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Duckies have FUN in the SUN!

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The Fun in the Sun Accords

Duckies get a suntan!!!




The alliances of Rubber Ducky Division and NOVA have always had a friendly and fun relationship. They share many of the same values and views. This document is an Optional Defense Pact between Rubber Ducky Division and NOVA, from this day forward to be known as "The Fun in the Sun Accords". That being said, it’s time for more friends to jump into the tub.


Article I:


Rubber Ducky Division and NOVA agree to maintain a state of non-aggression with one another. They also agree to not conspire and/or commit acts considered espionage against the other. The signatories shall not give any form of aid or assistance to any alliance or individual who has committed any act(s) of aggression against the other. NOVA agrees not to steal any breadcrumbs or cookies from Rubber Ducky Division. In turn Rubber Ducky Division agrees to share all such snacks with NOVA.


Article II:


Both alliances shall remain independent sovereign entities and agree to not interfere in the affairs, both public and private, of the other. They agree to be polite and respectful to one another, both in public and private. If any disputes should arise they agree to settle such disputes privately. Rubber Ducky Division agrees to keep all quacking that may occur during these discussions civil.

Article III:


Rubber Ducky Division and NOVA agree to share any and all information that may present a threat, militarily or otherwise, to the other. All information shall be kept confidential. Rubber Ducky Division agrees to share their super top seekrit quacking code with NOVA.


Article IV:


Should either alliance find themselves in need of aid, financial, military or any other form, they may request such aid from the other. Though not obligated to provide such aid, the parties are highly encouraged to do so. It goes without saying that NOVA shall have unlimited access to Rubber Ducky Division’s cookies, beer and use of their bubble bath.

Article V:

Optional Defense

If either signatory comes under attack they may request assistance from the other. While neither party has an obligation to fulfill this request they are strongly encouraged to consider doing so. The signatories shall notify one another 24 hours in advance of any aggressive action they may take against another alliance. NOVA agrees to return and help gather any and all of Rubber Ducky Division’s feathers that may be lost in such conflicts.


Article VI:


Either signatory may terminate this pact at any time. The withdrawing alliance must notify the government of the countersigned, through the appropriate private channels, seventy-two (72) hours prior to their desired time of termination. The exception to the 72 hour window will occur if either party breaches an article of this document, their signatures on the treaty will be considered void, unless previously agreed upon by both alliances. If an attack is made on either party during seventy-two (72) hour grace period this treaty will remain in effect seventy-two (72) hours after the conflict concludes.


Signed for Rubber Ducky Division:

Augusta Antonia, Triumvirate

Roseblood, Triumvirate

Tongo, Triumvirate

Signed for NOVA:

Demag, Imperator

HM4A1, Vicegerent

IndianaIllusion2, Dux Chancellor

Wolfbane, Princeps Chancellor Wolfbane

Hazardousdoc, Procurator Chancellor

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