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The "Burn Down Preston!" Doctrine


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"Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those who we cannot resemble."


I think its more that we try to imitate what we find humorous or comical. [ooc] Its like white guys wearing saggy pants and listening to rap music. [/ooc]


Edited by Frozenrpg
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Disagreeing with the NSO isn't enough, you had to make this stupid imitation? Way to look like idiots guys.

Oh I'm sorry, do you think Athens and PC look like idiots for poking fun at NPO and Invicta? Didn't think so.

O/ IFOK and Stickmen. You guys are more fun than I thought.

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Oh I'm sorry, do you think Athens and PC look like idiots for poking fun at NPO and Invicta? Didn't think so.

If you think someone is afraid to say that they do then I'll go ahead and say it: I don't know about Ragashingo but I think so, yes.

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Oh I'm sorry, do you think Athens and PC look like idiots for poking fun at NPO and Invicta? Didn't think so.

Depends on the post. Sometimes people do a great job at poking, sometimes they come out looking like morons. I will note that I defended Invicta and the NPO in that friendship topic. What do you make of that?

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Depends on the post. Sometimes people do a great job at poking, sometimes they come out looking like morons. I will note that I defended Invicta and the NPO in that friendship topic. What do you make of that?

To be fair, some members of NSO seemed to pick on Stickmen for largely arbitrary reasons when they decided to move to purple instead of brown.

EDIT: Clarification

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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I suppose I missed that. Assuming NSO's jabs were this lame are you suggesting that two wrongs make a right?

I don't think it's fair to suggest anything of the sort. Matt was merely pointing out that Stickmen having a little fun at NSO's expense is not as one sided as some people are suggesting.

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I suppose I missed that. Assuming NSO's jabs were this lame are you suggesting that two wrongs make a right?

I'm simply pointing out this fact because some of their members seem upset over this "jab". Basically, why do it if you don't want it done to you?

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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I suppose I missed that. Assuming NSO's jabs were this lame are you suggesting that two wrongs make a right?

Your assuming this is lame!!

Considering the majority of bob are laughing at NSO behind their backs anyway, this thread has caused widespread mirth. Not gales of laughter, but certainly mirth!!

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