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Anyone want to turn the tide?


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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

EDIT: this is an OOC forum, this does not reflect on what I want Polaris to do in any way or form!

Edited by shahman
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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

Many of these new alliances have friends that might take exception to an attack. I'm sure that Polaris isn't interested in being embroiled in another mass conflict so soon and if you chose to leave Polaris prior to your engagement you would certainly be signing a death warrant.

As I'm sure that the government of Polaris would not sanction your suggestion and any rogue action on these new alliances would certainly not change anything - in fact it might end up STRENGTHENING whichever alliance you chose to attack - I would recommend that you research a different solution.

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I think that this is a grea... no not really this is a terrible idea. Let them run their course and stop complaining. They'll merge and disband it's not like they'll stick around forever

Indeed as time goes on and few people continue to join they will merger with others. It is the way of things.

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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

I like your style. Come visit us in #is anytime.

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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

Way ahead of you, like KX said, Join #is

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Like many said, new alliances isn't unnecessary. Actually new alliances are good for the game, some might bring in new ideas and conflicts and this game would be boring if we always chose the same big alliances to join and the ones that aren't meant to be will dissapear on their own.

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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

And what, exactly, makes you so necessary?

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The number of alliances has remained constant at about 200 since Admin added the Display All Alliances tab. Any noticeable increase in the rate of alliance formation is either in your head or coupled with a shortened expected survival rate; probably a little of both. Regardless, seeing as the number of alliances has held steady since a year ago, I really don't see why this is an issue that someone has to "solve".

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The number of alliances has remained constant at about 200 since Admin added the Display All Alliances tab. Any noticeable increase in the rate of alliance formation is either in your head or coupled with a shortened expected survival rate; probably a little of both. Regardless, seeing as the number of alliances has held steady since a year ago, I really don't see why this is an issue that someone has to "solve".

The 'Display All Alliances' tab only displays alliances with 20 or more members.

As an example, House Atreides actually has the Nation Strength to place at #183. However we only have 8 members, and do not display on the list.

Edited by Vanadrin Failing
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The 'Display All Alliances' tab only displays alliances with 20 or more members. House Atreides actually has the Nation Strength to jump in at #183 if that were the main criteria.

Of course it isn't perfect, but it's the best estimate available.

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Let me ask you this, how do you think TOOL formed? How do you think IRON came about? How do you think RoK formed? How do you think any of the current alliances formed? Do you think they came out of nowhere? Look at how successful Argent is and they didn't form that long ago.

I'll say this: most small alliances won't succeed, true. They'll end up disbanding or merging into other alliances but there are the rare ones who will go on to become something else. But don't ever forget, your alliance was small once too. Just because our alliances formed a long time ago doesn't mean other people shouldn't have a right to try their own hand at it. There are some successful ones and some not so successful ones. Some people don't like big alliances, so smaller ones are ideal to those who just want to be casual and be with friends.

They have a right just as the big alliances to exist. Plus microalliances can be a break from big drama as well. Their future, their path could be one day sanctioned. It all depends on the capability of their leaders and their determination. So you might see it spitefully but they have a right to give it a try. All the large alliances today started out as a small one years ago, just because many alliances have been around for years doesn't mean that one won't succeed today. It is hard but with the right people, it can happen. So don't spit on those who wish to try their own hand for they may one day be among those who form leading alliances.

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