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A PPF declaration of war

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The PPF does not stand by and wait for the threats of terrorists and the enemies of freedom to be fulfilled; rather, we take proactive and preemptive steps to circumvent the horrors of terrorism before they can fully ferment into a frothy brew of destruction and anti-freedom. It is in no group's best interest to sit idly by and wait for their enemies to land a clearly telegraphed punch on their proverbial jaws simply for the sake of upholding some myopic tradition of gamesmanship or "honor".

With this sentiment in mind, the PPF feels it is necessary to declare a preemptive strike upon our newest, and perhaps as-yet most diabolical nemesis to date:

shahman of Mesopotamia

We understand if you, our great fellow citizens of Bob, recoil with fear or perhaps even anger at the thought of letting loose our dogs or war past the gates of an ally, but understand this:

The NpO currently harbors a terrorist in their midst, and I suspect that any of you in the international community can and will be swayed by the evidence collected by our satellite cameras, which clearly show shaman harboring intent of mass destruction.

I suspect that the NpO themselves, being the lovers of justice that they are, will freely allow the U.S. (united Shark) troops of the PPF to enter the borders of Mesopotamia without resistance; they must understand that the only thing that separates them from being aligned to the VERTICES OF NOGOODNIKS (along with the NPO and Carrot Top) is their willingness to protect and harbor terrorists.

So I say to my friends in the NpO: allow us the justice we deserve.

And the the community of Bob at large: I must assure you that we fully respect the sovereignty of all alliances the Bob over. Our only enemies are the terrorists, and those who would harbor them.

Hail Sharks.

Onward towards freedom.

Omg, could there be anymore pointlessness in this post? Wow, you couldnt just say that you were going to war with these people for a few direct, straight forward, concrete reasons? Holy !@#$, I thought this was a game, not a REAL LIFE political arena in which where my life is debated through 5 dollar words and useless small talk.

Lmao, Freedom? Honor? Terrorists? Seriously? LOL!! Yes, unlike you, I will NOT be oppressed by online terrorists asking a question whether to remove annoying pesky alliances to himself. Freedom? What is he keeping you at your computer seat and making you type these unneeded forum topics? Oh dear god!! HELP ME!! LOL! And yes, Honor, Lmao, I know when certain individuals are to recieve a certain type of respect. You making a declaration of war on people because they were merely speaking about their opinions with, might I add NO ACTION, is to bestow honor upon yourself? Lol, so amuzing.

Yes rebel, this is why I don't care for the CN forums, useless chatter which resolves in nothing but more insults based on other peoples opinions. Your are just as bad as racists... there is no difference except the fact that you reside within a political based game.

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Omg, could there be anymore pointlessness in this post? Wow, you couldnt just say that you were going to war with these people for a few direct, straight forward, concrete reasons? Holy !@#$, I thought this was a game, not a REAL LIFE political arena in which where my life is debated through 5 dollar words and useless small talk.

Lmao, Freedom? Honor? Terrorists? Seriously? LOL!! Yes, unlike you, I will NOT be oppressed by online terrorists asking a question whether to remove annoying pesky alliances to himself. Freedom? What is he keeping you at your computer seat and making you type these unneeded forum topics? Oh dear god!! HELP ME!! LOL! And yes, Honor, Lmao, I know when certain individuals are to recieve a certain type of respect. You making a declaration of war on people because they were merely speaking about their opinions with, might I add NO ACTION, is to bestow honor upon yourself? Lol, so amuzing.

Yes rebel, this is why I don't care for the CN forums, useless chatter which resolves in nothing but more insults based on other peoples opinions. Your are just as bad as racists... there is no difference except the fact that you reside within a political based game.


Ok. Perhaps it would be better for you, and the rest of us if you resumed your lack of posting and reading of these here forums.

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Do as you wish, Rebel Virginia.

Oh sorry my mistake

Opethian has been doing this much longer then RV, you really shouldn't accuse the original of being a knock off.

PPF has my moral support throughout this conflict!

OOC @ Heinousone; Opethian also posted this in an OOC forum it just happened to get moved here.

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Omg, could there be anymore pointlessness in this post? Wow, you couldnt just say that you were going to war with these people for a few direct, straight forward, concrete reasons? Holy !@#$, I thought this was a game, not a REAL LIFE political arena in which where my life is debated through 5 dollar words and useless small talk.

Lmao, Freedom? Honor? Terrorists? Seriously? LOL!! Yes, unlike you, I will NOT be oppressed by online terrorists asking a question whether to remove annoying pesky alliances to himself. Freedom? What is he keeping you at your computer seat and making you type these unneeded forum topics? Oh dear god!! HELP ME!! LOL! And yes, Honor, Lmao, I know when certain individuals are to recieve a certain type of respect. You making a declaration of war on people because they were merely speaking about their opinions with, might I add NO ACTION, is to bestow honor upon yourself? Lol, so amuzing.

Yes rebel, this is why I don't care for the CN forums, useless chatter which resolves in nothing but more insults based on other peoples opinions. Your are just as bad as racists... there is no difference except the fact that you reside within a political based game.

I wanted to requote this post and to bold that bit there as it made my morning so much better. I love the smell of indignant response in the morning.

Good luck PPF and onward to victory....or something like that.

Edited by Mechanus
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Yes rebel, this is why I don't care for the CN forums, useless chatter which resolves in nothing but more insults based on other peoples opinions. Your are just as bad as racists... there is no difference except the fact that you reside within a political based game.

lol irony...

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Omg, could there be anymore pointlessness in this post? Wow, you couldnt just say that you were going to war with these people for a few direct, straight forward, concrete reasons? Holy !@#$, I thought this was a game, not a REAL LIFE political arena in which where my life is debated through 5 dollar words and useless small talk.

Lmao, Freedom? Honor? Terrorists? Seriously? LOL!! Yes, unlike you, I will NOT be oppressed by online terrorists asking a question whether to remove annoying pesky alliances to himself. Freedom? What is he keeping you at your computer seat and making you type these unneeded forum topics? Oh dear god!! HELP ME!! LOL! And yes, Honor, Lmao, I know when certain individuals are to recieve a certain type of respect. You making a declaration of war on people because they were merely speaking about their opinions with, might I add NO ACTION, is to bestow honor upon yourself? Lol, so amuzing.

Yes rebel, this is why I don't care for the CN forums, useless chatter which resolves in nothing but more insults based on other peoples opinions. Your are just as bad as racists... there is no difference except the fact that you reside within a political based game.

Thank you, oh wisened one, for sharing your insightful pearls of wisdom with the ignorant and dumb OWF masses :blush:

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You declared war even though you can't attack? This is simply attention seeking. The PPF is respected because of its history, but each time you pull a lulz move like this you move it one step closer to just being another FAIL – a laughing stock.

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You declared war even though you can't attack? This is simply attention seeking. The PPF is respected because of its history, but each time you pull a lulz move like this you move it one step closer to just being another FAIL – a laughing stock.

Opethian, a proud lulz merchant since ... for ever (I forgot how his signature put it).

I guess it is time for me to form my own Alliance and so help the Cause in a more effective way.

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You declared war even though you can't attack? This is simply attention seeking. The PPF is respected because of its history, but each time you pull a lulz move like this you move it one step closer to just being another FAIL – a laughing stock.

I disagree, Opethian has always been more effective in war with words then with weapons and he can still use those words, this is no less needed on these forums then many other topics out here.

I still like PPF's style.

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I disagree, Opethian has always been more effective in war with words then with weapons and he can still use those words, this is no less needed on these forums then many other topics out here.
Uninteresting topics existing is not a legitimate justification for creating more uninteresting topics.
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Uninteresting topics existing is not a legitimate justification for creating more uninteresting topics.

your uninteresting topic is my interesting topic. we all have different tastes, just because some do not like it does not mean others do not love it.

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Not even the vaunted hippie shield can save the cowards now!

Sorry, had to get that out of my system. :blush: Anyway, Be it RV, Opethian, whatever, love it all, this stuff is pure humour gold. ;) As Srqt said, everyone's got different tastes, and one man's trash is another man's treasure.

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