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tLC's way of techraiding: teasing and destroying a nation


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This situation has been resolved. I'll leave it to the participants to disclose how if they so desire but just thought the world should know.


Now lets stop the drama here, and start some new drama, or feed some drama elswehere.


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Also, I think we need to clarify what rogue means. My understanding is that it has always meant attacking a member of an alliance when not during an alliance-wide war, or some other sort of agreement. I've never seen it used contrary to that, so let's not try and change the definition. He did do that. He used nukes. He's a nuclear rogue.

So if I was to switch to 'none' tomorrow and a STA nation tech raided me, you'd consider me a nuclear rogue if I fought back with my full arsenal?

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My educated guess is that tLC's bluff got called by FOK. amirite or amirite?
There was no bluff involved. Level heads prevailed.

Go poke the coals of another fire if you must.

This man speaks the truth, there were no bluffs. It was just a matter of Dennis tucking her tail between her legs and running back to a former alliance for protection.

The drama queen got her craved attention and we realized going down this road wasn't worth it over a little !@#$%*.

FOK can choose to take in such filth as they desire...

Edited by ragingchaos
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to me it seems like DO A BARREL ROLL was trying to steal as much as possible knowing that you would be the one blamed for attacking first a "pants caught around your ankles and your mom walks in" type of moment. only you know what was truely happening no matter how it looks to anyone else :lol1:

best of luck to you though

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This man speaks the truth, there were no bluffs. It was just a matter of Dennis tucking her tail between her legs and running back to a former alliance for protection.

The drama queen got her craved attention and we realized going down this road wasn't worth it over a little !@#$%*.

FOK can choose to take in such filth as they desire...

First of all, Denniswerf is guy. Second of all, your member got caught with his pants down. Spying away money and nukes from a nation that you want to techraid might be smart, but it is also cowardly. Thirdly, TLC tried to push their luck with FOK. FOK didn't move an inch. TLC then backed down. Who is the coward here?

I find it pretty hilarious that you first want to let them fight it out and when it is clear your nation can't fight (lol @ no GC's) you suddenly want to gang up on Denniswerf. Again that is pretty cowardly.

So how about you take your cowardly $@! out of this thread cause you are making your alliance look even more pathetic.

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First of all, Denniswerf is guy. Second of all, your member got caught with his pants down. Spying away money and nukes from a nation that you want to techraid might be smart, but it is also cowardly. Thirdly, TLC tried to push their luck with FOK. FOK didn't move an inch. TLC then backed down. Who is the coward here?

I find it pretty hilarious that you first want to let them fight it out and when it is clear your nation can't fight (lol @ no GC's) you suddenly want to gang up on Denniswerf. Again that is pretty cowardly.

So how about you take your cowardly $@! out of this thread cause you are making your alliance look even more pathetic.

LOL.....could you not pick on my sarcasm?!?? Of course he is a guy, just a guy with the biggest vagina I've ever seen :P And surely you can figure out why I currently have no GC's.....well maybe you are just that dumb considering your perception of what happened.

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LOL.....could you not pick on my sarcasm?!?? Of course he is a guy, just a guy with the biggest vagina I've ever seen :P And surely you can figure out why I currently have no GC's.....well maybe you are just that dumb considering your perception of what happened.

I love it how for the second time in a row you manage to avoid all the tricky questions he asks you.

Duck for cover matey.

Edited by AvengerNL
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LOL.....could you not pick on my sarcasm?!?? Of course he is a guy, just a guy with the biggest vagina I've ever seen :P And surely you can figure out why I currently have no GC's.....well maybe you are just that dumb considering your perception of what happened.

With 'your' nation I meant 'Do a Barrel ROLL' ofcourse. Not yourself.

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This man speaks the truth, there were no bluffs. It was just a matter of Dennis tucking her tail between her legs and running back to a former alliance for protection.

The drama queen got her craved attention and we realized going down this road wasn't worth it over a little !@#$%*.

FOK can choose to take in such filth as they desire...

Jesus, would you seriously just stop doing stuff like this? Do you not see how this thread could've easily died without any more drama had you just not baited FOK and Dennis like you just did? What the hell were you thinking? There was an agreement, all you had to do was ignore the inevitable commentators that have nothing better to do with their time than try and rekindle the flames and instead just state calmly that the situation has been resolved. But no, you have to revisit the situation for some bizarre reason because you want one last swipe. You're supposed to be a government member of tLC, so start acting like one.

To everyone: the situation has been resolved. Denniswerf and Nigras along with FOK and tLC are happy with the outcome, so seriously everyone just shut up and go away already. You're not entitled to any information and if you really want to bug Dennis or Nigras for more details, then go individually query them or something.

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Alright lets pack it in here boys. Whats done is done. This useless bickering is getting us nowhere.

I do believe the op requested a lock....Any time now mods

I believe such requests are not being honoured anymore for some time now.

You're funny. You attack someone unprovoked and now you're whining about an unprovoked attack on yourself?

Why are you allowed to do it, but tLC isn't?

Reading comprehension. Seriously, I know the ODN is even more ignorant than you were in the past but please, just please, at least pretend you have some sort of a clue.

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This man speaks the truth, there were no bluffs. It was just a matter of Dennis tucking her tail between her legs and running back to a former alliance for protection.

The drama queen got her craved attention and we realized going down this road wasn't worth it over a little !@#$%*.

FOK can choose to take in such filth as they desire...

If you talk about my friends and alliance like that, you might come and find a nuke in your back yard.

I'm serious.

This was resolved, until you started throwing oil back on the fire with this post.

Where was dennis a drama queen? (yes, dennis is a HE, not a SHE) He got spied on - money and nukes got destroyed; that isn't techraiding, that's aggression (why destroy stuff when you could just raid him?). He then declared war on the nation spying on him (the nation was openly admitting it). He was allowed back into FOK, but FOK wouldn't interfere with the war. You guys threatened to fill up his other defensive slots, but just didn't have the bloody guts to back the threat.

Be wise, don't mess with FOK.... it might turn out to cost you dearly.

And next time: go and curse on us in private channels.

PS. for a MoD you are doing a great job bringing your alliance's safety in danger.

Edited by erikz
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Where was dennis a drama queen? (yes, dennis is a HE, not a SHE) He got spied on - money and nukes got destroyed; that isn't techraiding, that's aggression (why destroy stuff when you could just raid him?). He then declared war on the nation spying on him (the nation was openly admitting it). He was allowed back into FOK, but FOK wouldn't interfere with the war. You guys threatened to fill up his other defensive slots, but just didn't have the bloody guts to back the threat.

So has anyone ever explained why tech-raiding with ground attacks and whatnot isn't aggressive and why certain people are allowed to declare war on whoever they like and damn the consequences but others are not? I think I must've missed that part.

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So has anyone ever explained why tech-raiding with ground attacks and whatnot isn't aggressive and why certain people are allowed to declare war on whoever they like and damn the consequences but others are not? I think I must've missed that part.

I'm not saying that. I was saying that just spying on some one isn't a techraid. Do you agree on that with me? How could you ever TECHraid, if you don't attack a nation but just cowardly spy on it in an effort to try and weaken it.

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