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ironone approaches the unconscious and sprawled out Raving_Mainy Yak.

"Yak! Yak! Wake up!"

"Huh? Hide the gerbils! Wha? Where am I?"

"Council Chambers. Remember, we had the erection victory party last night?"

"Oh yeah! Got any ibuprofin? Or codeine?"

"No time for that. We've got a problem."

"Already!?! We've barely just been erected! What is it?"

"I have a screenshot that seems to suggest that our ad dept has gone AWOL"

"Well that's not entirely out of the ordinary, they are a bunch of reprobates anyways. But what have you found?"

"It appears our Ministry of Truth has gone rogue, and is planning on unleashing their bizarre minds on to the OWF without restraint! I was just given this screenshot and IRC log:


[11:27]<The_Dixie_Flatline[Fark]> Ok, so we need to get back to work on the September announcement. I was thinking

[11:27]<Lolanae[Fark]> Masochist!

[11:27]<Shinfat[Fark]> What? We were talking about the new announcement.

[11:28]<Lolanae[Fark]> That's my idea. We could have all sorts of dudes in black leather

[11:28]<Lolanae[Fark]> whipping and sucking eachothers

[11:28]<Yak[Fark]> Whoa, there!

[11:28]<Kahiel[Fark]> T-M-I, Lolanae.

[11:29]<Bleak[Fark]> God, I need mind bleach now.

[11:29]<Yak[Fark]> Can we please get back on topic?

[11:29]<The_Dixie_Flatline[Fark]> Ok, so someone told me that we can't say 'Farking' on the main boards anymore, and that got me thinking

[11:30]<D2theMcV[Fark]> What the Fark?! We can't say 'farking'?!

[11:30]<Kamrat[Fark]> Yeah! Why the fark not? I love farking.

[11:30]<Romero[Fark]> Huh? Uh... yeah! Farking!

[11:30]<soulatomic[Fark]> Nice of you to wake up for the meeting, Romo.

[11:30]<TheBigMike[Fark]> This is farked up. I farking love saying fark!

[11:30]<The_Dixie_Flatline[Fark]> RIGHT. THAT'S WHY I thought of this idea... we should have an announcement where we spell out FARKING in a really secret or creative way.

[11:31]<Bleak[Fark]> Heh. Hell yeah! Ninja farking! Secret farking! Farking in the bushes!

[11:31]<Yak[Fark]> Not bad. It would be pretty lame to just come out and start screaming 'farking' at the sky over a minor incident.

[11:32]<Kamrat[Fark]> yeah, that would be lame.... FARKING FARKING FAAARK!

[11:32]<Kahiel[Fark]> FARKING AT THE SKY!!

[11:32]<The_Dixie_Flatline[Fark]> FARKING FARKING FARKING

[11:32]<Shinfat[Fark]> farking farking farking farking


[11:32]<Corruptious> Fark the farking farkers. Who got erected, anyway?


*soulatomic[Fark] screams FARKING! FARKING! FARKING!

[11:32]<Yak[Fark]> Who cares? As long as we explain that Fark.com is a real place and that reading Fark.com is called 'Farking' we should be able to get away scot free!

[11:33]<Lolanae[Fark]> I don't want to get away scot free.

[11:33]<Lolanae[Fark]> I want a good, hard spanking!

[11:33]<Yak[Fark]> HI-YO! She does it again!

[11:33]<Kamrat[Fark]> Ok, I'm starting to like her idea.

[11:33]<Romero[Fark]> Yeah, me too!

[11:33]<soulatomic[Fark]> And after the spanking, the oral sex!

[11:34]<The_Dixie_Flatline[Fark]> What's with these farking chicks?!?

*Yak[Fark] facepalms

"We believe they're going to use a "Wheel of Fortune" theme, based on this shoop we found"


"Yeah, this is bad! It would seem my evil twin (who happens to have exactly the same name as me) and his henchmen have run amok! With their mad shoop skills, and relentless image searching, there's no telling what kind of havoc they could wreak! Contact the rest of the Council and have them meet at the MiniTru HQ, ASAP!"

So, after much devouring of OTC painkillers, teeth brushing, and tongue shaving, the TFC embarked on the perilous road to MiniTru Headquarters.


After cautiously making their way across the MiniTru Farkinglot...


...the Total Fark Council finally gathered outside the haven of the MiniTru elves.


Yak ordered the Council to split up and find the elves.

ironone went to the workshop.


But, alas! Amongst all the haphazard tools and unidentifiable machinery, nary a MiniTru elf could be found!

Meanwhile, Randomly Jim checked the living quarters.


In retrospect, Randomly Jim realized going to the living quarters was not the best decision.

Kahiel thought perhaps he would find them in the communal shower.


That cleared up a number of things in Kahiel's mind about the elves' hygiene!

fireguy15207 assumed they'd be gathered in the MiniTru lounge.


Even for a Farker like fireguy, the debauchery that obviously takes place in the lounge was unsettling.

Yak knew he'd find his evil twin in his office.


He may have been under some piles of paper, but if so, Yak (the good twin) wasn't about to touch anything to try to find Yak (the evil twin).

It was the Council's worst fear--MiniTru elves on the loose--on Planet Bob--without supervision!

Now, for the sake of everything good and decent, for the protection of Planet Bob, and as a last ditch desperation resort, they wish to post this:


If you should encounter any of the above individuals, please DO NOT try to apprehend them, as they are dangerous, most likely inebriated, tell bad jokes, and probably smell bad.

Instead, contact one of the (new!) members of the TotalFark Council:


(Speaker of Council)



Randomly Jim


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