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The Fall of Croatia


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OOC: LOL. What the smack ?!

IC: Federal President van Slingelandt just addressed the nation calling the dissolution of Croatia an "interesting turn of events". Van Slingelandt reminded his friends in Lübeck that Austria was for a large part traditionally Bavarian soil and asked for the incorporation of the Slovenian region of Styria into Bavaria.

The simple fact that Bavaria once controlled the lands of Austria and Slovenia over 1,000 years ago does not make it a valid traditional or historical claim. It is no more valid than saying that Japan has a valid traditional claim over Indonesia because it ruled the area once.

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"We have a deeply historical claim to these lands, dating back many years ago, however, we understand that people might not like this, and therefore we acknowledge their point, however, the lands which have become regions of Lübeck are ready to die for our great leader if need be."

"We are Bavarians.

Austrians have very similar culture to us, even if they think they're better than us. We think we're better than them.

The Austrians are our family, and any single Bavarian has stronger ties to them than your entire nation."

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Prussia condemns the nations that will or plan upon taking actions of imperialism within Europe. Annexing lands that have no ethnic or historical benefit for it's people is simply colonialism and will not be tolerated by Prussian government.

Prussia hereby demands that Lübeck halts it's annexation of the mentioned lands, for there are now CEU protectorate regions until a home for them, under governments of their own, can be found.

People of the world, I ask for you to stand up and oppose Lübeck's senseless annexation of lands that they should hold no claim to.

We could not have said it more clearly our self. We believe the land should be made a protectorate. While we cannot support any military action that might be taken, we will continue to voice our displeasure, non-violently.

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In spite of the growing tensions in Europe because of the dissolution of Croatia the Dutch Government issues the following order to the Armed Forces:




Vanwege de toenemende spanningen in Europa dienen alle grenstroepen in verhoogde staat van paraatheid te worden gebracht en alle huidige verloven in te worden getrokken (dit geld eveneens voor allen die dit weekend zouden afzwaaien.) Dit geld in het bijzonder voor de troepen die aan de Pruisische grenzen gelegerd zijn. Plannen voor een volledige mobilisatie dienen gereed gelegd te worden. Procedures voor geheim radioverkeer of waar nodig radiostilte dienen in acht te worden genomen.






In light of the growing tensions in Europe all border troops are to be put on heightened alert and all present leaves are being canceled (this also goes for those that would leave the service during this weekend). This goes especially for all troops based along the Prussian borders. Plans for a full-scaled mobilization will have to be ready for use. Procedures for secret radio communications and where necessary radio silence will have to be followed.


The Federal President will address the nation later tonight.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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OOC: Wait, arn't OOC land deals not allowed? Where was this agreement made?

OOC: It may have been made OOC, but Cent posted IC that the land transfer was taking place with, and specifically stated it was up to Lubeck to do with it what they wished.

OOC: All ooc agreements are ooc agreements posted IC. It still makes them OOC agreements. :v:

OOC: Then that nullified half the RP threads, at least the character ones. Your point is moot.

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OOC: It may have been made OOC, but Cent posted IC that the land transfer was taking place with, and specifically stated it was up to Lubeck to do with it what they wished.

OOC: Then that nullified half the RP threads, at least the character ones. Your point is moot.

OOC: Okay, wtf is an OOC deal if not something completely agreed too OOC and then made by a short little post IC?

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OOC: Okay, wtf is an OOC deal if not something completely agreed too OOC and then made by a short little post IC?

OOC: I never said it wasn't an OOC deal, Ubie...please read more carefully... :P

What I said was that if OOC negotiation and agreement is removed entirely--this place would be a lot more boring.

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OOC: Then that nullified half the RP threads, at least the character ones. Your point is moot.

OOC: No, my point is not moot. Asking someone if they want a treaty is one thing, giving away your entire country is another. There is no "blanket rule" to these things, you have to take them on a case-by-case basis.

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OOC: No, my point is not moot. Asking someone if they want a treaty is one thing, giving away your entire country is another. There is no "blanket rule" to these things, you have to take them on a case-by-case basis.

OOC: And it's obvious Cent is leaving Europe. He's obviously not going to let his land descend into Anarchy, however.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: No, my point is not moot. Asking someone if they want a treaty is one thing, giving away your entire country is another. There is no "blanket rule" to these things, you have to take them on a case-by-case basis.

OOC: Then is it possible to give away land when you are rerolling?

He could of just secretly agreed that his goverment was stepping down, and then Lubreck comes in to "save the day". Or if he gave it to a neighbour then this thread would be shorter, no disliking, and most likely no "was this agreement made OOC?".

Just let it roll man. It can make for an interesting RP since people are against it, and all this OOC is doing is ruining that RP. The point is still moot because if we let what your trying to do happen, then it is an OOC agreement.

Now please, let these people roleplay. There will be no gain from this OOC argument at all.

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OOC: A mutual defense pact.

OOC: I don't see your point here, care to clarify?

If you mean me and Norway, that is hardly without RP. We fought together against Nordland, we were co-founders of TEC, it was only a matter of time before we had a formal non-bloc MDP.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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At this moment, Federal President van Slingelandt will address the nation (translated):

Dear listeners, this is your President.

During the last few hours, the map of Europe has been redrawn. Both politically, military and socially. Nations quarrel over the remains of former Croatia. Carving an empire while using their weapons to impose their will on others. But we ought not to be worried. Still the cabinet and I have decided to take a step that might not be popular amongst many of you- nor is it with my own conscience but it is perhaps better to be safe now then to be sorry later. That's why we announced this partial mobilization.

I urge the listeners to when you all go to bed to sleep safe and sound to remember that there is of yet no genuine reason to be concerned and to sleep just as calmly as you are used to do every night. And for now I will leave the listeners to the soothing enjoyment of the radio's late night program. We will see each other tomorrow.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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OOC: Then is it possible to give away land when you are rerolling?

He could of just secretly agreed that his goverment was stepping down, and then Lubreck comes in to "save the day". Or if he gave it to a neighbour then this thread would be shorter, no disliking, and most likely no "was this agreement made OOC?".

Just let it roll man. It can make for an interesting RP since people are against it, and all this OOC is doing is ruining that RP. The point is still moot because if we let what your trying to do happen, then it is an OOC agreement.

Now please, let these people roleplay. There will be no gain from this OOC argument at all.

OOC: Did I ever tell you that I love you?

This is exactly my feelings on this issue.

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At this moment, Federal President van Slingelandt will address the nation (translated):

Dear listeners, this is your President.

During the last few hours, the map of Europe has been redrawn. Both politically, military and socially. Nations quarrel over the remains of former Croatia. Carving an empire while using their weapons to impose their will on others. But we ought not to be worried. Still the cabinet and I have decided to take a step that might not be popular amongst many of you- nor is it with my own conscience but it is perhaps better to be safe now then to be sorry later. That's why we announced this partial mobilization.

I urge the listeners to when you all go to bed to sleep safe and sound to remember that there is of yet no genuine reason to be concerned and to sleep just as calmly as you are used to do every night. And for now I will leave the listeners to the soothing enjoyment of the radio's late night program. We will see each other tomorrow.

OOC: I recognize that speech........

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People of the World, People of Chimaira,

I address you, my people, as your Presidenten, and I address the world as a peacekeeper, and a unbiased man trying to make this situation at peace. People of this quarrel, whether Lubeckian, or Bavarian, I ask you to lay down your arms, stop your mobilization, and come to a compromise. Why should friends, especially friends in trade and name, fight? What is the worth of fighting over land that you claim is yours, if all it leads to is bloodshed for your respective selves, and the death of your innocent soldiers. I call upon my people, not to take up arms, but watch the situation in peace, and wait it out. I just hope, for this moment, compromise can be possible. Peace paves the way to friendship, and happiness, while war only leads to violence, bloodshed, and nightmares.

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The Curristan Government was surprised by the news of Croatia's collapse. Curristan News Network (CNN) had recieved word of the collapse which had sparked frantic sales of late editions of the Curristan Times.

President Polly Richards has expressed her concerns on Lubeck taking the land that is not historically theirs. She has asked that Lubeck let the people of the territory decide what they want via a referendum. She also echoes the Chimaira President's plea to Lubeck and Bavaria to stop their mobilisation and come to a compromise.

At this time, Curristan Airlines is suspending all flights into Central Europe and scrapping all services into the former Croatian territory pending agreements. Flights into Bavaria and Lubeck are however still operational. Curristan Cargo has suspended operations into Central Europe and rerouting flights over the Northern Atlantic to avoid the disputed area.

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She also echoes the Chimaira President's plea to Lubeck and Bavaria to stop their mobilisation and come to a compromise.

"Where did we raise our Defcon?

It is in fact being lowered to four, from three in most and two in some areas."

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"The Prussian Freestate hereby allots the nation of Lübeck 48 hours to withdraw all claims to the former domain of Greater Croatia. If compliance is not issued, action must be taken.

We call upon our allies in the CEU and around the world to pressure the nation of Lübeck into fair compliance. The claims in Austria and other effective areas are baseless and simply imperialist, expansionist and unfair to the native populations in mentioned areas.

We call upon the nation of Lübeck to comply to the will of the Central European Union--an organization in which they hold membership. Your claims to the Austro-Slovak area should be left up to indigenous governments, filtered and administered by the CEU, not in the hands of a single nation with no idea of the will of the people involved."


140,000 soldiers from the Bremen Armeguppe Detachment have been mobilized in the general area for preparedness of action. Within them, 400 Panzer VII tanks, 4 Luftwaffe Stealth Bombardment Wings, 10 Luftwaffe Close Air Support wings, and 20 Multi-Purpose Fighter Wings.

Carrier fleets 2, 5, and 7 in the Baltic have begun maneuvers across the Baltic and North Atlantic in order to gauge movements in and out of Lübeck.

Prussian electronic warfare units have begun accessing the cyber and electronic infrastructure in the nation of Lübeck.

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