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Everything posted by JonBoy16

  1. I've never been a flag runner because I too think it's boring. But let's be honest here. The only rewarded measure of success in the game right now is based off who has the strongest nation at the end of the round. Therefore people will pursue the flag, like they should. Also, there isn't any kind of data that backs the idea of flag-running being "what ruins TE." It could be part of the issue, but we all have our gripes about things that are destructive to the game as a whole. Also... ^^^^^What the heck does this mean?? :p
  2. Well, with all the wars we've been in this round, I'd sure hope we would have a few nations on that list. :p
  3. I've gotta give mad props to the War Doves. Their counter attacks were very well coordinated and they worked well together. They're some of the toughest opponents I've fought so far this round.
  4. My opinion may be a bit biased, but I'm pretty impressed by the choice of war opponent. This should shape up to be one of the best wars we've seen yet this round. Doesn't this make it war number quatro for us cobras?
  5. My NS opponents were quite talented. It was a joy fighting against some quality opponents rather than someone who is unprepared and simply turtles. Thanks for the great war, NS!
  6. I admire the way you defend your treaty. Perhaps we should all be more like that and turn TE into the UN. We can all be the UN, Australia, and Canada.
  7. Says the person who has been around for all of 12 posts.
  8. What Overlord Shinnra said is pretty much how I read it too. It sounds like too many people like their imaginary nation size too much. :)
  9. Well it's about time we see the official DoW so we can all tell you how horrible of a target you picked. This is about the easiest, least prepared, and most vulnerable alliance you could have hit. You guys have been out of war for about two weeks and you chose to hit an alliance that just finished getting pounded by TPC one week ago. Very classless choice of opponent, Goodfellas. What a shame.
  10. Well, I'm not so sure that applies, seeing how we (TPC) just finished our one week war with Hellas. So y'all have been out of war for at least two weeks, which isn't really much shorter than OP considering when our wars ended with them. Overall, I think this is as close to a perfect match up as we've seen in TE this round. Best of luck to both sides.
  11. I've gotta say, I'm impressed by the choice of opponent. It should be a pretty good war.
  12. I think you're missing something here, buddy. As a chief war strategist, a proper strategy would be to have more than 25% of you alliance in a war when you get attacked. You should be running more nations at the nations who attacked you.
  13. You seem to be implying that we lumped a bunch of weak nations into the DoW just to make the numbers look better. In actuality we only hit two or three of your largest nations. The numbers were already in Hellas' favor had we not thrown those few OTK nations into the mix. If you're going to be upset at anyone, it should be at your own alliance, or at yourself. As OTK's chief war strategist, perhaps it should have occurred to you that if 75% of your alliance has no wars, you need a new strategy. Why are your buddies sitting on the sidelines while their comrades are getting attacked? That's y'alls fault. Not TPC's.
  14. As far as adding WAPA versus not adding them, its not my choice, and it isn't even the issue. You keep throwing talking points out claiming TPC did something wrong. We're out numbered, out nuked, and not long out of war ourselves. Stop complaining and lets raise our casualty counts, shall we?
  15. Easiest targets? Y'all have more nations than we do, plus we added another AA on top of the war, then only attacked their largest nations. Y'all had more nukes than we did before we even added the other AA to the war. The closest nation to our avg NS was WAPA with only ten nations. I can't even begin to imagine the whining there would have been had we attacked WAPA. Yes, the war against y'all has been easy for the most part, but that's mostly because hardly any of your nations had GC's or Barracks. That's not our faults, its yours. So don't try calling us the bad guys because you all had your pants down. It's a war game. Y'all should have been ready for war. As far as us going for high avg NS, what does that even mean? Are we somehow guilty of some sort of crime for trying to build our nations' strength? If you guys haven't been trying to do the same thing, then maybe you need to get some pointers on playing the game. You guys have some sort of treaty with OP, huh? I haven't been around since round 15 or so, so I don't know what the recent history is between TPC, OP, and Hellas, but it seems like AAs hold grudges like women these days. That last comment in your post makes it sound like you're telling OP to hit us right out of war like you're accusing us of doing to y'all. That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it. ;) Anyway, lets enjoy the destruction while we can.....
  16. Yep....TPC is a bunch of low class warriors lobbing nukes in a war game. What has this AA come to? Edit: In a war in which we're out-nuked.
  17. Can someone make sense of this for me? Who's teaching people how to play the game these days?!
  18. When you average less than 1 GC per nation, you're setting yourself up for failure. The most important part of a rebuild is to be prepared for war on your non-collection days.
  19. You can't reason with some people. If I was still in charge I would have arranged a similar war. Yes, we have a higher avg NS, but that number isn't even as true as James' stats claim since we're not hitting the lower level Knights Tartarus nations. It doesn't matter what we do, some people will never be happy because we DoW'd (or DoE'd in this case) instead of being DoW'd against. Let the naysayers say nay and let the wars rage.
  20. Nice DoE, James. ;) You stole my avatar.
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