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The North Italy situation


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While slightly lowered and not able to stop a ship in the side the Bavarians were the Officers on the ships would just block ships from another side.

Annd the Bavarians thus changed their strategy, getting behind the croatian ships so that they could easily blockade either side by simply doing faster and adjusting the course slightly.

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In response to the threat of Greater Croatia threatening to sink Dominion ships conducting trade with northern Italy, a contingent of the Dominion's Naval forces (1 aircraft carrier, 2 nuclear class submarines, 2 destroyers, 2 frigates, 2 cruisers, 3 battleships, 4 Corvettes) is to be dispatched to escort ships moving through the blockade. Ships will be ordered to sit just outside the blockade, in international waters, and not fire on Croatian ships unless fired upon first. Each commercial craft will further be assigned a platoon of royal marines to safe guard against illegal searches. As no ship will comply with blockade searches or stops the only remaining tactic will be to fire upon either civilian or our military vessels. Any firing upon will be considered an act of war against the Dominion. The vanguard forces are further on alert, and will be standing by at all times. The fleet is expected to arrive in the region in a matter of weeks. Our civilian craft in the mean time will merely offload shipments with other near by nations also refusing to recognize the legality of the Croatian blockade until our own forces arrive.

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"Impossible is nothing, our will is invicible! Nobody will ever stop us! Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory on land, air and SEA!" inspired by

, Showboat Serenissima left Porto Marghera to disturb the blockade with another playlist of regime propaganda songs. Once the boat reached its destination, very close to the blockade, a serie of green-white-red fireworks were shot to draw the Italian flag and light up the sky over the Croatian and Bavarian fleets "I bet they can't do that!" said the Captain, as he looked out of the window.
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Northern Italy Blockade

Mediterranean Sea

"Allied ships this is the Molakian Navy ships MNS Romanov and Nikolai. Transmitting IFF codes and communication frequencies. Please tell us where you need us and we will be there." The Cpt. of the Nikolai says, ordering the Romanov to Arm SAMs incase of air attack.

The Two Corvettes drop anchor outside the Blockade, preparring missles...just in case.

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And that justifies the murder of unarmed civilians?? is your government willing to act in a similar manner?

No, but we arent going to interact with those who think it is thier job to protect all of humanity from one government's choices, even when the people of that country agree with thier government's ruling.

The Bavarian Navy has just left port.

It will move to create an 'Anti-blockade' blockade, preventing non-Republican vessels from blockading the Republic.

Any vessel opening fire on a Bavarian or Northitalian ship will be considered hostile and sunk.

We really wish to open trade with you. You seem to be the most understanding in this matter.

The Nation of Nod is glad to see a larger nation helping out a troubled and much less fortunate nation in its time of need.

We fully agree.

OOC: As far as I can see from topics I've looked at, Europe blows WAY too many things out of proportion.

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We really wish to open trade with you. You seem to be the most understanding in this matter.

OOC: As far as I can see from topics I've looked at, Europe blows WAY too many things out of proportion.

"We'd gladly open trade relations with you. It's good for everyone.

Especially us."

OOC: That is indeed the truth.

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Any aggression against Bavaria will be counted as aggression against New Zealand.

An aggressive act against any first party aggressors against other aggressors will be met with equal aggression against the aforementioned aggressive aggressors for their aggressive aggression... Aggression!

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Any aggression against Bavaria will be counted as aggression against New Zealand.

Any aggression against New Zealand because of aggression against Bavaria will be counted as aggression to New England because it would be counted as aggression to Tahoe, which is allied to both New England and New Zealand.

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With the sudden collapse of Croatia the Basque vessels allocated to the blockade have been ordered to return home, in essence the blockade is over. The media in Euzkadi are already calling this a massive defeat for President Aizpurua and his public stand on the Borghese regime, some media commentators have already called for the President to step down and call immediate elections.

An aggressive act against any first party aggressors against other aggressors will be met with equal aggression against the aforementioned aggressive aggressors for their aggressive aggression... Aggression!

:D oh man you put a smile on my face ;)

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