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Rumor is Mostly Fact


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In the ruins of Saint George City Generalissimo has called yet another a press conference, this media event could have been held a little closer to civilization but Generalissimo prefers the atmosphere of an abandoned city.

Generalissimo stands behind a podium next to a bullet-ridden car visibly holding a stack of folders clearly marked Classified: Procinctia Armed Forces Military Command analysis concerning Operation Connect Four, proposed operational directives for the proposed liquidation of Kaiser Martens.

“It’s been a month since any of anyone’s heard anything from me even on Procinctia Broadcasting Corporation transmissions; my relative inactivity has been perpetuating unsubstantiated rumors, speculation, and Wild Mass Guessing – I stand beofre today to set the record strait once and for all.

Once again there are only two rules today - if possible keep your clothes on and please refrain from attempting to kill me until after this media event, try not to abuse this freedom otherwise various security measures will be activated ensuring my survival and this conference will continue as scheduled. Pleas don't even bother taking turns asking questions, I’ll get around to most your inquires eventually.

Today’s press conference is not limited to people with media credentials; it’s also open to international personalities and other world leaders who undoubtedly want to know what I’ve been up to.

Addressing the topic at hand, the rumors are mostly true. . . all of them."


Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia


Ruins of Saint George City, Saint George Island

Out of Character Stuff: I’ve been mostly inactive for the past month or so, here long just enough to avoid being wiped yet not here enough to be a real part of the community.

I’m making it up to everyone with a fun game, ask about any rumor concerning Generalissimo’s whereabouts (or about Generalissimo himself) and he’ll explain how it’s mostly true.

Edited by Generalissimo
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"I've heard a rumor that spies of unknown origin tried to kill you with exploding cigars. Is this true?"

"Is it true you've been playing in the Carthage Gridiron Football tournament under an assumed name but you quit because you suck at it?" - both questions by an anonymous reporter

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An Austrian reporter raised his hand.

"Is it true you wrecked havoc in an Austrian pie-factory after not being allowed to try out their apple pie?"

It was an appropriate response to a Dark Hand plot to deny Generalissimo apple pie.

The families have been compensated.

"Is it true you did the entire September '09 Calendar harem?" Asked a Carthaginian reporter.
Yes, Generalissimo did that with the entire September '09 Calendar harem - as well as their respective staffs and photographers. Although not necessarily at the same time, as commonly believed.
"Is it true that you were touring the Outback in Australia, were bitten by a rattlensake, and somehow the snake died instead of you?"
Yes, my blood is surprisingly fatal to rattlensakes and goldfish.
"The statement that there was "no sex of any kind in any manner, shape or form, between Ms. Lewinsky and Generalissimo," was an utterly false statement. Is that correct?"
That is correct, Ms. Lewinsky is part of the aforementioned September '09 Calendar harem.
"Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"
Scolar Visari stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Hanseatic girls all over the country are caught up in Generalissimo-fever. Many have posters in their room that look like this.


Little known fact, said poster is distributed by Generalissimo to rise additional finances for the Kiska Atka bounty.
It is rumored that Lady Asgeirsson herself is a fan of who might possibly be, the most interesting man in the world.
Lady Asgeirsson is an unapologetic Generalissimo fangirl who’s hording at least (if not more than) 1/5 of the world’s Generalissimo paraphernalia when she's not stalking Generalissimo.
Is it true that you beat Chuck Norris in every event you took part with him?
I’ve beat Chuck Norris in every event we’ve taken part together, yet the only event so far has been table tennis.

Our last game was a two hundred hour long game of Ping-Pong on top of a burning blimp - Norris wants a rematch.

Is it true about you trying on your Ambassador's school uniform?
It’s not the same uniform, Lisk’a wouldn’t fit, so my skirt is custom tailored.

It’s not a well known fact, but I’ve been attending classes regularly at Liska’s all-girl-school since she’s joined my administration.

Is it true you've been too lazy to rebuild St. George since the last war between Procinctia and Republic of War?
I wouldn’t call it lazy per say, it’s just the result of extended procrastination and a lack of motivation. . . I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually.

I’m not making excuses or anything, but if I rebuilt St. George where would I hold international press conferences?

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"Is it true you've been playing in the Carthage Gridiron Football tournament under an assumed name but you quit because you suck at it?" - both questions by an anonymous reporter
I've been playing in the Carthage Gridiron Football tournament pseudonym Allissimo Gen, I had to quit because my rating was less than average from penalties provoked by exploding cigars.
"I've heard a rumor that spies of unknown origin tried to kill you with exploding cigars. Is this true?"
Spies have been trying to kill me will exploding cigars for year, but their origins aren't entirely unknown. I know exactly who where they come from. Here's a hint, it rhymes with Dransvaal.
"Is it true you're really a spy for Kaiser Martens, and you've been pretending to be his greatest enemy?"
Am I a spy for Kaiser Martens?

You dare insinuate I’m sort of Nordista spy?

Do you know who I am?

I’ve been fighting Martens from the beginning.

! ! ! I’m Generalissimo, Generalissimo of ! ! !

I could have you shot, then killed, I could. . . who am I kidding?

I have been sharing intelligence with ‘Kaiser Martens’ for a long time.

"Are you really Kaiser Martens in disguise? I've never seen you two together in photos without one completely covered in something or other. It's all pretty damn suspicious!"
Kaiser Martens and I share a common identity, you’re right about that much

You have all the pieces yet you still assemble the puzzle incorrectly.

Kaiser Martens is and has always been a mask of Generalissimo.

I’m not Martens in disguise because Kaiser Martens, as you know him, does not exist.

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"Is it true that you were touring the Outback in Australia, were bitten by a rattlensake, and somehow the snake died instead of you?"

OOC: No Rattlesnakes in Australia ;)

IC: "Is it true that you went on a rampage in Northern Libya after finding out Alcohol is Illegal?" asked a Libyan Reporter.

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Is it true that you took a vacation in the Aether Empire during the time when Carthage decided to drop 24 nuclear weapons on them and then came out in the morning (unscathed) from your hotel (the only thing left standing) and thought you were back home in Saint George?

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