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Crimson Guard forums hacked


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Then nobody else accused, they just pointed out that Sileath had the means to do such a thing and not such a good track record...

As said multiple times before, IC =/= OOC. You will not find me having any track record of doing anything harmful to someone's OOC property.

Edited by Sileath
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All you people accusing people of hacking without any proof are absolutly pathetic. I don't care how much you dislike someone, don't accuse them of a RL crime without proof. Pathetic how far people will go to defame someone's name.

I have to agree with my fellow Paradoxian, here. I dislike Sileath as much as anyone in this topic, probably. But, you have no proof that he did this, so drop it. Crimson Guard, you've had pretty bad luck so far but with your members track records it's not a surprise. I hope you guys can shake all this off and prosper. It looks like most if not all of Sileath's ex alliance have prospered highly. I wish you the best of luck too.

Warm Wishes,


PS: Please keep Planet Bob out of Planet Earth kthxbi

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The avatar exploit was for SMF 1.1.x, it does not affect SMF 2.0 to my knowledge.

Also, I think their use of an 8 character alphanumeric password might be the cause of the hacking.

Or they left it open and vulnerable :P

Yeah, they claim to have fixed it, and yet you still see lots of reports of people using very similar exploits that work. Really it's just because people are lazy with their settings for the most part.

There are plenty of communities around with pre-made scripts that will allow you to hack popular forums especially if they are not configured to be secure.

While it is possible that a random person found your forums and hacked them because they were vulnerable, it is far more likely that it was an 'inside job' as they say. I think you probably gave someone your password at some point or some very similar circumstance. If it was truly a griefer using an exploit, why would they stop? Allegedly you haven't done anything to prevent them from repeating their exploit again and so you'd expect a vendetta type guy to hit you again.

Anyway, I don't know who this was, but I do know that it's not very common for CN alliance's forums to get targeted.

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Yeah, they claim to have fixed it, and yet you still see lots of reports of people using very similar exploits that work. Really it's just because people are lazy with their settings for the most part.

There are plenty of communities around with pre-made scripts that will allow you to hack popular forums especially if they are not configured to be secure.

While it is possible that a random person found your forums and hacked them because they were vulnerable, it is far more likely that it was an 'inside job' as they say. I think you probably gave someone your password at some point or some very similar circumstance. If it was truly a griefer using an exploit, why would they stop? Allegedly you haven't done anything to prevent them from repeating their exploit again and so you'd expect a vendetta type guy to hit you again.

Anyway, I don't know who this was, but I do know that it's not very common for CN alliance's forums to get targeted.

People need to learn to secure their forums and make people have to confirm their emails to start.

I love looking up premade scripts. So many for some forum systems (particularily phpbb)

Yeah, the avatar thing was patched, BUT if someone was infected with it while on the last version of SMF (It affected SMF 2 RC1.1 also), they would still be infected. They released a tool that would say if a forum was affected.

Also, it could be something as simple as them chmodding all of their files to 777.

But I have a feeling SOMEONE used a universal password. Or knew information about the person who signed up for the hosting account (The password was a 6 letter dictionary word followed by 4 numbers)

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You need to back your !@#$ up or shut the $%&@ up. I would not surprise you? Why, because of all the OOC hacking I've done in the past? Because of all the hacking-related knowledge I have? Because of the idea that I actually know how to do something with a computer besides play games on it? Even if I wanted to do this, which I had no reason to, even if I was awake when it happened, which I was not, I don't know how it was done. You can ask Francesca, I had a hard time figuring out the SMF Admin Control Panel, now I'm supposedly secretly hacking?

If you read my post again, you'll see I never accused anyone of hacking. I accused you of using the admin CP to make it look like someone hacked. There is a difference.

Having given Baseballer (or as he was known back then, Grobend) admin CP, here's what happened before, and it's what I think happened again. Baseballer gave admin access to someone he didn't really even know (In this case, Sileath) because he gave this person a government position, because there was nobody else in the alliance to have this position. That someone decided to try and be funny and change a bunch of stuff using the admin CP, thinking it might amuse his other alliance mates. It doesn't and Baseballer thinks it's a hacker, because he refuses to believe that someone in his own alliance might have pulled a harmless joke with the admin CP. All that needs to happen now, that happened last time but hasn't happened this time, is someone checking the logs of when the changes were made, to find out what actually happened. How do I know this is exactly what happened? Because it's happened to Baseballer before. Multiple times. He's so paranoid about hackers, as soon as anything goes wrong with the forum, he automatically assumes it's a hacker, even if it's just a small problem that happened by itself.

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If you read my post again, you'll see I never accused anyone of hacking. I accused you of using the admin CP to make it look like someone hacked. There is a difference.

Having given Baseballer (or as he was known back then, Grobend) admin CP, here's what happened before, and it's what I think happened again. Baseballer gave admin access to someone he didn't really even know (In this case, Sileath) because he gave this person a government position, because there was nobody else in the alliance to have this position. That someone decided to try and be funny and change a bunch of stuff using the admin CP, thinking it might amuse his other alliance mates. It doesn't and Baseballer thinks it's a hacker, because he refuses to believe that someone in his own alliance might have pulled a harmless joke with the admin CP. All that needs to happen now, that happened last time but hasn't happened this time, is someone checking the logs of when the changes were made, to find out what actually happened. How do I know this is exactly what happened? Because it's happened to Baseballer before. Multiple times. He's so paranoid about hackers, as soon as anything goes wrong with the forum, he automatically assumes it's a hacker, even if it's just a small problem that happened by itself.

People can't take down the forums and put up a rick roll with the SMF admin CP. I did not give Sileath a government position, Fran did, so I had to give him admin rights. I was the only one with access to the database.

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People can't take down the forums and put up a rick roll with the SMF admin CP. I did not give Sileath a government position, Fran did, so I had to give him admin rights. I was the only one with access to the database.

iirc you can.

depending on what was done, of course.

They could look in server settings and try to get the password.

Or look at your password hint, and it probably gave away your dictionary word, then they guess random numbers.

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iirc you can.

depending on what was done, of course.

They could look in server settings and try to get the password.

Or look at your password hint, and it probably gave away your dictionary word, then they guess random numbers.

No was no hint.

And my password is not a dictionary word.

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Good news is if you find him you can get rid of him. Also, (OOC) you should have his E-mail so send it to the FBI (If they do this sorta thing) and they will bring him in. Not to mention that (I think in at lease the US) that hacking ANY type online site illegal. So he can go to jail. I hate ALL crooks <_< (Ok i am out of OOC)

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If you read my post again, you'll see I never accused anyone of hacking. I accused you of using the admin CP to make it look like someone hacked. There is a difference.

Having given Baseballer (or as he was known back then, Grobend) admin CP, here's what happened before, and it's what I think happened again. Baseballer gave admin access to someone he didn't really even know (In this case, Sileath) because he gave this person a government position, because there was nobody else in the alliance to have this position. That someone decided to try and be funny and change a bunch of stuff using the admin CP, thinking it might amuse his other alliance mates. It doesn't and Baseballer thinks it's a hacker, because he refuses to believe that someone in his own alliance might have pulled a harmless joke with the admin CP. All that needs to happen now, that happened last time but hasn't happened this time, is someone checking the logs of when the changes were made, to find out what actually happened. How do I know this is exactly what happened? Because it's happened to Baseballer before. Multiple times. He's so paranoid about hackers, as soon as anything goes wrong with the forum, he automatically assumes it's a hacker, even if it's just a small problem that happened by itself.

Baseballer is head admin on the boards. He can check the admin log to see if I did anything of the sort, which I did not. Also, nothing "funny" about what was said.

[14:53:20] <@baseballer790[CG]> Topic "BASEBALLER IS A !@#$%^

[14:53:22] <@baseballer790[CG]> WHY THE $%&@ IS BASEBALLER IN HERE!?

[14:53:22] <@baseballer790[CG]> NO ONE LIKES HIM PEOPLE WANT HIM TO DIE OOC AND IC

[14:53:22] <@baseballer790[CG]> HES A !@#$%^ AND SHOULD QUIT THE GAME FOREVER!

[14:53:22] <@baseballer790[CG]> !@#$%^

[14:54:04] <@baseballer790[CG]> Ruler Name: !@#$%^

[14:54:04] <@baseballer790[CG]> Nation Name: !@#$%^ VILLE

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> CN Forum Name: !@#$%^

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> Nation Link: BASEBALLER IS A !@#$%^

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> Team color: WHITE

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> Recruited by: BASEBALLER IS A !@#$%^

07[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> Previous alliances: SILEATH IS A !@#$%^

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> Why did you leave?: BASEBALLER IS A !@#$%^

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> Current wars: !@#$%^

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> If in wars, request help for obtaining peace?: $%&@ YOU BASEBALLER

[14:54:05] <@baseballer790[CG]> I, (ruler name), swear under oath that BASEBALLER IS A !@#$%^ AND SHOULD DIE IN A DEADLY FIRE TONIGHT! I HATE BASEBALLER OOC AND IC! !@#$%^

Edited by Sileath
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No was no hint.

And my password is not a dictionary word.

It is a word (or a proper noun if you want to get finnicky), so yes, it is a dictionary word.

Since you told me it wasn't something like asjdsakfaklshadak, it was a last name or something

Good news is if you find him you can get rid of him. Also, (OOC) you should have his E-mail so send it to the FBI (If they do this sorta thing) and they will bring him in. Not to mention that (I think in at lease the US) that hacking ANY type online site illegal. So he can go to jail. I hate ALL crooks <_< (Ok i am out of OOC)

they really don't care unless any actual damage was caused.

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It is a word (or a proper noun if you want to get finnicky), so yes, it is a dictionary word.

Since you told me it wasn't something like asjdsakfaklshadak, it was a last name or something

they really don't care unless any actual damage was caused.

I can guarantee you my password is not a dictionary word

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Good news is if you find him you can get rid of him. Also, (OOC) you should have his E-mail so send it to the FBI (If they do this sorta thing) and they will bring him in. Not to mention that (I think in at lease the US) that hacking ANY type online site illegal. So he can go to jail. I hate ALL crooks <_< (Ok i am out of OOC)

send his email to the FBI so he can go to jail.....ahahahaha what a joke, its a CN forum get over it :rolleyes:

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send his email to the FBI so he can go to jail.....ahahahaha what a joke, its a CN forum get over it :rolleyes:

...which is hosted on a real life server by someone who makes a living hosting websites. The host would be the one to press charges, not CG themselves. But in this case no permanent damage was done, so I doubt this will go to court or anything.


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I've seen episodes of Jerry Springer with less name dropping and insults being thrown.

This is pathetic regardless of what happened. If you have a problem with some one in game, bring it to them in-game. Leave the OOC personal stuff alone. If you can't play that way, then get out of the game period because you obviously can't keep real world and fantasy separate.

CG, good luck finding who did this and getting it straight. Regardless of what you do, back your stuff up often and change your passwords to something only you as admins know. Make it difficult and write it down somewhere. Even if you get hacked, the host should be able to get into it and reset the site admins password to get you back to a point where you yourself can back it up. Nothing is perfect, but with some effort you can prevent alot of this kinda crap.

Yes, I've been through it before anybody asks. Just advice from lessons learned.

and before a mod warns me for saying this three days later, please understand that I was offering advice to help them prevent it in the future so yeah, my comments here are more than rambling.

Edited by Regent of Omerta
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