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WOLF surrenders to JR, TPF DoW on Fark and LE


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This the weakest thing I've ever seen in TE, at least as long as I've been here.

Last session, TPF let NOIR have peace after two days and three updates.

TPF let Fark have peace after 3 days and four updates.

Except for last wars of the round, TPF NEVER tried to offered terms to anyone we fought.

Neither has RE. Neither has any other alliance in WOLF.

Hypocrites of the first order.

Then wait out 7 days and contact me then. Did I not explain we're here to fight? Or does the destruction not speak for itself? 7 days or WOLF disbands, I made it clear. Contact me back in however many days are left, I can't remember.

Stop trying to play me as the evil dictator who is ruining the game and play me as the evil leader who is here to rain down fire upon the bloc that wishes to rule the game, I actually like that role better.

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MHA felt backstabbed? How do you think my guys felt when I told them that, after fighting two huge wars in a row to defend your alliance, you pulled the rug out from underneath us and cut off all communication. How do you think my guys felt about that? I'll tell you. They were pissed as hell. And they had every right to be. Friendships don't magically maintain themselves. You have to work at it. You guys had a completely new leadership when we attacked you. You were not the MHA we had befriended, the MHA that had betrayed us.

Not being "treatied" and attacking someone are two different things.

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Not being "treatied" and attacking someone are two different things.

That comment doesn't really make sense, but I'll try and address it. If you're saying that even though RE wasn't "treatied" to MHA, we shouldn't have attacked you based on past friendship, I addressed that. You guys stabbed us in the back, cut off all contact, and essentially dumped us after we were useless to you. Don't you think that might cause a little resentment?

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Hey ClashPoint,

Simple facts for you to look at...

[edited for brevity]

The Dow isn't a blanket DOW it's an acknowledgment to all those involved. You weren't in those meetings were you Clash :P

Semantics. Let's take them all out of the equation.

One group was put together to force another group to disband because you didn't like them being a group.

It simplest terms - for you - that's all there is to it.

Oh yes, your groups had meetings I am sure :)

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Stop trying to play me as the evil dictator who is ruining the game and play me as the evil leader who is here to rain down fire upon the bloc that wishes to rule the game, I actually like that role better.

I'm not playing you as anything. It'd be nice to see you be a bit honest though. You can call it whatever you want, but the facts are that your group attacked our group because you didn't like them being a group. Ignoring that won't make it go away.

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Just as a sidenote: SWAT holds no grudges with TF. Our war with them is out of support for our friends with MHA, not some beef from previous rounds (have we ever even fought TF before? I havne't been around for every round). As for as we're concerned, they're just a group of people we declared war on. No bad blood. No arguments. Nuthin.

I'm actually glad that we got assigned to them. They're hitting us back just as hard as we're hitting them. It's refreshingly fun.


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The biggest, baddest empire that took months of hard work to form and spanned weeks of useless forum posts and gloating crumbles after 3 lousy days? Is this one of those, "oh hey, remember that surrender, well we changed our mind" things that will pop up in a few weeks?

The inital post states Wolf surrenders, yet the following posts state no-ones surrenders. What sorta fiendish double-speak are we dealing with here?

Oh and somone someone tell Clashpoint to "stop snivelling"

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That comment doesn't really make sense, but I'll try and address it. If you're saying that even though RE wasn't "treatied" to MHA, we shouldn't have attacked you based on past friendship, I addressed that. You guys stabbed us in the back, cut off all contact, and essentially dumped us after we were useless to you. Don't you think that might cause a little resentment?

Naa, We ended our treaties with the world because no one wanted us to have one... Backstabbing is attacking a friend. People in harmful though you were a friend even if were didn't have a treaty. They though the wars we been through meant something to them. My members were pissed you hit us.

RE wasn't useless and if it was it is because of leadership and nothing else. Remember tib's an alliance is only as strong as its leader. You can force your way to to top but if you don't have the respect of your team members it will fall (not saying you don't have it and it was just an example).

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The inital post states Wolf surrenders, yet the following posts state no-ones surrenders. What sorta fiendish double-speak are we dealing with here?

Oh and somone someone tell Clashpoint to "stop snivelling"

I heart you.

In a manly, beer-drinking and backslapping way, of course.

WOLF disbanded.

Most of the former WOLF alliances have not surrendered.

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I've gotten posts and messages from former WOLF members, some of them actually made me cry. I will miss this in a way, my leaving has very little to do with WOLF, but with my failure to protect them, and other personal issues. Listen one more time with me to Trust Company - The War is over.

For me the war truly is over, to those I disappointed I'm sorry, to those I insulted I apologize, to those I hurt I never ment to, and to those who I came to think of as friends and loved ones, I'll miss you, and I hope you'll miss me.

If this seems stupidly sentimental. It is, I know this is just a game, but it was also a social outlet for me, one of the few this cripple had. It helped me feel like I belonged somewhere after all the surgery and pain and knowing I'd lost the only thing I had ever truly loved.

The Wizard of Oz wants to talk to me tomorrow, I doubt it will make much difference but I've promised I would, unless he's a miracle worker this is the last you'll hear from me. If this seems overly sentimental, it's because I feel overly sentimental, and if that offends you I'm sorry for that too.

Goodbye CN and thank you for the good times, and there were many.

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Naa, We ended our treaties with the world because no one wanted us to have one... Backstabbing is attacking a friend. People in harmful though you were a friend even if were didn't have a treaty. They though the wars we been through meant something to them. My members were pissed you hit us.

RE wasn't useless and if it was it is because of leadership and nothing else. Remember tib's an alliance is only as strong as its leader. You can force your way to to top but if you don't have the respect of your team members it will fall (not saying you don't have it and it was just an example).

I'm not just talking about canceling the treaty, though that stung. I'm talking about completely cutting off all contact with us after we had your backs for two rounds, after we went through hell to defend you. That's what pissed us off. That's what made us feel betrayed. After we bent over backwards to defend you, we barely heard form you. Those wars did mean something, but obviously not enough for you guys to keep up our friendship. You made no effort to pay off the debt you owed to us for fighting for you. So yeah, after all that, we still waited two rounds to attack you. I think that was more then generous of us.

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I think this proves everything I said was right. You're playing semantics.

You all declared together, WOLF never even did that.

You went farther than WOLF ever did.

I think you're hypocrites.

Wolf never got the chance. Yall stood bravely at the end of 6, remember the "do something about it" and wishing for a rival bloc led by LE and MHA? Anyhow, yall were hit right away in 7 and game over.

Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for.

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im so sorry.i forgot MI we are going to kill them to.sorry eazy i forgot.

o/ TPF. G'luck in your battles.

The "i forgot MI" line made me :lol1:

Edited by Wabooz
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Just for clarification, SOS Brigade will not be settling for anything other than white peace with those that are at war with us and this will only be sought when all those fighting Black have recieved the same deal.

You owe us beer. Till then WAR! lol j/k, we can take this to PM :)

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The biggest, baddest empire that took months of hard work to form and spanned weeks of useless forum posts and gloating crumbles after 3 lousy days? Is this one of those, "oh hey, remember that surrender, well we changed our mind" things that will pop up in a few weeks?

The inital post states Wolf surrenders, yet the following posts state no-ones surrenders. What sorta fiendish double-speak are we dealing with here?

Oh and somone someone tell Clashpoint to "stop snivelling"

If I am not mistaken, Gabryal alone doesn't have the power to disband it. And even if that were so, you have to remember that WOLF was originally made up od already allies and friends, so to say that they won't continue to fight for each other and help each other out is just stupid. JR can make WOLF disband in name, but they will never disband otherwise. (Not that I like WOLF anymore or anything, but I see the logic behind why they wouldn't collapse so easily.)

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Wow, as a rank 'n file LE member I was intrigued by the WOLF concept at first, then a little worried, and now I'm just kinda baffled as to why it all fell apart after a couple days of actual war.

I know some folks must have worked very hard to put WOLF together, and I salute you. It's a real shame to see WOLF come to such a quick end after you guys made such a big deal out of it.

Edited by san carlos
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You owe us beer. Till then WAR! lol j/k, we can take this to PM :)

We have a fine collection of Japanese beers for you to peruse. There are also other, stronger alcohols in our bar.

If I am not mistaken, Gabryal alone doesn't have the power to disband it. And even if that were so, you have to remember that WOLF was originally made up od already allies and friends, so to say that they won't continue to fight for each other and help each other out is just stupid. JR can make WOLF disband in name, but they will never disband otherwise. (Not that I like WOLF anymore or anything, but I see the logic behind why they wouldn't collapse so easily.)

Gabryal has the power to announce its disbandment however, if given assent by the leaders of the signatory alliances.

I know for a fact that Gabryal asked at least me about this decision and I gave my support to this move.

You raise a good point however, while WOLF may have been disbanded, the majority of the friendships that made it happen in the first place have been annealed, rather than destroyed.

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