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Apologies and a good bye


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First of all, I would like to encourage you with all sincerity and seriousness not to reroll. I believe that it is easy to make mistakes in Cyber Nations, just as it is easy to make mistakes in real life. The trick is not to allow our errors to destroy us, as they would if you rerolled, but to learn from them and become the better for it. To continue while people dislike you, scorn you or misunderstand you requires strength of character, and in doing so you retain self-respect. You also know with certainty that you control your own destiny and do not allow yourself to be influenced by the opinions of others. I know that if I ever reroll, it will not be because I am unable to cope with the prejudices of others.

Furthermore, I would like to state that too many in this game are motivated purely by self-interest. You, however, have decided on what you believe in and set objectives for yourself accordingly, and made steps towards achieving those objectives. For this I salute you, though I cannot say I agree with you.

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I just don't know what to say. I thought that the rest of the world would be far more harsh, even calling for ZI and the likes.

There are still traces of the Old Hegemony remaining, man, but without the singularity of political concentration like there was before, folks are less likely to brazenly lace up their jackboots like the good old days.

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I just don't know what to say. I thought that the rest of the world would be far more harsh, even calling for ZI and the likes.

Get up and keep going. Do something and influence the world. Present us with your opinions on the CNF. Become a member of alliance government. Hell, start a revolution, heaven knows we could do with some drama. Who gives a damn about PZI anyway?

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Trying to change the political views of the alliance that you're in is usually foolish, but lord, there are far worse things you can do in the game, and lots of people have done them and still play the game & have lots of fun. :)

Also, nobody cares in the real-world government if you play a wargame and pretend to be a socialist. If they did, there would be whole chunks of military command that would have to go. Heh.

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Your ideas do seem ambitious and strange but they don't appear to be especially malicious so I don't see why you'd need to re-roll. As far as I'm concerned by thinking things through and planning your moves you have shown that you are at least able to elevate yourself above the many mindless footsoldiers of this game, which is to be commended.

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Your ideas do seem ambitious and strange but they don't appear to be especially malicious so I don't see why you'd need to re-roll. As far as I'm concerned by thinking things through and planning your moves you have shown that you are at least able to elevate yourself above the many mindless footsoldiers of this game, which is to be commended.

Totally. He'll make a fine comrade in the Black Guards. :awesome:

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And who would have me? A person who commits these types of actions? Who could ever trust me again, or at the very least give pause when dealing with me?

No one with decent standards really. I'd also like to join my fellow Polars and call this the most hilarious attempt on Polar to date. You posted a "paper" about direct democracy sucking. Some folks agreed, some disagreed, and some just told you it was a nice read. What I don't understand is, if you wanted to start a movement and corrupt an alliance that is tough as nails, why would you post one thread and quit?

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No one with decent standards really. I'd also like to join my fellow Polars and call this the most hilarious attempt on Polar to date. You posted a "paper" about direct democracy sucking. Some folks agreed, some disagreed, and some just told you it was a nice read. What I don't understand is, if you wanted to start a movement and corrupt an alliance that is tough as nails, why would you post one thread and quit?

I suspect the reason was because, since he came from a Direct Democracy, he was getting some heat from his former friends and he just couldn't take it anymore.

But I might be wrong. Anyway, he did a second attempt at attacking the Direct Democracy in the meanwhile.

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