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The Phoenix Federation Announcement

King Death II

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Yes Gabryal, because I point out inconsistencies and outright lies in BG's posts which seriously make me chuckle it means I lack class. I suppose I should insult people like you do eh? BG is a big boy, he can take care of himself. If you'd like to point out failings in my post, please feel free, but I replied to him and not you.

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Yes Gabryal, because I point out inconsistencies and outright lies in BG's posts which seriously make me chuckle it means I lack class. I suppose I should insult people like you do eh? BG is a big boy, he can take care of himself. If you'd like to point out failings in my post, please feel free, but I replied to him and not you.

I wasn't here in those rounds. I just don't personally like attacks on someone who I've come to deeply respect. Simple as that.

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But you feel ok posting stuff like this to people who know this game much better than you and have been here a lot longer?

Do you do much aside from Whine? I'd say close to 1/6th of the posts in this thread are by you and they all sound like an emo kid looking for a razor blade store. If it's that bad I can send you a link where you can buy straight razors over the net.

What would you call that? Hypocrisy maybe? Now please stop derailing the thread

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Not counting last round where they had a similar track record, heres the tally so far:

Hit MHA with well over 2x the NS

Hit Fark with well over 2x the NS

Hit Noir with well over 2x the NS

Hit LE with over 2x the NS

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

We have two times more NS than anyone but RE. Put yourself in TPF's shoes. If LE had two times more NS than anyone else, and 200+ nukes, would LE just sit on the sidelines and not war? You know you wouldn't. RE got slammed early in the round for fighting small alliances, now TPF is getting slammed for fighting an alliance half the size, even though its widely known that LE has some of the best military skills out of any AA in the game. Many of you people here can't seem to make up your mind on what you want to see. Do you want a TPF vs RE war? Its not going to happen.

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Well, a few of the early posts in this DoW managed to stay on topic, although they were insulting and showed poor taste on the part of the writers.

LE has no respect whatsoever for TPF, so why praise us? Do you fools really think you can glom on to to some glory by praising us for qualities you lack and then mathematically eliminating us from TE?

We at TPF praise LE because we know how skilled of competitors LE is comprised of. We don't look for glory through this war, just war. That's why we're all in this game, yes, I said game.

Quite sad that such a good alliance as Lafayette will fall merely due to the fact that people think they are entitled to ruining a game for the rest,

TPF has no intentions of 'ruining a game for the rest' of anybody. We've been planning this war for a while (yes, before WOLF was created, and possibly even before it was mentioned) and as I and other TPF members have said, its because we know LE always puts up a good fight.

...you'll be attacked by an alliance twice as big who'll give the worst back-handed compliments you ever heard.

Back-handed compliments? For the several rounds that I've been in TPF, we have been great sports and honorable players. We don't give 'back-handed' compliments, but rather we respect the other people who are in this game. If you find anybody from TPF who behaves otherwise, let us know and we'll deal with it.

I think the drama in this thread has gotten a bit out of control. It seems like with every DoW this round, someone has ended up complaining that something just isn't fair. The fact is that this is a game of war, so war happens, stuff gets blown up, and in two months it starts all over again. Lets drop all the hard feelings, and play the game. If it will make you guys feel better, you can attack me for the rest of the round. ZI me if you want. I don't care. My nation will be rebuilt in a couple weeks. I'm here for the fun of the game and for the camaraderie.

Good luck to both TPF and LE.


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We have two times more NS than anyone but RE. Put yourself in TPF's shoes. If LE had two times more NS than anyone else, and 200+ nukes, would LE just sit on the sidelines and not war? You know you wouldn't. RE got slammed early in the round for fighting small alliances, now TPF is getting slammed for fighting an alliance half the size, even though its widely known that LE has some of the best military skills out of any AA in the game. Many of you people here can't seem to make up your mind on what you want to see. Do you want a TPF vs RE war? Its not going to happen.

If LE was in this position, I think they would take on the whole world of TE.

But hey, you don't have to pay attention to my first post. I'm not very good at these political debates or whatever.

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What would you call that? Hypocrisy maybe? Now please stop derailing the thread

I didn't say I didn't know the game as well as anyone else, I said I wasn't here for those rounds. There are plenty of veterans out there that I'll put my skills up against. I've stayed in the top 5% the entire round, held #1 for six days, held a top 10 spot for two weeks after, and only after a blitz by three nations on me did I drop out of the top 10. My record speaks for itself.

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We have two times more NS than anyone but RE. Put yourself in TPF's shoes. If LE had two times more NS than anyone else, and 200+ nukes, would LE just sit on the sidelines and not war?

Well, we'd probably pick as many alliances to fight against to make the fight interesting and we most certainly wouldn't hide in the skirts of a big bloc.

But hey, bring it on. It's better than not having a war.

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Well, we'd probably pick as many alliances to fight against to make the fight interesting and we most certainly wouldn't hide in the skirts of a big bloc.

But hey, bring it on. It's better than not having a war.

They are not hiding behind anyone.

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READ my post above more WOLF AA's have been beat down than anyone else...Also TFD are friends of TPF, they are no hippies, they just play the game a different way.

They play to win by building nations to be the top 10 and take the #1 spot, i congratulate them for that and you should to,

not down them or degrade them for it.


Ermm... this round? MHA was beaten and it took a month to regain it's former strength. Fark was beaten and won't recover this round, LE was in a war for long enough to stunt their growth that they are half of what they would be. Most of the other side of WOLF has been hit hard enough that both RE and TPF have had nearly a whole round of uncontested reign, THAT is what I was saying.

As for TFD, I wasn't degrading them, I was saying they play the game without interfering with everyone else, which in a war game is being a hippy, protesting war so that they can build up. It's not derogatory.

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Why does WOLF have anything all at to do with this thread?

Oh right some people needed something more to snivel about.


No?. Why are they a member of WOLF then?.

My nation name is right over there.


You know my alliance. I'm not hiding.

Come and get me.

Wow. I've never seen this much BAWWW out of LE before. Ammon's been cool (as usual), Anu Drake just was and a couple other people too. But there sure is a lot of BAW. What the heck happened to you guys? You used to just ...fight.

This is a straight-up 1-1 alliance fight, albeit we've got most of the numbers on our side. If it starts getting too bad, we'll give you peace if you want it. We did that with NOIR earlier this session and with Fark as well. Neither of those wars went over about three-four days before we called them off. We just thought you'd be a bunch of stand-up guys who'd enjoy a good fight, and we wanted to war with someone. We do that regularly.

Tonight I get nuked by an LE nation with a HNMS and a nuke with my name on it. And that's all right. I'm not going to cry about it. My people will glow with pride. Just around two weeks from now all our nations face the big nuking anyways. So who cares? This is why we play TE: To fight and have fun. If you can't do either, there's an exit nearby that needs your buttprint on the door.

For Ammon, Anu, maicke and the rest who like to fight and have fun, a gift from me:


From those of us down near Mexico, that's good stuff. Enjoy.

Those of you whining so hard get NOTHIN'.

Just what you deserve.

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Ermm... this round? MHA was beaten and it took a month to regain it's former strength. Fark was beaten and won't recover this round, LE was in a war for long enough to stunt their growth that they are half of what they would be. Most of the other side of WOLF has been hit hard enough that both RE and TPF have had nearly a whole round of uncontested reign, THAT is what I was saying.

I knew we hit you guys too early [sarcasm]! And RE has done its fair share of fighting, the MHA war was enough to put our top tier down a notch, and combine that with a very effective hit by CDT, followed up by attacks by UBD War Machine and Priapism, and add in the various brushfire wars we've had, and you'll find that most of our top 75 have been in a state of nearly constant war since we first hit Harmful.

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Also Grags I'd have to search but I'm not 100% on your claim you don't care about WOLF, if I don't find anything I won't edit this post, and consider it an apology for doubting your word, if I do, I'll do a quote of this post and post the evidence to the contrary of your statement. Until then I'll take your bold faced words as truth.

Let me assist you Gabby






There may be 1 more. If you can find it (cause I can't), feel free to post it.


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Most of the other side of WOLF has been hit hard enough that both RE and TPF have had nearly a whole round of uncontested reign, THAT is what I was saying.

Umm... when did good alliance management become a bad thing?

Oh and check out the highest NS score in RE right now, I'd say things have been pretty brutal for it's citizens of late.

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I was more or less looking for evidence that YOU don't care about WOLF, I can't seem to recall if you have slammed WOLF in the past or not, that's what I was looking for, not evidence of others supporting it.

Edit: one of them had a comment above it by you that more or less supported your theory of not hating WOLF in general. I'll accept that you've been consistent. Not like intended to insult you or anything. Just alot of people HAVE bashed WOLF so the names kinda fly by. ( I had forgotten about Potsie's post though, I don't think he ever got over whatever it was that he hates TPF for. I wasn't around for it in anycase )

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Let me assist you Gabby




There may be 1 more. If you can find it (cause I can't), feel free to post it.


I quoted the ones where you called us cowards.

See, here's the thing.

We're taking the blindside hit by MHA tonight a LOT better then YOU were taking ours.

I think YOU are more of a coward then we could ever be.

You do the rest of LE wrong.

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