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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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There was a reason, as VE leadership has states many times in an attempt to suck up to GGA. Are you calling Egore a liar?

There was no reason and everyone knows it. egore did/said what he had to do to bring VE back, regardless if there was reason or not the situations behind VE disbanding and CG disbanding are vastly different meaning that different reactions are not hypocritical.

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You joined NPO becuase you think they'll destyroy VE? How loyal of you.

He did mention that he was purged from your alliance. Can't say whether this is true or not, but if it's true, then I wouldn't expect loyalty from him. And if it's not true, then you have bigger loyalty issues with him than that.

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There was no reason and everyone knows it. egore did/said what he had to do to bring VE back, regardless if there was reason or not the situations behind VE disbanding and CG disbanding are vastly different meaning that different reactions are not hypocritical.

Lying to come back isn't very classy.

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You joined NPO becuase you think they'll destyroy VE? How loyal of you.

Loyal? Loyal? Dare not ask me about loyalty. I had undying loyalty to Viridia for 2 years, I died for VE during the GCW, did you?

VE abandoned me for role playing a long time ago, me abandoning VE is not surprising.

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Lying to come back isn't very classy.

Well... NPO kind of lied when they apologized to the CoaLUEtion to end GW1 (since the apology was retracted later and they claimed they never actually meant it). You are in NPO. Just sayin.

Oh my God why am I posting in this argument? All of you are talking in circles and the whole argument itself is pretty stupid.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Ok, so the difference between it being hypocritical or not hinges on the passage of time. I'll try to keep that in mind.

Yes, actually, at least in my eyes. If you are currently espousing or sworn to something yet acting contrary to it then you are being a hypocrite. If you said or did something in the past and later say/do something to the contrary it's, well, not. I think this is why the word "hypocrisy" and its derivatives are so overused and misused.

Either way it doesn't really apply here because as we've established countless times the disbandment of VE and CG are two entirely different situations...

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Well... NPO kind of lied when they apologized to the CoaLUEtion to end GW1 (since the apology was retracted later and they claimed they never actually meant it). You are in NPO. Just sayin.

Oh my God why am I posting in this argument? All of you are talking in circles and the whole argument itself is pretty stupid.

Karma preached about morals and harsh terms, then against their teaching gave them to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

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Karma preached about morals and harsh terms, then against their teaching gave them to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

Karma preached about being lenient and then gave the most lenient terms the game has ever seen to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

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Karma preached about morals and harsh terms, then against their teaching gave them to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

Are you going to start talking about "the highest numbers in history" without figuring for inflation or the harshness of non monetary terms now?

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I laugh at every former CG member, especially you hell scream.

Look at yourself, you're ridiculous. It's no wonder your alliance disbanded and it's certainly not a shame for anyone!

I support VE in their aggressive move in disbanding this alliance forever under harsh terms.

o/ VE!

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Karma preached about morals and harsh terms, then against their teaching gave them to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

My point is you just made a comment about how classless it is to lie to get out of something while wearing the AA of an alliance that did the same thing. Your only retort was, "WELL KARMA DID IT TO!" Not only did you fail to disprove that you are a hypocrite, you then consented that you were one by merely comparing yourself to Karma, whom you view as hypocritical yourself.

Also, well said Delta.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Have you seen anyone within the Entente oppose this?

Their government member just said it was not sanctioned by gov nor did any gov members participate in it. Supporting something and allowing free speech are not the same thing.

When the KKK demonstrates and the US gov does not stop the demonstration, does that mean the gov supports the KKK?

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Loyal? Loyal? Dare not ask me about loyalty. I had undying loyalty to Viridia for 2 years, I died for VE during the GCW, did you?

VE abandoned me for role playing a long time ago, me abandoning VE is not surprising.

we didn't abandon you. your nation was deleted, you re-rolled and we let you stay. your nation diapered again, i personally changed your mask to former member and decided that at that point you would have to follow normal the normal application process to be accepted again. we never denied you membership.

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Karma preached about being lenient and then gave the most lenient terms the game has ever seen to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

I'm not too sure I'd call the terms that NPO received "lenient" but ok.

Also, VE disbanded because they were told to move to a different color? That's a pretty stupid reason to disband, in my opinion.

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I'm not too sure I'd call the terms that NPO received "lenient" but ok.

Also, VE disbanded because they were told to move to a different color? That's a pretty stupid reason to disband, in my opinion.

He said hegemony alliances. I believe that Delta's point was that while some may consider the terms that some of the losers received harsh there is no way in hell anyone could say the same for others. NATO, GGA and Valhalla stick out as really good examples off the top of my head.

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New low, VE. This is what your members are. Scoundrels. Your members represent you, Viridia. You're nothing more than scoundrels. You make bets and try to influence when an alliance disbands, you take pride in this? Trying to benefit from the death of communities? You're so funny. Very funny, Viridia.

This doesn't represent VE? So when did your members stop representing you? Your members is what you are. Remember that time you disbanded? Funny times! I lost about 40K NS for you, back then. Scoundrels, you take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. This is what you stand for, Viridia.

You find my alliance dying funny? I have lost over 40k Nation Strength for you, Viridia, Francesca has lost about the same. I was put on PZI, for you, Viridia, for standing up for what was right during the Green Civil War. I fought, the rest of you cowards deserted. And you hope that misfortunes happen to my alliance so you get money? Honor! Such honor!

This is how you treat past members that have moral objections about your actions. You're so funny, VE.

Scoundrels. You poke fun at the misfortunes of others. You're scoundrels.


careful now, im told the evil hegemony feasts on your tears...though maybe that was Stumpy i heard the rumor about. i confuse those two now and then

E: i r fail at img tags

Edited by wickedj
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Loyal? Loyal? Dare not ask me about loyalty. I had undying loyalty to Viridia for 2 years, I died for VE during the GCW, did you?

VE abandoned me for role playing a long time ago, me abandoning VE is not surprising.

You were planning on leaving VE because you were starting the Realm. In fact at one point you were in the Realm AND VE (During a war.). ;)

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Karma preached about being lenient and then gave the most lenient terms the game has ever seen to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

Oh, for heaven's sakes Delta. Karma imposed the majority of all reparations payments ever ordered. The total reps from GPA were 70,000 tech; the total reps from Hegemony were 458,500 tech and $12,350,000,000.

You just can't compare that. There's no "adjust for inflation" argument to be made, unless you think that tech is now worth less than 1/6th what it was when GPA lost its war.

Actually, the majority got white peace.

The majority of alliances did; the majority of nations did not. Funny how that works.

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Karma preached about being lenient and then gave the most lenient terms the game has ever seen to Hegemony alliances. Your point?

Did you ever reach Echelon's/NPO's terms?

we didn't abandon you. your nation was deleted, you re-rolled and we let you stay. your nation diapered again, i personally changed your mask to former member and decided that at that point you would have to follow normal the normal application process to be accepted again. we never denied you membership.

I was denied the ability to re-apply after my nation got inactivity-scripted.

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You were planning on leaving VE because you were starting the Realm. In fact at one point you were in the Realm AND VE (During a war.). ;)

I never left VE for The Realm, Howard. I didn't know anything else besides AA counts, seeing as how that's the game rules.

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VE had target lists drawn up and were ready to roll, I was in contact with them and as you know I was in the private channel discussing the support of CG. Just because tehy did not broadcast it does not mean it did not happen.

What took them so long? 30hours too long for them to get ready?

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