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Everything posted by Woopsi

  1. That's actually pretty decent, props on your flow
  2. Your flag reminds me of Echelons. Good luck guise
  3. Awesome awesome awesome, zombies and my favourite colour Welcome to yellow
  4. I thought you played a vital role in this amazing war. o/ GPA
  5. Congratulations to Kirjath Jearim, I know he will do a great job as trium o/KJ o/Tongo o/RDD
  6. Wow, two fine alliances and one fine treaty. I like it
  7. Congratulations on the two years, I'm sure you will be around for many more o/Echelon Augusta
  8. I am just the slightest bit excited about this treaty I'm looking forward to working with you good folks over at NADC o/
  9. Yeah this is something I can get behind ;P
  10. Congrats guise, that is a nice government line up you have there o/Echelon
  11. I sense high levels of awesomeness o/Echelon o/AiD
  12. Congratulations LOUD, that's a nice looking government you have their too. Demag
  13. You guys are doing very nicely o/ TGH
  14. Congratulations to both TGH and UBD, two great alliances
  15. Best of luck GI. Needs a yellow flag though...
  16. But according to the Nexus agreement We were attacked not even 48 hours after our DoW
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