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Anyone want to turn the tide?


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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

EDIT: this is an OOC forum, this does not reflect on what I want Polaris to do in any way or form!

This is a joke. Right?

If so: :lol1:

If no: :unsure:

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890765 I just realised your own alliance only contains less then 25 members ... oh man please where do I start there.... lol lol lol

What on earth is your hatred toward small alliances about (and its a long term one) when you yourself have chosen to be part of one?


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We all have the right to do whatever we want as long as we don't break the law or the game rules. But we also have to deal with the consequences of our words and actions. For example, a consequence of IS's forum posting is that virtually no one respects them. Though I doubt you care about that.


All of us in RAD are fans of the originality, independent thought, and lulz which comes out of the alliance of IS. We're not the only ones who are, either.


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... dont worry about that I'd have all the treay's signed and posted personally myself, i would have a few dozzen in my head already I could get to you tomorrow if you needed them... I think you forget that the majority of highly motivated CN gamers are not the ones who make up the numbers at superalliances but the ones who get their hands dirty and go out and make their own... trust me it aint bludging inactives that form all these micro alliances.

If your alliance was attacked simply for being a small alliance, I would defend you with or without a treaty.

All of us in RAD are fans of the originality, independent thought, and lulz which comes out of the alliance of IS. We're not the only ones who are, either.


4chan memes, a mind set of the former hegemony, and tired lulz. There is no originality there Hakai. Fact of the matter is IS continually puts down small alliances in every single thread they post in never taking into account they are a small alliance who is new. Well they do I am sure, they just don't care. That is so original and lulzy. There is a difference between funny and retarded.

The OP is digging his own hole with this one. As he makes more and more posts and threads about it, it will get more and more stupid. The only reason this became about IS is there ability to make ridiculous claims and defend them by saying "No U". I know the first thing that happens when I see that is to !@#$ myself cause its so lulzy. I have nothing wrong with you Hakai, but I think you are mistaken here.

I for one would love to see IS follow through with the claims they make. They don't think small alliances should exist? Start attacking them then. Start with Vires Noctu please. Those guys are dicks.

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4chan memes, a mind set of the former hegemony, and tired lulz. There is no originality there Hakai. Fact of the matter is IS continually puts down small alliances in every single thread they post in never taking into account they are a small alliance who is new. Well they do I am sure, they just don't care. That is so original and lulzy. There is a difference between funny and retarded.

The OP is digging his own hole with this one. As he makes more and more posts and threads about it, it will get more and more stupid. The only reason this became about IS is there ability to make ridiculous claims and defend them by saying "No U". I know the first thing that happens when I see that is to !@#$ myself cause its so lulzy. I have nothing wrong with you Hakai, but I think you are mistaken here.

I for one would love to see IS follow through with the claims they make. They don't think small alliances should exist? Start attacking them then. Start with Vires Noctu please. Those guys are dicks.

Heh, seems like this has come down to a battle of rhetoric (just like most arguments/trollfests in CN). You use fancy words to say one thing, I use fancy words to say another. I'm glad you have nothing wrong with me, but maybe it's time to loosen up a little bit. IS is rad. B)

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I agree with the OP. I think NpO should start killing off new small alliances because there are definitely too many. Besides, they're overqualified for the job with their experience in killing alliances so they're perfect. I will support them in this endeavor through all means available to me.

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I agree with the OP. I think NpO should start killing off new small alliances because there are definitely too many. Besides, they're overqualified for the job with their experience in killing alliances so they're perfect. I will support them in this endeavor through all means available to me.
You didn't read the thread did you? I mean, you must not have since you're effectively honing in one one Polar's ill-advised joke suggestion, and ignoring pretty much every other Polars condemnation of it.
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I agree with the OP. I think NpO should start killing off new small alliances because there are definitely too many. Besides, they're overqualified for the job with their experience in killing alliances so they're perfect. I will support them in this endeavor through all means available to me.

I acknowledge your acknowledgment of our experience in the destruction of alliances. I am struggling to recall which alliances these were but it makes me seem really tough and so forth. Perhaps you could refresh my memory, your reference seems so loaded with laughs, I want to be in on the joke as well. If you are a former \m/tard, your continuing tears are delicious, but I didn't do it .

We are happy to kill whoever, you will need to complete a lengthy selection application and process however as we just wont kill people for absolutely no reason. I don't think being ''small'' is necessarily a good selection criteria, but then again you have to start somewhere. I prefer random color bias myself, personally I see pink as the direct opposite of blue and therefore I may in the future choose to hate all of pink without any further recourse to logic or reason. Of course rolling pink alliances would be just for the lolz and good times, they seem like such a fun loving bunch, full of wit and verve and would join in the merriment with enthusiasm.

You know where I am if you have an issue with the NpO, the uber aggressive alliance has been soooo war hungry in the last year, we are always happy to entertain diplomats, politicians and clowns alike.

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I acknowledge your acknowledgment of our experience in the destruction of alliances. I am struggling to recall which alliances these were but it makes me seem really tough and so forth. Perhaps you could refresh my memory, your reference seems so loaded with laughs, I want to be in on the joke as well. If you are a former \m/tard, your continuing tears are delicious, but I didn't do it .

We are happy to kill whoever, you will need to complete a lengthy selection application and process however as we just wont kill people for absolutely no reason. I don't think being ''small'' is necessarily a good selection criteria, but then again you have to start somewhere. I prefer random color bias myself, personally I see pink as the direct opposite of blue and therefore I may in the future choose to hate all of pink without any further recourse to logic or reason. Of course rolling pink alliances would be just for the lolz and good times, they seem like such a fun loving bunch, full of wit and verve and would join in the merriment with enthusiasm.

You know where I am if you have an issue with the NpO, the uber aggressive alliance has been soooo war hungry in the last year, we are always happy to entertain diplomats, politicians and clowns alike.

\m/tard? You must be new here.

Also, I think rolling pink alliances would be fun, too.

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You didn't read the thread did you? I mean, you must not have since you're effectively honing in one one Polar's ill-advised joke suggestion, and ignoring pretty much every other Polars condemnation of it.

Oh I did. Especially the part about "It quickly became a joke when it was realized this was terrible PR for the NpO".

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Honestly, if they can't take the heat, and learn from it, they should be driven from the game. Your nation can never truly be destroyed, you just need to persevere. The conflict will make them stronger. (Those who choose to stay of course)

Sadly, satisfaction of your social darwinist fantasy pipedreams would hardly bode well from an utilitarian viewpoint. The only ones actually getting something out of that would be dastardly weasels like your petty alliance while in the end, the less we have nations, the less colourful and interesting this game will be.

Driving newer nations out of the game is basically shooting other peoples' babies in the face.

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Sadly, satisfaction of your social darwinist fantasy pipedreams would hardly bode well from an utilitarian viewpoint. The only ones actually getting something out of that would be dastardly weasels like your petty alliance while in the end, the less we have nations, the less colourful and interesting this game will be.

Driving newer nations out of the game is basically shooting other peoples' babies in the face.

Sorry Iosif but with the intelligence level displayed by this topic it is painfully obvious that you are using words with way too many syllables for proper comprehension. Your going to have to break this down much further.

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Oh I did. Especially the part about "It quickly became a joke when it was realized this was terrible PR for the NpO".
So it is your implication that at one time this was not considered to be anything more then a half serious, joke suggestion by members of Polar? Why precisely do you believe that? Because your prejudice tells you to ignore whats right in front of you, and instead just make !@#$ up?
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We all have the right to do whatever we want as long as we don't break the law or the game rules. But we also have to deal with the consequences of our words and actions. For example, a consequence of IS's forum posting is that virtually no one respects them. Though I doubt you care about that.


What consequence to IS's forum posting? So far all I see is lulz.


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So it is your implication that at one time this was not considered to be anything more then a half serious, joke suggestion by members of Polar? Why precisely do you believe that? Because your prejudice tells you to ignore whats right in front of you, and instead just make !@#$ up?

I don't know, probably replies from polar members earlier on in the thread and the sudden change in tone later. :rolleyes:

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I will not eat anyone. I simply wish to protect and educate them. I will do everything in my power to stop nations from making the mistake of forming or joining a new or small alliance. If that includes some military intervention, so be it. In exchange for protection, said nations will be required to sell 1500 tech in 3 million for 150 tech deals. Using every aid slot, this will take only 2 months. After which, said nations are free to leave, (as they will have been properly educated) or can remain under my protection for small monthly stipends of 50 tech.

Under my protection, I will organize trades for these unlearned nations, and be sure they get a good guild set up. Trades will not be made with shifty foreign sources though. I don't care if you can't get trades, all that matters is if my serfs can.

I do see the sport in attacking non-aligned and smaller group nations. In the long run, I profit, and so will they.

Thousands of nations have opted to leave the game altogether rather than continue to exist beholden to another group that has used violence to attempt to bend them to its will.

There are many of us who would go down fighting to make sure there is no profit in looting and tyranny.

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All of us in RAD are fans of the originality, independent thought, and lulz which comes out of the alliance of IS. We're not the only ones who are, either.


Hey, whatever floats your boat man. I'm sure IS's allies respect them, they wouldn't be allied if they didn't. But outside of allies, next to no one respects them. And if they're cool with that, fine. I was just saying that it's a consequence of the way they post and act.


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i am in one of those new alliances and i don't like the plan

it is just ludicrous

u should think before you post

and i will report this as a threat to all new alliances

these new developments are de4finatly selfish in there own right

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It quickly became a joke when it was realized this was terrible PR for the NpO.

Yes, because this thread was just FULL of Polar members and government supporting and loving the idea until it became clear that it looked bad, and then they all backed off. Right?

Why is it so hard to believe that most alliances just have an idiot or two that don't really represent the rest?

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i hope no one goes along with his ludicrous idea and disrupt a persons right to develop there own way of thinking

and the human right the have to choose what they want.

i think you should keep your communist views to your self.

:o :o :o :o :o

i hope no one attacks a single hair on one of these new alliances as it would be a sign of communist character which your alliances has.

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i hope no one goes along with his ludicrous idea and disrupt a persons right to develop there own way of thinking

and the human right the have to choose what they want.

i think you should keep your communist views to your self.

:o :o :o :o :o

i hope no one attacks a single hair on one of these new alliances as it would be a sign of communist character which your alliances has.

Communism (from Latin: communis = "common") is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general.

Communist: a radical viewed as a subversive or revolutionary who supports, advocates, or serves to further communism.

Perhaps fascist would be the word you are looking for, though that too would not be correct either, strictly speaking.

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I will not eat anyone. I simply wish to protect and educate them. I will do everything in my power to stop nations from making the mistake of forming or joining a new or small alliance. If that includes some military intervention, so be it. In exchange for protection, said nations will be required to sell 1500 tech in 3 million for 150 tech deals. Using every aid slot, this will take only 2 months. After which, said nations are free to leave, (as they will have been properly educated) or can remain under my protection for small monthly stipends of 50 tech.

Under my protection, I will organize trades for these unlearned nations, and be sure they get a good guild set up. Trades will not be made with shifty foreign sources though. I don't care if you can't get trades, all that matters is if my serfs can.

I do see the sport in attacking non-aligned and smaller group nations. In the long run, I profit, and so will they.

I wonder if this person remembers how old his own alliance is.

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