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IS Public Service Announcement

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Bacon is indeed tasty, and so is educating inexperienced leaders. I am totally sure CAN learned their lesson here, and will never make this mistake again. So our goal to help expand and improve CAN, as well as help the general community as a whole was completed. CAN, we expect a fruit basket, or a parade in our honor.

Please hold your breath in anticipation.


Edited by JWConner
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Poor Show IS. I'm not going to deny that it was hilarious to watch someone totally trust a random person on IRC. Still, you didn't have a drag CAN through the dirt.

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Bacon is indeed tasty, and so is educating inexperienced leaders. I am totally sure CAN learned their lesson here, and will never make this mistake again. So our goal to help expand and improve CAN, as well as help the general community as a whole was completed. CAN, we expect a fruit basket, or a parade in our honor.

I find it hilarious that you actually think your education is worth anything. The sheer audacity of you deciding who needs your education. So why don't we cut the rubbish out here and admit this was just a stunt on your behalf to get some attention.

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I find it hilarious that you actually think your education is worth anything. The sheer audacity of you deciding who needs your education. So why don't we cut the rubbish out here and admit this was just a stunt on your behalf to get some attention.

This was an attempt to better the community as a whole. We helped teach an inexperienced government leader a valuable lesson. I fail to see the problem with that. Care to explain why you think it was a bad thing to help our friends out in CAN by giving them some experience?

Edited by 890765
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Am I the only one who thinks CAN would have been worse off if he said yes?

I think we are supposed to laugh because someone actually thought an IS member would make a good addition to their gov.

Edited by Jipps
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This was an attempt to better the community as a whole. We helped teach an inexperienced government leader a valuable lesson. I fail to see the problem with that. Care to explain why you think it was a bad thing to help our friends out in CAN by giving them some experience?

You attempt to better the community how? By embarassing a young leader who doesnt know the ropes to have a laugh at some one who may not have the knowledge of the game you do. This was not done to better the community this was done for YOUR enjoyment alone. This is no different than sitting in a parking lot and laughing at some one whos grocerie bag ripped and spilled there contents all over the parking lot. Your laughing when the right thing to do it is go help them pick them up. Poor show all the way around.

Am I the only one who thinks CAN would have worse off if he said yes?

I think we are supposed to laugh because someone actually thought an IS member would make a good addition to their gov.

now this made me laugh

Edited by Buds The Man
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You attempt to better the community how? By embarassing a young leader who doesnt know the ropes to have a laugh at some one who may not have the knowledge of the game you do. This was not done to better the community this was done for YOUR enjoyment alone. This is no different than sitting in a parking lot and laughing at some one whos grocerie bag ripped and spilled there contents all over the parking lot. Your laughing when the right thing to do it is go help them pick them up. Poor show all the way around.

I attempt to better the community by educating their alliance leaders.

If someone's grocery bag rips in the parking lot, and people laugh at them, they will be embarrassed. Next time, they will double up and use two grocery bags, so it won't rip.

If a kid touches a hot stove and burns his hand, he will learn not to touch it again.

If an inexperienced alliance leader offers a gov position to a total stranger, and is embarrassed on the OWF for it, he won't offer gov positions to total strangers anymore.

See what we are doing? We are using conditioning to train inexperienced leaders. Now as I see it, Smarter and better leaders lead to a better world community.

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This was an attempt to better the community as a whole. We helped teach an inexperienced government leader a valuable lesson. I fail to see the problem with that. Care to explain why you think it was a bad thing to help our friends out in CAN by giving them some experience?

Don't be snide, calling them friends is laughable. I am aware that you are baiting me by being deliberately stupid and ignorant, but I'm replying regardless.

The feelings of IS as far as new alliances are concerned are well known. Your conduct in many DoE threads is a perfect representation of this. The only reason you did this was not to educate your 'friends' in CAN, but for a cheap publicity stunt and for your own personal lulz.

As far as education is concerned, I'm sure there are many different ways to educate a newbie to the way this game is played, rather than taking advantage of them and openly mocking their lack of experience for the world to see. This doesn't better the community, this puts people off with your petty elitism and dislike for new alliances.

What does it matter to you that these alliances don't have anything to offer(as far as your opinions are concerned anyway). Simply ignore them, it is not your business what they do, the rest of us get by.

Your arrogance impresses no one.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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I find it hilarious that you actually think your education is worth anything. The sheer audacity of you deciding who needs your education. So why don't we cut the rubbish out here and admit this was just a stunt on your behalf to get some attention.

Well, they did get it.

Am I the only one who thinks CAN would have been worse off if he said yes?


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Absolutely bad show IS. I am ashamed that such debauchery is still expressed by alliances.

What you should have done is spent 20 hours running the leader through a correspondents course in order for him to be properly educated, but IS being the bastion of classlessness did not precede down this route.

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Don't be snide, calling them friends is laughable. I am aware that you are baiting me by being deliberately stupid and ignorant, but I'm replying regardless.

I am not being snide, I have had multiple civil conversations with some government members of CAN, and I am proud to call them friends.

The feelings of IS as far as new alliances are concerned are well known. Your conduct in many DoE threads is a perfect representation of this. The only reason you did this was not to educate your 'friends' in CAN, but for a cheap publicity stunt and for your own personal lulz.

This thread was merely the tool to the education of CAN, not a cheap publicity stunt.

As far as education is concerned, I'm sure there are many different ways to educate a newbie to the way this game is played, rather than taking advantage of them and openly mocking their lack of experience for the world to see. This doesn't better the community, this puts people off with your petty elitism and dislike for new alliances.

Honestly, we don't care what people think of us, we just are here to help others. Sure there are other ways to educate the newbies, but there are so many that need our educating, that we must take the quickest and most effective route to educate them.

What does it matter to you that these alliances don't have anything to offer(as far as your opinions are concerned anyway). Simply ignore them, it is not your business what they do, the rest of us get by.

It matters because they don't have anything to offer, and we want to help them have something to offer. Having a useless alliance that contributes in no way to society is a bad thing. We are here to help alliances contribute to the global community, by educating them, and giving them the valuable experience they need to operate on Planet Bob.

Your arrogance impresses no one.

I fail to see where I am being arrogant.

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Absolutely bad show IS. I am ashamed that such debauchery is still expressed by alliances.

What you should have done is spent 20 hours running the leader through a correspondents course in order for him to be properly educated, but IS being the bastion of classlessness did not precede down this route.

Like I said in my previous post, we would love to take all the time in the world to educate every newbie that needs educating, but we don't have that much time on our hands with all our future pupils. We take the fast and effective approach to teaching. Besides, nobody pays attention in class, but you sit on the edge of your seat in our lessons!

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I am not being snide, I have had multiple civil conversations with some government members of CAN, and I am proud to call them friends.

I believe they would say otherwise.

This thread was merely the tool to the education of CAN, not a cheap publicity stunt.

Because this is believable, IS caring about new alliances. Excuse me just one moment Captain Bacon of the Swine battalion is about to take off in his new fighter jet.

Honestly, we don't care what people think of us, we just are here to help others. Sure there are other ways to educate the newbies, but there are so many that need our educating, that we must take the quickest and most effective route to educate them.

Well this is pretty obvious, y'know apart from the 'helping' bit. No one needs your educating, it is ridiculous that you think yourselves so highly that you are the saviour of all new alliances and your education is worth a damn.

It matters because they don't have anything to offer, and we want to help them have something to offer. Having a useless alliance that contributes in no way to society is a bad thing. We are here to help alliances contribute to the global community, by educating them, and giving them the valuable

I quote the immortal lines of The Big Lebowski as far as what you think people have to offer.

"that's like, your opinion man"

You go on about people having nothing to contribute to society, yet I have yet to see anything from IS as far as a contribution to society is concerned, so what makes you the ones righteous enough to decide who has anything to offer, or contribute. The hypocrisy here is ridiculous.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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I attempt to better the community by educating their alliance leaders.

If someone's grocery bag rips in the parking lot, and people laugh at them, they will be embarrassed. Next time, they will double up and use two grocery bags, so it won't rip.

If a kid touches a hot stove and burns his hand, he will learn not to touch it again.

If an inexperienced alliance leader offers a gov position to a total stranger, and is embarrassed on the OWF for it, he won't offer gov positions to total strangers anymore.

See what we are doing? We are using conditioning to train inexperienced leaders. Now as I see it, Smarter and better leaders lead to a better world community.


If you had even the shakiest grasp of "education" you'd listen when Buds teaches you something...

As this discussion grows longer your replies are more and more embarrassing. I hope for IS that someone comes and stops you from "representing" them here.

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I'm sorry guys, but my government has asked me to stop posting in this thread. I can no longer respond to your posts, because I am ruining IS's reputation as the classiest alliance in the game.

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I'm sorry guys, but my government has asked me to stop posting in this thread. I can no longer respond to your posts, because I am ruining IS's reputation as the classiest alliance in the game.

Good show! We'd hate to see IS having its reputation ruined, that'd be awful wouldn't it.

Also I am flattered to be quoted in your signature.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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Good show! We'd hate to see IS having its reputation ruined, that'd be awful wouldn't it.

Also I am flattered to be quoted in your signature.

Yes it would be terrible to have our reputation ruined. We have established ourselves as one of the most giving and community oriented alliances after helping educate Kingemo.

Its an honor to have you in my signature.

A wise move.

It is indeed.

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This thread did not surprise me.

Very disappointing actions nonetheless, not very classy.

Very classless, those Internet Superheroes folk. They show no remorse in trolling great alliances such as those moral folk at Zenith who love trying to quiet such opinions as Internet Superheroes.

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