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A new religion for Bob?

Maelstrom Vortex

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[ooc: This is part of my rp based on Bob, your states may abide by their own religion, but I am actually creating this religion purely for this world. Since it is a writing based about the faith of this world, it's going to be very hard to base it on what would be a community wide accepted interpretation of how reality works, but this is how it will work with Dragonisia. Since it will not directly affect your states unless you want to follow it also, do not consider it infringing upon your rights and ways of rping, however.. if you like it, feel free to share in this particular fictional faith if you wish. I hope you enjoy this work. If you want to contest it as the truth in the RP, then do that ICLY when the cult rises.]


Maelstrom woke up, holding his head. He sat up in bed.. he felt rather light. He stood up as he did so and opened his eyes.. Koudoa, his long dead wife, was standing in front of him. He fell backwards through the table he laid on and onto the floor. It took him a few minutes to process the shock.. that he had fallen through a table.. that his dead wife was standing in front of him. How had this happened?

"Love. Calm down." She said, offering her warm hand. She pulled him quietly to his feet by his right hand.

"Where am I?"

"The hospital still. I have much to show you, and to teach you." He stood up. "But you're dead!" He complained, his eyes focused on her.. still somewhat failing to take in the full scopes of his surrounding..

"I told you I would always be with you.. and here I am. And there are you." She pointed to the bed upon which his body lay dead.

He looked down, then to his heart monitors.. "Oh. What now?"

She smiled softly, "We still have work to do. Well, you.. in particular."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Bob is not really shaped by individuals. You had a soul, I had one.. but we are a bit special.. most others have minor souls or none at all.. in fact.. you could stay there are 1-2 souls major souls for each state. Your fate has been tied to your nation. You gave it life, you made it strong, you were its vision and its inspiration for its path. When a nation rises the strength of that spirit draws on the others and becomes its embodiment. I was made strong because of you. You gave me greater strength too. Being the spirit of the state, all your power has come from it.. you could plot the rise and fall of your personal strength in your life with the very rise and fall of the strength of the Dragonisian State.. had you ever noticed that?"

"Not really.. I never seriously paid attention...I still am having trouble understanding...."

She continued, "Most souls go on to what they believe and you could, but I wouldn't recommend it. Bob's afterlife is a bit complicated I've learned while waiting for you. This is almost like a completely different.. ahem.. reality where we are now. You could die and go to heaven, but you're not meant to.. not yet."

"Then what am I meant to do?" He inquired...

"You are the spirit of Dragonisia.." She said.. "Not just the spirit of Maelstrom.. you must move on to inhabit Tidus now that this vessel has served its time and fulfilled its duties.."

"Tidus? But.. doesn't he have his own soul?" He blinked

Koudoa noted, "He and his wife Beth do, but they'll fall apart without us... all of Dragonisia will. You give your influence to the living.. your voice. If you do not, they do not speak in our state, though they have flesh and work and continue their daily lives.. they'll become as drones. When we become them, we will forget our personal identities once more, but we will not be separated.. as is meant to be forever." She interlaced his fingers with him.

"Are you certain we will or must forget?" He inquired..

"No.. I have not made the trip back without you.. I am not sure of anything about the return, just the destiny we have before us." Doctors were pouring into the room. He could see the dimly lit flames in their eyes.. they resembled the own faint bluish glow his own spirit had taken. Her spirit was a different shade.. and matched those of many of the female doctors.

"You're beginning to understand..." She smiled..

"I.. I think so."

"You fear that it diminishes their worth.. but why should it? Is there not enough worth in one soul for all and all souls.. for one?" She asked..

He pondered it.. "A deep question I do not have answers for..." He humbly admitted.

"If you do not return.. the anarchy will come.. and the world.. will feel our passing." She murmured to him softly. "You yearn to return to your creator. He yearns to return to his.. yet.. he wants you to stay.."

"Two creators?" Maelstrom was confused...

"It's hard to explain." Koudoa noted. "But let's just say.. I have a direct line to your direct creator."

"Why don't I?" Maelstrom rumbled..

Koudoa smiled softly.. "In a way.. you would be talking to yourself." She giggled.

Maelstrom snorted.. even more confused.. "Whatever, lets just.. do what we must.." They took a few steps and were mysteriously in the senate chambers.

"You need to relax control though Maelstrom.. or I'm not sure this passing will go easily.." She noted..

"I really don't like this.." He felt very strange as he got near Tidus, it was like there was some invisible magnetic force drawing him to his nephew..

"Maelstrom.. if you resist now.. who you are will diminish completely. It is somewhat like a star standing to near a black hole. You have passed the torch of destiny to this man, now go make him whole and go as a whole.. not in pieces. I go to find Beth.. make sure Tidus treats her well so we never part ways again..."

Some senators... noticed a brief green flash in Tidus' eyes as he finished his speak with somewhat of a cough.. a very eerie flash resembling the eyes of a once prominent ruler. A muttering escaped his mouth, "This is.. too odd.."He shuffled his papers and put them in a briefcase. Tidus suddenly felt like he knew too much, but wasn't sure why or what had happened. He would make an appointment to see his doctor.

The Obituaries the next day read:

Maelstrom Vortex, married to Koudoa Vortex. Former Emperor and last Chairman of the Dragonisian State. Time of Death: 01:38 09/08

The grim news took the headlines of all the papers in Dragonisia that the Chairman had died of a stroke in the night caused by a break away of cancerous tumor into his blood that caused brain death. The temporary Chairman would assume the role now permanently in his stead. The nation was in a state of mourning, flags were lowered to half staff.. large memorials planned, a large visitation arranged. Having no family save the public, they would all be welcomed to attend.

For days the streets of Dragonisian City would be blocked with traffic from around India. The Great Emperor had finally fallen, a few years granted by the will of science after his brush with nuclear death, but nothing could be sustained indefinitely.

Tidus would begin to be wracked with strange dreams and nightmares.. Beth would wake to comfort him. "Shhh... it is just a bad dream.. let go of it.." The last part of her whisper was the strangest of the whisper.. it was like it ringed with part of him, but he wasn't sure of what he was to release.

[ooc: Comments and feedback appreciated.]

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The King of Cochin read the news and was silent. "Good bye , my friend."

A drop of tear fell from his eyes. He then summoned his secretary and said,

"Chairman of Dragonisia, Maelstrom Vortex is dead. Arrange my plane. I must go to Dragonisia to pay my respects."

It is just not enough to send condolences. It would be too condescending to a great man. He would go personally.

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She had rather wished that they had been closed off from the outside world.

News traveled fast and even for the remote village on the east coast of the Imperial Union, word of Vortex's death slowly crept into the ears of the recruits of the Imperial Special Operations Program. For many of the students, it had been a passing word, a few remarks and the day continued. Some offered their respects, some their satisfaction, it all depended how the individual viewed the country, not that man that had ruled it. This was the commonplace, all except for one recruit that just couldn't get out of bed that morning, she would be beat the next day, but the tears in her eyes and the mourning of her soul touched even the hardened shell of the Lieutenant and his men.

Sarah lay on her mattress for a long time staring up at the dreary ceiling and listened to the heavy rain that pounded onto the bunker's rooftop from outside. "So this is where life takes us leaders." She said into the stone roof, as maybe thinking the old Chairman could hear her. "You dead, me..." A light chuckle escaped her lips. "We were rivals Maelstrom, you and I, but we always had the decency to respect one another. Now look at us." She could still remember his apparition in Helsinki and the words that it had muttered, they seemed choked a bit in light of his passing, maybe more meaningful. That instead of words of spite and jealousy, they had been the words of wisdom and fortitude. "You only wanted the best for this world, we all did." She said up on the mattress and grabbed her heart. "I swear Maelstrom, I will not let your memory fade from this world. While I can't agree with your ideals or your principals, you made me into the person I am today and I hope that somehow, I touched you as well."

She laid back down, her head resting against the pillow as soft tears ran over her face. "So much change...so much change..."

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"Viniland sends its condolences to the Dragon Empire and its people. Maelstrom was one of the men and women that helped shape the world as we know today and brought a number of states together to form a long-term relationship that had as its end result the (arguably) strongest nation on the planet. Here's to hoping our friends in Asia will live up his spirit and carry on."

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OOC: What happens to Sandra now? :mellow:

IC: Sandra had managed to some how pull herself together that morning after hearing about the death of Chairman Vortex and yet under her calm and real grief she was overcome by fear and worry, after all it was Maelstrom who had paid for the changes to her body and who had given her a place of safety even after all she had put him through.

And now he was dead and she had no guarrantee that the doctors who had made her changes would remain silent or that the new prime minister would keep her in her current role. That was why she was going to go visit him and see how the meeting turned out, if it ended up showing he was a threat to her she would leave for Promised Land straight away.

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The Haruhiist Empire sends condolences to the leadership of both Dragonisia, and the Dragon Empire. While our leaders have never seen straightforward and acted together, the principle ideals including our views on Asia as a continent and a home, and the future of the land were somewhat similar in perspective. Our leadership both respectively said different things, and acted in different ways.

A fully blossomed Sakura tree shall be sent to Dragonisia, for use in their capital.

We shall send approximately 60 of the trees to the Dragon Empire as a whole. Hopefully they will be planted in a memorial area for Maelstrom.

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She had rather wished that they had been closed off from the outside world.

News traveled fast and even for the remote village on the east coast of the Imperial Union, word of Vortex's death slowly crept into the ears of the recruits of the Imperial Special Operations Program. For many of the students, it had been a passing word, a few remarks and the day continued. Some offered their respects, some their satisfaction, it all depended how the individual viewed the country, not that man that had ruled it. This was the commonplace, all except for one recruit that just couldn't get out of bed that morning, she would be beat the next day, but the tears in her eyes and the mourning of her soul touched even the hardened shell of the Lieutenant and his men.

Sarah lay on her mattress for a long time staring up at the dreary ceiling and listened to the heavy rain that pounded onto the bunker's rooftop from outside. "So this is where life takes us leaders." She said into the stone roof, as maybe thinking the old Chairman could hear her. "You dead, me..." A light chuckle escaped her lips. "We were rivals Maelstrom, you and I, but we always had the decency to respect one another. Now look at us." She could still remember his apparition in Helsinki and the words that it had muttered, they seemed choked a bit in light of his passing, maybe more meaningful. That instead of words of spite and jealousy, they had been the words of wisdom and fortitude. "You only wanted the best for this world, we all did." She said up on the mattress and grabbed her heart. "I swear Maelstrom, I will not let your memory fade from this world. While I can't agree with your ideals or your principals, you made me into the person I am today and I hope that somehow, I touched you as well."

She laid back down, her head resting against the pillow as soft tears ran over her face. "So much change...so much change..."

If she watched the ceremonies that day for the funeral procession of the Chairman, which included a very strange funeral train part way behind the regular procession of hooded black figures with various emblems of the dragon from the state flag upon them, Sarah would get the odd impression the Imperial Dragons she saw on the screen all had green eyes, which faintly glowed. Perhaps it was overactive imagination imposed by grief...

OOC: What happens to Sandra now? :mellow:

IC: Sandra had managed to some how pull herself together that morning after hearing about the death of Chairman Vortex and yet under her calm and real grief she was overcome by fear and worry, after all it was Maelstrom who had paid for the changes to her body and who had given her a place of safety even after all she had put him through.

And now he was dead and she had no guarrantee that the doctors who had made her changes would remain silent or that the new prime minister would keep her in her current role. That was why she was going to go visit him and see how the meeting turned out, if it ended up showing he was a threat to her she would leave for Promised Land straight away.

ic: Tidus sent a letter to Sandra, informing her that by Maelstrom's political will, she would stay on as his secretary and understudy if she desired for the meantime, until she felt her education was complete, it was up to her to determine when she felt strong enough to leave her current appointment.

The Haruhiist Empire sends condolences to the leadership of both Dragonisia, and the Dragon Empire. While our leaders have never seen straightforward and acted together, the principle ideals including our views on Asia as a continent and a home, and the future of the land were somewhat similar in perspective. Our leadership both respectively said different things, and acted in different ways.

A fully blossomed Sakura tree shall be sent to Dragonisia, for use in their capital.

We shall send approximately 60 of the trees to the Dragon Empire as a whole. Hopefully they will be planted in a memorial area for Maelstrom.

The trees would indeed be planted, they were arranged to be added to the memorial temple being built. That's right.. a temple to the First Emperor of Dragonisia, the Emperor who United India.. a very elaborate temple.. paid for, not by the government, but a secret private group. As the train proceeded into the temple the Chairman's Coffin was laid to rest beneath a majestic statue of a Five-Toed dragon beneath the central dome of the temple. As the tomb closed, the eyes of the dragon began to glow green, and a natural gas flame lit its nostrils. The monks in robes resembling state flags took up guard positions around the tomb and outside the tomb at entrances that allowed access from all 4 cardinal directions.

A priest came to the podium, a priest in the same robes as the apparent cult. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we lay to rest today, not a man, but the embodiment of he who gave life to our state. He will live on in and through us all.. our work, our diligence to fulfill his ideals of equity for the value of humanity, and reward for the value of creativity of that humanity. When we continue on with our politics, we must remember that by his words, pure capitalism is sin.. corrupt, devaluing those who have lost the ability to be productive and competitive when they are still human. We must also remember that communism and a nationalism which are to strong is also corrupt, as it lends the state to much power.. and does not reward the value of human creativity. The balance must be struck.. and in his design he has obtained this in our state, ensuring all had their basic needs met through government programs... while permitting the private sector to compete actively with those programs. He brought to us.. a golden age.. where none who fall are left behind, and those that could excel were enabled. Let us continue on with this dream.. and though he may rest in eternal peace.. may his spirit stay vigilant in its efforts.. in our hearts. Today, some of our brothers in the Empire have left us alone, but so long as we are India and we still have the rest of our brothers, we are strong. In a family, the young mature.. and soon seek their own way, in such our neighbors the PRC and Lu Empire; regardless of their separation, are still our family. We will care for them as we should all Asians and Indians alike." The mysterious priest, with his cowl up obscuring his face for his speech and who remained unnamed, stepped away quietly.

The gifted trees were planted outside around the temple by a Feng Shui professional.

The monks chanted ominously...

Pray, saviour

Dream, Child of Prayer

Forever and ever

Bring us peace.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"The Devereaux family is saddened to hear of the late chairman's death. While never truly having gotten to know the Chairman, the few times that we did speak I found him to be a worthy conversationalist, and opponent." - Thomas Devereaux

"The Citadel offers its sympathies for the loss of your leader. We hope that the next one shall be equally as capable." - Ryn Atrevier

Edited by iamthey
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The entire country mourns the loss of the man who was the single most important person for the creation of our country. Thousands of people flocked to the newly-rededicated Maelstrom Vortex park in Karachi to lay flowers at the namesake's statue. A period of mourning as begun. The sultan had this to say:

Maelstrom was a great and just leader. He was not only my friend, but he was a friend to all of us. Surely he is now gracing heaven with his presence.

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Yuan Zhi Wei had been travelling across DE and several other Asian nations for quite some time now. The minute he heard about Chairman Maelstrom's death ,he instantly made a call from a payphone:

"Hello, this is Yuan Zhi Wei, former emperr of Hae Da Fung. I-I am terribly sorry about the Chairman's death, I will attend his funeral as soon as possible."

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The ceremony was to be over a week long, the line of visitors stretched on for miles and business in downtown Dragonisian City, once called Bengaluru, had ground to a halt for the procession. Most businesses, save retail, had closed up to observe the mourning and the simple fact they couldn't really operate in these conditions. Street front restaurants and hotels, however, were feasting on the boom of visitors.

The Emperor was immediately granted clearance to attend.

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Amyante would watch the funeral procession on television, feeling as if the jetlag from the past couple of days was driving nails into her skull with a jackhammer. She felt sad that she would not be able to be present at Maelstrom's funeral, but if she recovered fast enough she might still be able to sneak in when it was a couple of days underway. She'd not make it an official visit however, but be there as part of the crowd: The past thing she believed the late Chairman would want is turn his funeral into a 'DE versus AUP' political discussion. She'd seen too many of those over the past few weeks already.

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RE: Sandra,

What kind of duties would you like to assume?

"Currently I was thinking of taking more part or at the very least being able to put my point of view into play with the Dragon Bloc also I was hoping to be able to spend some time with the military as an observer".

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The response came down the line by memo again,

"Very well, you can have a voice and observer status as a Dragonisian member of the Dragon Bloc representation team and will be given an officer's access to the military as an observer. You may determine your own observation points, but I'd recommend the training facilities for the Special Forces Amphibious assault teams on the south point of India."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Pope Alexis I is truly sorry that such a great leader passed away into the hands of God. He would be honored to preside over the funeral, but knowing that Mr. Vortex opposed the Catholic Church, the Pope instead simply asked to be able to attend the funeral.

OOC: This will be interesting. Mael goes to JPIII's funeral, and Alexis goes to Mael's funeral.

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Pope Alexis I is truly sorry that such a great leader passed away into the hands of God. He would be honored to preside over the funeral, but knowing that Mr. Vortex opposed the Catholic Church, the Pope instead simply asked to be able to attend the funeral.

OOC: This will be interesting. Mael goes to JPIII's funeral, and Alexis goes to Mael's funeral.

The Request was granted.

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Anthony Harlem almost cried when he heard of the death of his friend.

When he attended the funeral, the almost became a certainty. "I will miss you, old friend," he said, when he finally managed to get slose enough to the enshrined body to pay his respects.

The flags in Promised Land were flown at half-mast for three days.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Anthony Harlem almost cried when he heard of the death of his friend.

When he attended the funeral, the almost became a certainty. "I will miss you, old friend," he said, when he finally managed to get slose enough to the enshrined body to pay his respects.

The flags in Promised Land were flown at half-mast for three days.

Anthony couldn't quite shake the sensation that the Imperial Dragon watched him as he moved about the room.. the eyes seemed to follow him every where. Indeed, part of the design of the statue was to make the optical effect that the eyes watched the visitors to the Temple wherever they may go.

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