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All Raiders of Technology

Poseidons Rage

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Wow, so you wasted like 5 months and a ton of aid from other people to blow up a 3k NS nation?

That was so totally worth it!

I'm not sure if this guy has an MP, but if he does, he's gonna mess up a lot more than one nation. I've messed up 20 so far this war. A nation with 1k infra, 75 tech, an MP, and a warchest is one of the most dangerous military weapons in the game. Nukes are devastating to the average nation down here, and with a warchest you can nuke for months. Especially if your target alliance has no nuke nations at this level (most don't). I've been fighting one of the few alliances that does have a lot of nuke nations down here, and my warchest is still holding out, so I can only imagine how long a warchest must last if you're not getting nuked. If Poseidon sticks at it, he's gonna make GDA feel pain in the lower ranks for a long time.


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I'm not sure if this guy has an MP, but if he does, he's gonna mess up a lot more than one nation. I've messed up 20 so far this war. A nation with 1k infra, 75 tech, an MP, and a warchest is one of the most dangerous military weapons in the game. Nukes are devastating to the average nation down here, and with a warchest you can nuke for months. Especially if your target alliance has no nuke nations at this level (most don't). I've been fighting one of the few alliances that does have a lot of nuke nations down here, and my warchest is still holding out, so I can only imagine how long a warchest must last if you're not getting nuked. If Poseidon sticks at it, he's gonna make GDA feel pain in the lower ranks for a long time.


Right up until someone wises up and starts buying some people some CIA wonders. Suddenly those nukes slowly vaporize and not because they are being fired.

Freelancer: I said at one point I'd never add people to that list. I've added two now in the past few months, one this weekend in fact.

[OOC] Do what saves your sanity. I wonder if some people are still competing as part of the "soc" crowd at their local high school...in their mind. If they aren't any fun to roleplay with and you are otherwise enjoying the game, why not put them on ignore? [/OOC]

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I'm not sure if this guy has an MP, but if he does, he's gonna mess up a lot more than one nation. I've messed up 20 so far this war. A nation with 1k infra, 75 tech, an MP, and a warchest is one of the most dangerous military weapons in the game. Nukes are devastating to the average nation down here, and with a warchest you can nuke for months. Especially if your target alliance has no nuke nations at this level (most don't). I've been fighting one of the few alliances that does have a lot of nuke nations down here, and my warchest is still holding out, so I can only imagine how long a warchest must last if you're not getting nuked. If Poseidon sticks at it, he's gonna make GDA feel pain in the lower ranks for a long time.


*Ahem*, Bama I belive this war is over, however he does have an MP thats for sure.

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Right up until someone wises up and starts buying some people some CIA wonders. Suddenly those nukes slowly vaporize and not because they are being fired.

Freelancer: I said at one point I'd never add people to that list. I've added two now in the past few months, one this weekend in fact.

[OOC] Do what saves your sanity. I wonder if some people are still competing as part of the "soc" crowd at their local high school...in their mind. If they aren't any fun to roleplay with and you are otherwise enjoying the game, why not put them on ignore? [/OOC]

Not a whole lot of nations in the 4k range are buying wonders. And the spies themselves are very expensive. I've been spying at will for a long time because no one in my range can afford spies. With his warchest, Poseidon can buy all the spies he needs (assuming he doesn't already have them).


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Ohh my, this thread is still alive?

BamaBuc, The citizens of Atlantis are compassionate and kind, without saying we believe in Justice and it has been served, there was no reason to continue once our terms were met.

Chairman Hal, is this something you had in mind?


Heinous One, I will admit, if I had a chance to turn back the clock, I may have waited and done things a little different.


I was speaking with one of our superiors today about the reactions I received from this thread, to be frank and honest we did not expect this, we expected pure outrage (Think pre GW2) Mongo and Decollo-Letum come to mind, which if happened the story line would have changed


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To Thor, he didn't have nukes, as by any outside indication he was defenseless, again less than 3K NS. The only way to have any indication of this event happening would be by spies, and a cursory look at the raider's nation makes me think he has no spies. This is not a case of a stupid raider, this is a case of a smart anti-raider. I would also like to echo the sentiments of the poster who said the OP is bad#@$. :v:

ah my bad, kinda skimmed it :P I must admit that's a pretty damn good trap.

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It's cute when they have no idea what theyre talking about.

I've no idea what you're talking about, that's true. It can't be anything sensible though.

Here's the thing, you are doing so unintentionally already. Whereas Sal?

Sal's mocking you for doing so.


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LM, but Enderland and the many others who went luring in there victims had a tougher time of it, CN etiquette would almost dictate that if you raid someone with Nukes prepare to glow green, you and I have both been here a long time, have you ever seen this done quite like this, I know I haven't

No, that is not true. It is not hard to make people think they will not eat nukes. Hell, I once did this and changed my nation bio to read "quitting cn, never signing in again, feel free to raid" and I was jumped by 3 nations in an hour; even Enderland raided me. The difference was that nuked 10k infra nations, whereas you are nuking nations that can be rebuilt in 10 days. Oh, and I never made a annoucement about it, because attention is not a good reason to do something. This to me, looks like the main reason you did it was for attention, hence PR's comments about being famous.

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No, that is not true. It is not hard to make people think they will not eat nukes. Hell, I once did this and changed my nation bio to read "quitting cn, never signing in again, feel free to raid" and I was jumped by 3 nations in an hour; even Enderland raided me. The difference was that nuked 10k infra nations, whereas you are nuking nations that can be rebuilt in 10 days. Oh, and I never made a annoucement about it, because attention is not a good reason to do something. This to me, looks like the main reason you did it was for attention, hence PR's comments about being famous.

I didn't do anything, I was commenting to LM, that in my long history here on the planet, I have never seen this done before and I'm talking about the OP.

I'm no where near as forgiving as Mr Rage, my attacker would have felt the full blunt of my arsenal for as long as the war lasted.

Edited by Freelancer
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"We play a game people" Games are supposed to be fun unless your on the losing end. I don't like to loose, however, I'm not going to throw the game pieces on the floor if I find myself in checkmate.


CN is afterall a war game. Some people forget that fact and think its just an economic exercise. Whether you fight in an alliance war or in a tech raid - it's all in fun! This anti-tech raid was "Priceless". B)

Edited by Arwen
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Maybe so, however this thread and idea will go down in CN history, it's hard to become famous here, I did it with one post.

Psssh, becoming famous by nuking someone is sooooo 2006! :awesome:

Anywho, nice work on the plan. While I have no real hatred or love for tech raiding it is amusing to see the tables turned on a raider for a change. Happy nuking!

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Ohh my, this thread is still alive?

BamaBuc, The citizens of Atlantis are compassionate and kind, without saying we believe in Justice and it has been served, there was no reason to continue once our terms were met.

Chairman Hal, is this something you had in mind?


That would be it. While many saw Bernard Goetz as a hero, vigilantism comes with a price. Make a mistake and the "landmine" scheme turns off a ruler on Planet Bob just as fast as any reaver busting up smaller nations just because they can.

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Psssh, becoming famous by nuking someone is sooooo 2006! :awesome:

*Nods to Tyga*

An effective tactic taken right from your playbook, thanks coach :)

Anyhow, nice work on the plan. While I have no real hatred or love for tech raiding it is amusing to see the tables turned on a raider for a change. Happy nuking!

I gave him peace, one was quite effective, I'm sure The Black Rain covering his capitol city for the next few days should be a enough of a reminder.

You really have no idea who you're talking to.

He may not, but I do, if I recall you wrote quite a handy guide for our wanbe spies, an excellent read in my opinion, however like your previous incarnation Freelancer does not do subtle well, not at all.

CN is afterall a war game. Some people forget that fact and think its just an economic exercise. Whether you fight in an alliance war or in a tech raid - it's all in fun! This anti-tech raid was "Priceless". B)

We appreciate the compliment,.


As I said earlier we had a couple wrinkles in the plan which I'll share, frankly cause I laugh ever time I think about it.

The first came sometime in early June, when I was 7 days inactive, I had roughly 147 million saved, aid slots baring my benefactors, when I log in to find myself under attack.

One post set a chain of events in place that can only be described as WOW, what efficiency, the end result was I remaining quite, never attacked back and within hours my attacker sending massive amounts of tech back to the alliance I was assured safe haven.

Maybe one day that will get declassified and posted here for all to see, it was truly funnier than the OP itself just for the fact that the Minister of Defense at the alliance I was staying at never new the event even happened, the more I think about that talk about scary.

The second came when I lost my uranium trade the day I went to None, boy did I have to run back home quick.. :P


That would be it. While many saw Bernard Goetz as a hero, vigilantism comes with a price. Make a mistake and the "landmine" scheme turns off a ruler on Planet Bob just as fast as any reaver busting up smaller nations just because they can.

Thank You for your concern, however unlike most I understand the political climate of the world I live.

TLDR means I pay attention.

Edited by Poseidons Rage
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I guess if being a vigilante floats you boat then keep at it. Still, it seems pointless to not at least try to extort the tech back and send it along to its rightful owners if thats what this sad little display of e-peen flaunting is actually about.

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I guess if being a vigilante floats you boat then keep at it. Still, it seems pointless to not at least try to extort the tech back and send it along to its rightful owners if thats what this sad little display of e-peen flaunting is actually about.

Apprentice Hydro, may I be as bold to ask, have you read the entire thread?

I’ll re-cap for those tuning in late.


The interactive saga of Poseidon’s Rage was just that, a soap opera if you will developed to entertain “you” the viewers of Planet Bob. What you were unaware of, the script had a few different endings “Your” reactions decided the outcome.

As I said here

I was speaking with one of our superiors today about the reactions I received from this thread, to be frank and honest we did not expect this, we expected pure outrage (Think pre GW2) Mongo and Decollo-Letum come to mind, which if happened the story line would have changed

As most stories we need a catchy title, something to grab the viewer’s eye, “All Raiders of Technology” short and to the point emm your thinking does this pertain to ME? Second Part “Welcome to the Abyss” Now you’re thinking, ok who just got hit and is whining NOW?

Habit has you click the link and now we have your attention.

The creators of this script could care less who raids who or what you choose to do in game, they needed a catalyst a precursor for the story and if planet bob is anything it’s predictable, one day in none produced the first contestant. I hold no I’ll wills to the GDA who was gracious enough to partake in this story unwillingly or the Nation Leader himself.

I imagine the next contestant story will be titled “Land Mine 8 has just exploded” unfortunately, this is information I am not privy to and like most of you, will have to wait to read that episode.

Thank You all for tuning in, we hope you enjoyed the show, as for me my fait is undecided at the moment.


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Oh the days when I could raid with impunity...

Having A nuke and a hundred million dollars is not a deterrent to any tech/land-raider worth their salt. I do like how you bought a bunch of infrastructure to overwhelm the guy, but there are only so many times you can do that before running out of money. Also, unless I miss my guess you have likely become a target due to this--if I could raid you I would be doing so right now.

As to becoming "famous" because of this? Don't kid yourself. Perhaps this is the first time someone has done precisely what you have, but fighting back against raiders and posting about it is far from new.

All that being said, at least you're enjoying yourself which counts for more than anything else.

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@ OP, good things within :D

I don't really give a !@#$ about tech raiding. I've never done it myself, but there's nothing inherently evil about it. [OOC] This is a war game, if you just want to grow, go and play NS. [/OOC] I know this isn't the most popular stance to take, but seriously, I don't really care.

That having been said, this was a pretty trap, and it gave me quite a laugh. Kudos to the OP.

This surprised me, after reading post after post of yours, on how high your [ooc] in-game [/ooc] morals are.

Tech Raiding is basically Planet Bob's equivilent to Theft, $%&@, and Murder. You go into another country, uninvited, and attack its citezens and pillage their money, land, and technology. There's nothing immoral or cowardice about that, is there?

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This is a nice humurous plan however, as has been said before this post, if you say tech raiding is bad or gay or (insert idiotic remark here) then you should frankly press that little "delete my nation" button at the side of your screen and go play a different game because this is not an economic simulator, it's a war game.

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This is a nice humurous plan however, as has been said before this post, if you say tech raiding is bad or gay or (insert idiotic remark here) then you should frankly press that little "delete my nation" button at the side of your screen and go play a different game because this is not an economic simulator, it's a war game.

Taken from the OP's last post, I think we get it, how bout you ?


The interactive saga of Poseidon’s Rage was just that, a soap opera if you will developed to entertain “you” the viewers of Planet Bob. What you were unaware of, the script had a few different endings “Your” reactions decided the outcome.

The creators of this script could care less who raids who or what you choose to do in game, they needed a catalyst a precursor for the story


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