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A USN anncouncement

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The Other Side and The United Sovereign Nations sign this treaty to affirm the friendship that exists between our two alliances and in the hope that this relationship will continue to prosper as it has since our creation.

Article I: Peace

Both parties agree not to attack, spy or otherwise act in an aggressive manner towards each other. Such actions are considered a breach of this treaty, any such breaches should be discussed between both parties in an attempt to reach an amicable solution.

Article II: Intelligence

Both parties agree that if they should come into possession of information considered to be of interest or relevance to the other then they shall share this information. Both parties also agree to do their best to ensure the reliability of information and not to knowingly provide false information to the other.

Article III: Aid

Both parties agree that helping each other is an important part of any friendship and as such will do their best to meet any request for aid from the other signatory.

Article IV: Cancellation

If either alliance feels this treaty should be canceled they should first discuss with the other signatory any grievances in the hope of saving this friendship, however, should irreconcilable differences appear between the two parties then a 48 hour notice period is required before the treaty is considered canceled.

Signed for USN:

Alliance Council:

Fluffy Ewunga(Cora Mcstrap)



High Council:

Alan90: Minister of Economics

Beale947: minsiter of Internal Affairs

Dexomega: Minsiter of Foreign Affairs

Mrseamonkey: Minister of Recruitment

Britwarlord: Security General

Signed by The Other Side

Rulesaints - High Commander

Marcus Cragonia - High Commander

Vesta - Commander of External Communications

Now let the hails rain from the sky!

PS: Thanks for the Image goes to fronz :wub:

Edit: flag/sig fail. Also, TOS fail on not having a decent size flag :P

Edited by rodrod
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Excellent read... Congrats to the both of you!

I swore I wasn't going to post here, however in light of Mi-lady being so nice and as usual very cordial, here's my thoughts.

Any one having trouble sleeping, should read the OP one doze of this new medication should do the trick.

Hell its 3:30 and I'm already drowsy.

*Freelancer YAWNS*

If your asking why the hate Free...

It lacks no originality!! See MPOL for tips and tricks how to make an awesome announcement

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I swore I wasn't going to post here, however in light of Mi-lady being so nice and as usual very cordial, here's my thoughts.

Any one having trouble sleeping, should read the OP one doze of this new medication should do the trick.

Hell its 3:30 and I'm already drowsy.

*Freelancer YAWNS*

If your asking why the hate Free...

It lacks no originality!! See MPOL for tips and tricks how to make an awesome announcement

You're right that it's a very basic announcement but what I hope Kait was referring to in her post was that she was happy with reading it due to our two alliance coming together. Her actually enjoying reading it means she was lying bout reading the post :unsure:

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Any one having trouble sleeping, should read the OP one doze of this new medication should do the trick.

Hell its 3:30 and I'm already drowsy.

*Freelancer YAWNS*

If you don't have anything nice to say...

Congratulations to both alliances.

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If you don't have anything nice to say...

Congratulations to both alliances.

Shane you act like you expect anything better from him, god, I've talked to him twice and I don't expect anything better from him.

Don't really know TOS.

That will hopefully change soon :)

USN :wub:

Yay, CDT mades an appearance in this thread! :D


A fine treaty.

Thank you sig :wub:

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You're right that it's a very basic announcement but what I hope Kait was referring to in her post was that she was happy with reading it due to our two alliance coming together. Her actually enjoying reading it means she was lying bout reading the post :unsure:

That would be an understatement, as I said earlier See MPOL777 for tips, tricks and the cold hard truth..

Not everyone is special

Some folks have greater expectations of themselves than reality holds. They type furiously at the keyboard for hours and craft the perfect announcement. They think to themselves, "I'll be a rock star. They'll laugh. They'll cry. They'll love me forever." Then they click submit and their masterpiece falls silently to page 12.

Face reality. If you have your name written in your underwear or have to label your shoes to put them on correctly, you might not be cut out for the announcement gig. People respond well to things like paragraphs and just because you cram a bunch of words together doesn't mean it makes a sentence. This isn't English class and you won't be graded on the proper use of a semi-colon, but it has to be readable and more importantly people have to want to read it.

Today, I do something, (I can't believe I'm going to do it) and help the USN.

You guys have Jacobia among your ranks correct ? Have him write, edit and post your announcements from now on.

The cold hard truth, he's the only person currently in your alliance qualified, unless you have someone new hiding, if so get him or her out here.

I'm of the belief the right man or women for the job, In the history of The Brain, I have only made one announcement, why, because it's not my forte,' we reserve that for theragu40, Shane-o, or Xiao when he decides to grace us with his presence, he's a busy man :)

I could go on and on, however thats not what this thread is about, now is it?

Shane you act like you expect anything better from him, god, I've talked to him twice and I don't expect anything better from him.

I'd don't like to disappoint, it’s taken years to develop playing a psychopathic schizophrenic who suffers psychotic episodes of hallucinations and delusional beliefs.

My character has style and flair, yours dull and boring, I do understand though, having Cora McStrap as a role model would stifle Sergey Brin and Larry Page's creativity.

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I'd don't like to disappoint, it’s taken years to develop playing a psychopathic schizophrenic who suffers psychotic episodes of hallucinations and delusional beliefs.

How many other characters do you "develop playing" in this game?

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How many other characters do you "develop playing" in this game?

hahaha, if you feel the need, I'm sure YOU know where to go., good luck, many many before you have tried with disastrous results.

However I'm very fond of this one, its most like the real me.

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Rodrod is good peoples. I approve. :awesome:


Well done nubrod :D

o/ USN

o/ TOS

I should have known you'd bring that in here :(

Make that two appearances :D


Yay! More CDT ftw :awesome:

Vesta and Nubrod, Treatied?


Congrats to the competent signatories :D


Heh, was wondering when you guys would make another announcement, I was missing Freelancer coming out to play. :awesome:

Nice treaty.

Yay! The European warmonger shows his face. Now THE PLAN will go as scheduled.

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