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World Map Z


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what a surprise. i'm not on it.
i'm not whining like a baby. i'm simply commenting on how i wasn't included on the update again. so shut up.
no you didn't here because i'm not. but see, when everyone else is updated and i'm not, it kind of pisses me off.

Nagato, do you know what you should have done? You should have simply posted to say something like "Hi you missed my claim could it be added to the next update, etc" You really need to take the attitude and park it at the door. There are usually tons of different map requests between updates, so conceivably yours could have been accidentally glossed over. You really aren't doing yourself any favors by the tone of your posts. Finally, this is a public thread, unless you are a moderator you have no right to say who can and can not post in here.



-Miniature Update (I fixed some of the pixels on my borders, and added an island to the North-north west of Buryatia. I also did a minor attempt at fixing the Zargathia-Lu joint area, but decided not to bother XD. Minor fix done to the border between Buryatia and the Eastern protectorate)

Note: I did not add any territorial claims to the above map, I only fixed a few borders. I will leave the addition of the various areas to someone else, I just wanted to fix a few minor border issues that have been there for quite a while.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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He can if he damn well wants to. So long as nobody stops him IC-ly, that's entirely possible.

So can I confirm then that the rules regarding SoI to map claims are disregarded hence forth? (finger on the claim all non-occupied territory button)

Furthermore, I'm not letting him through my borders to claim the land between me and Kitex, and I doubt he will either. What is he going to do about that?

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So can I confirm then that the rules regarding SoI to map claims are disregarded hence forth? (finger on the claim all non-occupied territory button)

Furthermore, I'm not letting him through my borders to claim the land between me and Kitex, and I doubt he will either. What is he going to do about that?

SOI only factors in for the first claims. Where is everyone getting the idea that you can't grow outside your SOI through a little rp?

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