be okay to hurl threats after "this senate stuff"

Okay, okay, I got 'em:

<Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

<Haflinger> You're obviously copying our format.

<arexes[iFOK]> I don't

<arexes[iFOK]> lol

<Haflinger> If you think this is appropriate, expect to start receiving directions from us.

<arexes[iFOK]> directions, how?

<Haflinger> That's all I have to say.

<arexes[iFOK]> ok fine

<arexes[iFOK]> ttyl I guess

<Haflinger> Impersonating alliance government is an act of war, however.

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There is an obvious conflict between a major power variable in a large sphere of influence. The PEACE accords, from my mind, are likeable to a large cartel which is co-operating in order to hold the senate seats of the sphere. Morever, since PEACE originally encompassed nearly all of the colour, it was not an issue since the cartel left no major players out of negotiations or benefits. This meant is was not a zero-sum game. However, the emergence of stickmen provides a new element of competition in which there is, to some degree, a zero-sum outcome (because the power variable is rivalrous). The purpose of this cartel is to hold power and if it cannot hold it, it will not be as legitimate to hold the purple senate. Therefore, I would argue its imperative for PEACE to maintain its hold or renegotiate its senate terms or else it will have a hard time maintaining the influence it does.

Just some thoughts.

We already share the seats this seems to be something the Stickmen don't want. We were quite happy to share the seats with them, but they dont want to share with us. Correct me if I'm wrong SM.

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We already share the seats this seems to be something the Stickmen don't want. We were quite happy to share the seats with them, but they dont want to share with us. Correct me if I'm wrong SM.

We're sharing seats with you now and we're quite content?

But yeah, you're wrong. We were quite willing to share the senate with you, you however would not share with us.

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Hardly, but you have to recognize that PEACE is comprised of all the major powers on purple. So at the very least, it would behoove you to try to get on well with us, seeing as how we make up the majority of the sphere.

Aqua has way more "major powers" than purplol could ever have. The extent of the process before we moved there? Notifying them that we were moving there. Not sucking up, not begging to be allowed, not kissing the rears of the "major powers". We told them, we moved, we got on with life. Of all the spheres, it's the only one that had an alliance that wished us harm (and admitted it publically anyway :awesome:)

Every sphere is free for anyone to move to, unless you have the muscle and the testicular fortitude to prevent it militarily. You don't. Get over it and move on with your lives. They are playing you like a violin and it's gone from amusing to simply sad.

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They were after the senate stuff, yes, so...? It's an act of war to get a senator elected? Or are you going to go down the whole moral highway route about messaging people?

Never said it was a valid reason for a war. What Haf did was over board, but that doesn't push aside the fact that what you did was disrespectful, plain and simple. People rightfully got annoyed it when they got senate spam from NPO and when they wouldn't stop when asked to, people don't like it now.

On the other hand, are you confirming that Purple didn't threaten you guys before this senate stuff went down and treated the Stickmen decently?

Since when is holding a senator a CB?

Do you all like to put words in people's mouths?

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Okay, okay, I got 'em:

<Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

<Haflinger> You're obviously copying our format.

<arexes[iFOK]> I don't

<arexes[iFOK]> lol

<Haflinger> If you think this is appropriate, expect to start receiving directions from us.

<arexes[iFOK]> directions, how?

<Haflinger> That's all I have to say.

<arexes[iFOK]> ok fine

<arexes[iFOK]> ttyl I guess

<Haflinger> Impersonating alliance government is an act of war, however.

Directions? What? I frankly see no threats... Haf merely stated that impersonating another alliance's government is an act of war, which it most certainly is. However, if purple viewed your hold of a senate seat as an act of war, we'd have done something about it long before now.

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Does anyone disagree with this? It was an issue of government impersonation and not a senate issue.

Except, you know, there was no government impersonating, only Haflinger making ignorant assumptions.

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Never said it was a valid reason for a war. What Haf did was over board, but that doesn't push aside the fact that what you did was disrespectful, plain and simple. People rightfully got annoyed it when they got senate spam from NPO and when they wouldn't stop when asked to, people don't like it now.

On the other hand, are you confirming that Purple didn't threaten you guys before this senate stuff went down and treated the Stickmen decently?

Do you all like to put words in people's mouths?

I never said purple threatened us before; they made some masked threats and took jabs at us, but not outright threats.

Edited by Shovel
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"I consider this an act of war"

"I declare war on you for myself or Invicta or Purple Unity"

or even

"If you don't turn your votes off/leave purple/quit spamming we will declare war on you" are totally different statements.

See, among the rest of the world things can be worked out in response to an act of war as it evidenced by tech raiders attacking aligned nations. Unless it's a ghost, most of the time both sides come to an agreement that doesn't include a DoW. Our answer to a perceived act of war was to concentrate on getting Arexes knocked out of the senate. Now we may or may not succeed at that, but it was the course we decided to take.

There's a big difference between threats and opinions and this just illustrates who well Purple Unity works. Haf may think it's an act of war, but guess what, the rest of us didn't agree and we went a different route.

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"I consider this an act of war"

"I declare war on you for myself or Invicta or Purple Unity"

or even

"If you don't turn your votes off/leave purple/quit spamming we will declare war on you" are totally different statements.

See, among the rest of the world things can be worked out in response to an act of war as it evidenced by tech raiders attacking aligned nations. Unless it's a ghost, most of the time both sides come to an agreement that doesn't include a DoW. Our answer to a perceived act of war was to concentrate on getting Arexes knocked out of the senate. Now we may or may not succeed at that, but it was the course we decided to take.

There's a big difference between threats and opinions and this just illustrates who well Purple Unity works. Haf may think it's an act of war, but guess what, the rest of us didn't agree and we went a different route.

There's an amazing amount of bad logic on your part if you let people run over you in wartime by trying to get a useless senate seat.

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Show me where he said that.

Try reading.

<Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

<Haflinger> You're obviously copying our format.

<Haflinger> Impersonating alliance government is an act of war, however.

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Show me where he said that.

<Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

<Haflinger> You're obviously copying our format.

<arexes[iFOK]> I don't

<arexes[iFOK]> lol

Here you go, honey :wub:

Edit: Ach, ninja'd by Unavailable Contact :(

Edited by Drool
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if you want votes then spam the people not in alliances becuase i dont want a buch of people telling me to vote for someone and clogging up my inbox

You must not get much mail if you think one or maybe two messages is clogging up your inbox.

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