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Recognition of war

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Hi. I'm still the Deputy Minister of Defense for Monos Archein. I did not make veiled threats. I am very forward about any threats, and if there were a reason for me to threaten anybody I wouldn't make them veiled. The thread I posted was not backtracking, it was an explanation.

As to what connection we have to RAD, we are allies with RoK, who are allies and former protectors of RAD.

Trust me, if I needed to threaten someone it wouldn't be 'veiled'.

I will point out that the New Polar Order is very closely allied to RoK who we consider good friends. So perhaps your perspective isn't as unique as you would like to assert ;). Take your Frostbite assertions and flush them along with your stupid signature.

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When someone breaks into your home, it is possible to protect yourself without killing them. With this act, the NSO has made it clear that you can not just attack their nations because you think it would be funny. At the same time they don't see the need to ruin RAD over it. There are cases where war can be used without the intent of killing the opposing force you know.

When someone breaks into your home, you break their kneecaps, find their family, their friends, everyone they ever knew and $%&@ them up, right? No. Your analogy is as crap as this CB. and the people from Fostbite trying to pretend they support it.

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I will point out that the New Polar Order is very closely allied to RoK who we consider good friends. So perhaps your perspective isn't as unique as you would like to assert ;). Take your Frostbite assertions and flush them along with your stupid signature.

I wonder if he's even aware that the majority of Frostbite is on Blue and not Brown?

When someone breaks into your home, you break their kneecaps, find their family, their friends, everyone they ever knew and $%&@ them up, right? No. Your analogy is as crap as this CB. and the people from Fostbite trying to pretend they support it.

You're correct. RAD didn't have a very good CB on us when they declared war.

Edited by Corinan
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You're correct. RAD didn't have a very good CB on us when they declared war.

Congratulations, another pass at a valid question that you don't want to answer. Why speak to people when you can close your eyes and fire your guns, right?

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When someone breaks into your home, you break their kneecaps, find their family, their friends, everyone they ever knew and $%&@ them up, right? No. Your analogy is as crap as this CB. and the people from Fostbite trying to pretend they support it.

I'm not really sure what you're getting at. You pretty much just agreed with what Random said and then told him it sucked. NSO is not the one who declared war, they merely recognized that a state of war existed.

Edited by Jphillips412
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Oh that is rich. "Hey look Citadel, we should be friends because FB postures against both of us."

Oh please...spare me.

Actually I didn't say that. Good try though. Maybe I'll take what you say seriously when 90% of it isn't just "haha so you are saying xxx and yyy" when a person hasn't said anything about xxx or yyy..

I will point out that the New Polar Order is very closely allied to RoK who we consider good friends. So perhaps your perspective isn't as unique as you would like to assert wink.gif. Take your Frostbite assertions and flush them along with your stupid signature.

No thank you I happen to like it so I think I'll keep it for a while. And I never said our situation was unique, I answered KingZog's question about why I should care.

Edited by Penkala
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I'm not really sure you what you're getting at. You pretty much just agreed with what Random said and then told him it sucked. NSO is not the one who declared war, they merely recognized that a state of war existed.

I don't believe I agreed at all, my entire post was meant to be sarcastic. We both know this entire situation has been blown out of proportion, which is what I meant.

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I realize that as a former Hegemony member, and as someone that gleefully destroyed alliances for minor/nonexistent infractions this may be hard to grasp. But some of us are capable of moderation and realizing that there is a middle path to most things. Just because in your prime all enemies had to be curb stomped doesn't mean it has to be that way forever. The NSO understands this. Perhaps one day you will open your eyes and see it as well.

I started to GIS for pictures of a pot and a kettle but am busy doing other stuff so just pretend i posted a picture of a pot *here* meeting a kettle *here*


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Hi. I'm still the Deputy Minister of Defense for Monos Archein. I did not make veiled threats. I am very forward about any threats, and if there were a reason for me to threaten anybody I wouldn't make them veiled. The thread I posted was not backtracking, it was an explanation.

As to what connection we have to RAD, we are allies with RoK, who are allies and former protectors of RAD.

Trust me, if I needed to threaten someone it wouldn't be 'veiled'.

I see. A difference of perspective, perhaps. In my world, when people speak of 'consequences' they usually have something to back it up with. What you are saying, then, is that you're thumping your chest and grunting and that it's meaningless. Alright, I accept that.

Again, in the real word when someone explains that they were not, in fact, speaking on behalf of their bloc, that's called backtracking. For you it's called....trying to hang on to your job, I suppose? Beats me.

All I can see if that you are, as they say, "full of it." Continue, though. It's entertaining.

Now, would you be good enough to explain what the Liquor Cabinet, the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance did to merit the good wishes expressed in that childlike sig of yours? Let me guess....although you're in MA's government, you're not speaking for them when you insult tLC, STA and the NpO, right?

(Does anybody speak for their government anymore?)

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OK guys, lets see if this "discussion" can last longer than the war itself. If we all work together I think we can achive this goal. The only people who seem to be carrying on about it anymore are people not involved at all, like me.

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OK guys, lets see if this "discussion" can last longer than the war itself. If we all work together I think we can achive this goal. The only people who seem to be carrying on about it anymore are people not involved at all, like me.

Is that STA's official government stance on this issue? :lol1:

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I see. A difference of perspective, perhaps. In my world, when people speak of 'consequences' they usually have something to back it up with. What you are saying, then, is that you're thumping your chest and grunting and that it's meaningless. Alright, I accept that.

Nope. No thumping of the chest from me, here! Again, as you can see in my (ooc)sig(ooc) I'm not afraid to say what I mean. If I wanted to threaten you I'd threaten you. I don't want to threaten you, though, so as much as you want to become a victim of evil SF threats it's not going to happen.

For you it's called....trying to hang on to your job, I suppose? Beats me.

I'm at no risk of losing my job. You can try to psychoanalyze whatever I say however you want and twist it to seem like threats and then backtracking, but there were no threats issued. Again, if I were threatening you it'd be very blatant. I'm a pretty blatant kind of guy. Sometimes that gets me in trouble. On the upside, you never have to wonder where I stand or if I'm threatening you.

Now, would you be good enough to explain what the Liquor Cabinet, the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance did to merit the good wishes expressed in that childlike sig of yours? Let me guess....although you're in MA's government, you're not speaking for them when you insult tLC, STA and the NpO, right?

I'm not allowed to put a funny image in my sig (although yes I *am* less than pleased with Frostbite right now, specifically NSO...)

And I removed the "Deputy Minister of War" specifically so that people wouldn't point and go "SEE? SF REALLY DOES HATE US I HAVE PROOF!"

As much as you hate it I can say what I want and the rest of the world will realize it's just that, ME saying what *I* want, not me speaking for MA. Sorry, that's the way it is.

Edited by Penkala
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(Does anybody speak for their government anymore?)

I do.

Zenith is glad to see what started out as a bad lulz attempt has been taken in stride by both parties, and despite the damage done to the strength of each alliance, each party’s agendas has been forwarded by this, while those on the sidelines wheedle this way and that to contort the situation to their advantage.

Interesting development. Good fight to both of you.

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