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Gerald Meanĕ

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Well it's getting to be another year in my life, and it has been a long time on this game for me. I figure it's about time to see if anyone has any questions they want to ask, or opinions they want to hear from my lazy self. Just a note to anyone who reads this and wants to bring old issues up this is on me, and has nothing to do with my alliance Bel Air. If anything somehow does come of this take it out on me, and not them.

First I'll give some background on my cybernations existence. I came to this game at the tail end of the first NAAC-NPO war on the urging of my brother, whom some of you may remember as John Kirkland. He had joined the NPO, and I chose to be unaligned for a little bit as there was a giant war going on which I wanted no part of as a new nation. Eventually I decided to head to a different alliance then my brother ending up in GATO. The first ODN-NPO war passed with no major issue for me, and I was slowly building my tiny nation into the ineffectual wonder it is today.

Anyway I had wanted to stay separate from my brother, but still have our alliances be close relation wise, and power wise. At the time GATO was an ally of the NPO, and that was partly my reason for joining them (the other of course was that they were another of the big players from that time). Eventually however the general membership of GATO began to view the NPO differently, and as such relations declined. Myself hoping to salvage the situation for my brother and I leaked the dissatisfaction (in the form of screenshots of some of the general memberships posts) to the NPO in hopes that the situation could be restored to the old ways. Of course I was, and still pretty much am a lazy person in terms of cybernations politics didn't do much aside from that so really I was of no help there. At that time my brother was somewhat high up in the hierarchy of the NPO (alliance or war counselor, maybe he was both, but I can't really remember), and through him I was offered a position of a spy within GATO, with subsequent boost in rank to ensure I'd be effective (this was back when NPO had a spy program in GATO, and a few others, and had some high ranking multis around), but again due to my laziness as well as not wanting to get curb stomped if found out I declined the offer to be an official spy for the NPO.

Eventually the first great war occurred, and I was "asked" to resign from GATO due to fear of me being a security risk, which I can't blame them for, and to be honest I got ridiculously lucky getting out of that situation intact. Not wanting to be on the opposite side of my brother I joined a small alliance at that point lead by Rambo if I remember correctly (precurser to CDS, but I can't remember the name). It wasn't in the war, but eventually joined in against the NPO at which point I left for neutrality, and eventually rejoined after the war. It was a fun time, although again I didn't really do much politically. From there I met up with Starfox, and split off from the CDS into his alliance at that time.

Then came the merger into >.<, eventual change into \m/ and my most active time in cybernations. Pretty much due to the great people in it (banned member, Jason8, Starfox, Liberal Extinction, and others), and great times I had. I spent less time caring about my nations strength, and more about having fun any way I could. This lead to my heavy preference of raiding, as I found war to be really fun, and I enjoyed the drama that came as a consequence of it. I made a few topics going along with that, allowing cybernations to pick the people who I raided, and so on. The second and third great wars were the peak of this game for me as they were wars in which the outcome really was a toss up, and the winner would decide the balance of power and so on and so forth. I was a part of the top of the mountain so to speak, and was enjoying myself as well as I could.

This wouldn't last forever as the unjust war happened, and \m/ disbanded though I would have fought til zi and back if it didn't. For a period of time I really didn't know where to go, and drifted into unaligned territory, sticking to the red team ironically enough to keep my nation safe from raiders. I was in a period of general ennui, and just kept up to date in terms of my own nation. Once I decided to get myself back into the game, even if it was only as a soldier I came back to a lot bigger world then I remembered in terms of alliances. I figured I had a decent relation with some people in the NPO and decided to give them a try.

The NPO was interesting for me as I really never kept to active in terms of check ins, and so forth so putting more effort into that, and the overall quality of my nation was what I focused on. I figured I'd just get a headache from cybernations politics so I stuck to being another pair of boots for fighting. It was fine for a time, but I just didn't feel the same enjoyment I had from previous alliances. It just wasn't for me, and I ended up leaving them after the jarheads war, and dodging the Karma war by a narrow margin.

Which brings me to the here and now. I joined up with RAD as it had a lot of members I knew from fonder times, and have stuck with it in the transition to Bel Air. I don't remember if I made too many personal enemies, but I've tried to avoid holding grudges, or taking things too seriously to the point of lashing out at anyone whom slighted me (though I can't say I remember many people doing that either). So here I am, with a nation at 1337 days old, one of the laziest members of the community, but I've seen and been through a lot. I intend to see a lot more, so if anyone has anything they'd like to ask go ahead, and I'll try to answer the best I can.

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What event would you may most flip-turned your life upside down?

Great war one as it was the first war of the game that I had anything to do with, it made me realize there was a lot more to the game then I had thought, and there was the inherent hilarity of waking ones drunk twin brother up to explain the world just declared war on him.

CGS I think?

That would be the one. Tyral recruited me I think (again not sure if I'm getting his name right, but that's what I remember).

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\m/ doesn't die. We're still here, watching, waiting. We need no resurrection of the Ninja to do what needs to be done. I'm repping it and flying the flag; to me, \m/ lives.

Join me.

Looks like somebody wants to get raided.

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