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A Joint GDI-FAIL Announcement

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OOC: first off please ignore the spelling mistakes, I'm using a phone and its a touch.

IC: oh look...another rv drone. Are you basically telling me too shut up or do something about it?

RV the best ally? What are you smoking sir???

Oh look... another person who thinks he can post one liners.

Congrats RV and Ryan

Edited by Believland
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Wait wait wait...

This treaty has no peace clause. So one signatory can attack the other, and using the defense clause has the option of defending against the aggresor, which is themselves, while the other signatory has the option of joining in aggression against themselves?


Edited by Pacifism
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Wait wait wait...

This treaty has no peace clause. So one signatory can attack the other, and using the defense clause has the option of defending against the aggresor, which is themselves, while the other signatory has the option of joining in aggression against themselves?


Quiet, damn Pacifist!

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Wait wait wait...

This treaty has no peace clause. So one signatory can attack the other, and using the defense clause has the option of defending against the aggresor, which is themselves, while the other signatory has the option of joining in aggression against themselves?


[sarcasm] Why yes indeed...that was our plan all along. :awesome: [/sarcasm]

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I believe he said best ally he could gain at the moment. Lets face it, not many people are dumb enough to ally with GDI.

On a second note, with RV by their side, GDI may not completely fail.

Well, if that is what he meant, then I completely agree. And Ryan has always been destined to fail.

RV Drone? Because I have an opinion that differs from yours? If being an RV drone means I disagree with you then yes, please, classify me an 'RV Drone'.

I'm telling you that no one will care about anything you say until you do something about it, which you probably wouldn't. Why do I think this? You seem like one of those little characters who just whine and complain without doing much of anything, those people who think that they can influence others solely on their single voice into doing work that they probably could atleast attempt to do themselves. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. Please, prove me to be wrong. I'd enjoy it. :)

My apologies for the drone comment, I though you were someone who constantly went hail rebel Virgina, like the joke of a ruler below. I am not a little character, and I guarantee it that if he was in my range I would happily shove a nuke down his throat :).

Oh look... another person who thinks he can post one liners.

Congrats RV and Ryan

Oh, look...another person who thinks he's cool cause he talks trash about others while unaligned.

Edited by James Wilson
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Once again, your lack of common sense is unbelievable.

Seems to me as though he was just being honest. It's clearly marked as an optional defence treaty, so why pretend it is anything else?

Whoops. For a moment there I thought you had a genuine concern. Alas, your cheap shots are boring and only serve the purpose of making you look like the blithering idiot with a grudge to bear. So do you have a grudge you would like to share with us re: RyanGDI? Might as well get it out in the open now whilst you've got everyone's attention. Exorcise your hatred now and hopefully we can all move on without the posts of the kind we've seen you make in this thread in the future.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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Seems to me as though he was just being honest. It's clearly marked as an optional defence treaty, so why pretend it is anything else?

Whoops. For a moment there I thought you had a genuine concern. Alas, your cheap shots are boring and only serve the purpose of making you look like the blithering idiot with a grudge to bear. So do you have a grudge you would like to share with us re: RyanGDI? Might as well get it out in the open now whilst you've got everyone's attention. Exorcise your hatred now and hopefully we can all move on without the posts of the kind we've seen you make in this thread in the future.

You used past tense to describe the future. Confucianism will not recognise this statement until the mistake is rectified.

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Seems to me as though he was just being honest. It's clearly marked as an optional defence treaty, so why pretend it is anything else?

Whoops. For a moment there I thought you had a genuine concern. Alas, your cheap shots are boring and only serve the purpose of making you look like the blithering idiot with a grudge to bear. So do you have a grudge you would like to share with us re: RyanGDI? Might as well get it out in the open now whilst you've got everyone's attention. Exorcise your hatred now and hopefully we can all move on without the posts of the kind we've seen you make in this thread in the future.

Actually I am concerned. I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to sign with Rebel Virginia. This now greatly disturbs me seeing as Ryan has seen it fit to do so.

Oh, and like I really care of your opinion of me. :lol1: That is a good one! My only grudge is against Rebel Virginia. I just think Ryan is is failure like everyone else, but alas, nice of you to single me out ^_^.

edit: eating and typing do not mix.

Edited by James Wilson
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Actually I am concerned. I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to sign with Rebel Virginia. This now greatly disturbs me seeing as Ryan has seen it fit to do so.

Oh, and like I really care of your opinion of me. :lol1: That is a good one! My only grudge is against Rebel Virginia. I just think Ryan is is failure like everyone else, but alas, nice of you to single me out ^_^ .

edit: eating and typing do not mix.

Quoted for truth. I think you've got some explaining to do. :awesome:

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Is it even possible to sign a treaty with a non-existent alliance?

FAIL has no members and according to RV's more recent threads, he's the self proclaimed leader of RLMMO, the alliance affiliation he's currently under.

Either way, good luck with this.


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The only failures in this game are you and Ryan.

Well that's a bold statement. I wouldn't exactly call anyone a failure because they play the (OOC) game (OOC) differently than you do.

Edited by Poobah
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RV signing optional treaties is as much a waste of time as ODN signing mutual ones.

Thanks for the mention Mathias, it is much appreicated. I will be sure to remember your generosity and understanding <_<

Edited by Cataduanes
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The only failures in this game are you and Ryan.

I'm flattered. :blush:

So you're saying you're not a failure? Considering Ryan runs an alliance that continues to grow despite the extremely negative argument against him and a poor reputation among most, and RV is highly considered to be one of the most popular people in this game having done many things at many times and being one of the most influential people on their own than almost anyone else at this current time.

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The only failures in this game are you and Ryan.

What about pre-karma GGA?

Also Ryan is a cool dude. I like him alot. He has more persistence then most people do in their alliances. Look at all the stupid !@#$ you guys put him through, and yet he still comes out with his head held high.

I applaud both Ryan and RV, and I hope this alliance forms a real bond between 2 very similar players.

Look me up ryan.

Edited by Joe Stupid
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What about pre-karma GGA?

Also Ryan is a cool dude. I like him alot. He has more persistence then most people do in their alliances. Look at all the stupid !@#$ you guys put him through, and yet he still comes out with his head held high.

I applaud both Ryan and RV, and I hope this alliance forms a real bond between 2 very similar players.

Look me up ryan.

touche...i forgot about them.

Edited by James Wilson
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What about pre-karma GGA?

Also Ryan is a cool dude. I like him alot. He has more persistence then most people do in their alliances. Look at all the stupid !@#$ you guys put him through, and yet he still comes out with his head held high.

I applaud both Ryan and RV, and I hope this alliance forms a real bond between 2 very similar players.

Look me up ryan.

you might want to change your sig then Joe. It seems like you enjoy taunting him and NPO with it.

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