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Fascists in CNRP?

Executive Minister

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No. No it is not. Nazism is not German fascism. Germany was Fascist. Nazis were simply a political party. Nazism and Fascism are extremely different. Example: Ever heard of a little thing called the Holocaust?

Yes, I have heard of the Holocaust. Nazism was the Ideology of the Nazi Party which was heavily influenced by German Nationalism and Fascism.

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This is OOC, Penchuk.

And Ive clerly stated Im not Fascist. Get over it. stop acting childish IC and OOC.

And if were rouge, then Attack me. See how the World reacts to you attacking a nation who wants nothing more then a peaceful exsistance amongst others. Ive reformed, Ive basicly appeased your Ego. Appartently there is nothing OOCly or ICly I can do to persuade you otherwise.

How was that ever a cross between OOC/IC. Stop whining Colerich.

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Xaristan is a Dictatorship... or, rather, a Directorship.

Hmm...if you want to be THAT technical...Promised Land is an Administratorship.

I'm a dictatorship now...sole owner of myself :P

Heh heh, nice way of putting it.

In regards to government interactions with citizens, Tahoe is extremely libertarian. There is such a strong social code of justice and honor system in place that those that step outside societal boundaries are castigated and exiled for all practical purposes, though. The honor system essentially forces certain types of behavior because in the eyes of Tahoans, in many cases death is more desirable than the shame brought on by certain actions.

Non-citizens in Tahoe have very little rights (and essentially all non-whites are non-citizens except in certain instances). There are millions of non-citizens in Tahoe varying from native Americans to former slaves in Cuba or native Hawaiians. They are protected though, and mistreatment would be like animal cruelty in the honor system.

Now, that's truely a unique system you got there...though you've told me it';s not completely, 100% original... ;)

@Penchuk...you're a kingdom, and you hate authoritarians...how ironic... :P

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Besides it is not as if the whole world is against you Colerich...judging by the amount of treaties you got under your belt in the last couple of days :rolleyes:

Holy cow, hes right!!!

And I thought I was the only one Cole :(

EDIT: And whos been going around saying im a girl on IRC?!?!?! <_<

Edited by Executive Minister
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Yes, I have heard of the Holocaust. Nazism was the Ideology of the Nazi Party which was heavily influenced by German Nationalism and Fascism.

Nazism and Fascism are not the same thing. They're not even close. They were a fascist government that were headed by the Nazi Party. Nazism was not an ideology until after Nazi Germany.

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I RP what I call a "Manager State" which is basically "fascist"; though not in the paternal sense of the twentieth century fascism of europe. Its more managerial and bureaucratic than militaristic and nationalistic.

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Transvaal's government is difficult to pin down and decribe.

It certainly has some fascist elements due to the legacy of racial problems and how those have been dealt with by the (until very recently) ethnic minority which controls power.

However strong elements of republicanism also ensure some senblance or at least appearance of electoral democracy is maintained at a government level (ignoring the period of Malan's rule)

It could also be argued it is a monarchal system in that the head-of-state (staatspresident) is unelected and not subject to answering to the government. However the staatspresident, whilst having access to total power, also choses to generally NOT exercise that power - rather defering almost all domestic decisions to the Prime Minister.

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Transvaal's government is difficult to pin down and decribe.

It certainly has some fascist elements due to the legacy of racial problems and how those have been dealt with by the (until very recently) ethnic minority which controls power.

However strong elements of republicanism also ensure some senblance or at least appearance of electoral democracy is maintained at a government level (ignoring the period of Malan's rule)

It could also be argued it is a monarchal system in that the head-of-state (staatspresident) is unelected and not subject to answering to the government. However the staatspresident, whilst having access to total power, also choses to generally NOT exercise that power - rather defering almost all domestic decisions to the Prime Minister.

That last part sounds almost exactly like my government...Subtleknifewielder has ultimate authority, but usually chooses not to use it.

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So if he says no or yes on something, there's NO ONE who can legally veto HIS decision?

Right! The power of the National Assembly to override a Presidential veto was removed, so JFK's decision is final. Well, there IS one person who can legally veto his decision: himself. :awesome:


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Right! The power of the National Assembly to override a Presidential veto was removed, so JFK's decision is final. Well, there IS one person who can legally veto his decision: himself. :awesome:


That'd be intersting if you ever got an indecisive president.

"Yes! I mean no! I mean yes! I mean...! Augh, Mr. Wilson, what's the compromise?"

Back on topic...

I say RP whoever you want. :P

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Hmm...if you want to be THAT technical...Promised Land is an Administratorship.

Heh heh, nice way of putting it.

Now, that's truely a unique system you got there...though you've told me it';s not completely, 100% original... ;)

@Penchuk...you're a kingdom, and you hate authoritarians...how ironic... :P

Scotland is a Constitutional Monarchy, it is hardly the same thing.

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Hmm. Im going to use my Political Science Nerd Degree to clear some things up.

FASCISM - Is a Political Ideology set. It is NOT a form of government. It is the views of how the Government and nation should be ran.

AUTHORITARIAN - Is another fancy word for Dictator, or, in some cases, a VERY powerful Executive Branch. This is the type of Government most Communist and Fascist use.

For Example. Italy was Fascist. That was its Political Ideology and Party. The Government was Authoritarian.

To be more specific Fascism is a collection of Far Right believes on Ideology, Government, and Economy.

Communism can be described as "Red Fascism" Merely for the fact that the only difference is the Ideology. (Fascism is far Right believes, Communism with Far left.)

BOTH Systems of Government usually use State Capitalism or State Socialism (Which are the exact same thing, surprisingly.)

Both markets are regulated heavily. However the Fascist State Capitalism's main goal is production and regulation for private business for their State, while the Communist State Socialism's man goal is production and regulation for publicly owned business for the state.

You have to realize that when describing a government or nation, 3 terms are needed.

Ideology: (Example, Fascism, Communism, Democracy, etc)

Government Type: (Example, Federal, Auth. etc)

Economy: (Capitalism, Socialism, State, etc)

Heres an example of the USA:

Ideology: Democracy

Government: Federal (3 Branches)

Economy: Free Capitalism

Nazi Germany:

Ideology: Nazism (German form of Fascism)

Government: Authoritarian

Economy: State Capital/Socialism

Also, on a side note, Tolitarianism is an extreme form of Authoritarianism, meaning, Tolitarian leaders attempt to exert FULL 100% control over the nation, while an Authoritarian government doesnt use such a grip, and allows certain freedoms and liberties.

Compare the opposite to Anarchy, per say.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

Now that I'm done trolling, Furon is more of an authoritarian religious and nationalistic state. Arkvoodle be praised! o/

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