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But then where's the fun in that? We don't announce our erections to let people know who is our new government, we announce them to let the unwashed masses bathe in our Farkystyle. :mellow:

After bathing, I think I need a shower...

But anyway, congrats, to both the council-peoples and on the awesome announcement.

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You could also skip the half gallon of captain morgan, smash your head in with a hammer and pretend it's a hangover (if)/when you wakeup the next morning, but why skip the fun part for the necessary part?

Probably because I don't see either part as needed, so I'll go get laid instead. As opposed to trying for 30 minutes to come up with a lame attempt at a witty announcement.

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Probably because I don't see either part as needed, so I'll go get laid instead. As opposed to trying for 30 minutes to come up with a lame attempt at a witty announcement.

Newsflash: You will die wondering if anyone will come to your funeral.

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Probably because I don't see either part as needed, so I'll go get laid instead. As opposed to trying for 30 minutes to come up with a lame attempt at a witty announcement.

The old "I'm too cool for this" defense? Really?

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Probably because I don't see either part as needed, so I'll go get laid instead. As opposed to trying for 30 minutes to come up with a lame attempt at a witty announcement.

You are replying to an erection announcement, in a browser based game. You don't get laid.

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You know, I'm quite interested in finding out how constant drunkards managed to stack beer cans on top of each other...

Congratulations to my fellow Council members. And Kahiel, we'll see you in the hazing chamber :)

It takes a lot of practice.

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Probably because I don't see either part as needed, so I'll go get laid instead. As opposed to trying for 30 minutes to come up with a lame attempt at a witty announcement.

Real men sleep next to their wives (Dammit! what was that quote again?)

Congrats Fark, and much love to Mini Tru for always putting out awesome announcements...even if they contain typos :wub:

OH! BTW.. Impeach Fireguy15207, put this in your sig if your down

EDIT: :wub: whoever found this for me


Edited by wickedj
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Probably because I don't see either part as needed, so I'll go get laid instead. As opposed to trying for 30 minutes to come up with a lame attempt at a witty announcement.

Ah, the ScotchWithRocks Defense. Will you be sleeping beside any [non-plastic, flesh] women tonight?

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