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NPO lost their sanction

King Death II

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An outside observer would not be amiss for believing it was us who imposed draconian peace terms on you guys

The problem is, you did impose draconian peace terms on many Karma alliances, or alliances Karma leaders were formerly in. Hence why so many have such strong feelings against you, and hence the happiness some get at you losing your sanction due to your bullying antics again and the anger some get when NPO nations and others try to say it's due to WTF's "ghosts" and not their own loss of strength due to the war etc.

Edited by Penkala
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Well you should note that the vast majority of said people, making excuses, accusations and generally not being able to get over the war, are in alliances other than NPO.

An outside observer would not be amiss for believing it was us who imposed draconian peace terms on you guys with all the whining I hear.

First of all, I said "NPO and buddies", not just NPO.

Second, there certainly have been NPO people here who whined about it.

Third, you most certainly did impose draconian terms on us in countless previous wars - and we were nice enough to not put you through the awful things you did to us.

You won, we lost, get over it.

No U

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That's the impression I get from so many people coming up with silly excuses for NPO losing their sanction - as if NPO hasn't really lost it, or it's not at fault or something.

We lost our sanction, for the time-being, due to war/surrender terms/decommissions. There's no denying that.

However, I can see why people would think we haven't really lost it. We have a history of quickly rebuilding.

But I was curious over your statement that we're in denial that we lost the war. I wasn't aware of that.

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We lost our sanction, for the time-being, due to war/surrender terms/decommissions. There's no denying that.

However, I can see why people would think we haven't really lost it. We have a history of quickly rebuilding.

But I was curious over your statement that we're in denial that we lost the war. I wasn't aware of that.

Just the way it looks from my perspective, because instead of admitting that it is because the flawed actions of your leaders and your harassment of many alliances over time having resulted in a war, and your subsequent defeat, the people here (including NPO members), are making up excuses saying you only lost sanction due to ghosts and whatnot.

Completely different things if you ask me.

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Some people just like to log in and play for a couple minutes a day or so and don't attend the forums or a pay attention to all the political goings-on. Nothing wrong with that. Also, a lot of us prefer to build in regular CN and fight in tournament edition.

Yes, we had a couple ghosts but most of our new members are legitimate.

I'm sure NPO will be back soon enough... not only do they have sheer numbers on their side but they are well organized and their players are dedicated to the game. B)

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Turn 180 degrees. Pull back the curtains. See the the Sun shine in when you do.

Find out why the things that absorb all of your attention don't matter. Learn why the rest of the REAL world makes fun of your type and thinks you are are a dork.

CN is not real. Sorry to bring this to your attention, but that's the way it is. Save your outrage and intellectual effort (such as it may be) for REAL issues.

The real Napoleon died almost 20 decades ago. You are not his replacement. Not even close, since most you you haven't had the balls to even enlist in the National Guard. You are a teenage or near-teenage dork who thinks he is Napoleon or Hitler. Drop the hot pockets and Clearasil you subsist on and find a worthwhile outlet for your energy. Devote it to something that matters in the real world.

Or don't. And forever wonder why the rest of us laugh at you.

This forum exists for the purpose of discussing this game. If that fact so offends you you can feel free to leave at any time but do not think that sitting on your imaginary high horse and insulting this community will be tolerated if you wish to stay.

I would also invite you to look in the mirror considering you have hundreds of posts on these forums and are a long time player of this game. Those in glass houses...

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This forum exists for the purpose of discussing this game. If that fact so offends you you can feel free to leave at any time but do not think that sitting on your imaginary high horse and insulting this community will be tolerated if you wish to stay.

I would also invite you to look in the mirror considering you have hundreds of posts on these forums and are a long time player of this game. Those in glass houses...

Should purchase drapes?

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Just wanted to say thanks to those of you who have offered us a congrats...........we put an honest effort into this thing......we never looked at it as taking a spot or anything like that..we just looked at it as moving ourselves forward and I really hope that credit is given to those who really worked at it . Those of you who have looked at the stats already know that we haven't been hit with a big influx of ghosts......of course NPO will regain it's sanction and I will be among the first to congratulate them .

Thanks Again Everyone.............

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Just the way it looks from my perspective, because instead of admitting that it is because the flawed actions of your leaders and your harassment of many alliances over time having resulted in a war, and your subsequent defeat, the people here (including NPO members), are making up excuses saying you only lost sanction due to ghosts and whatnot.

Completely different things if you ask me.

As the leaders of Karma have all experienced at one time or another, once your friends are slowly moving away and your enemies are moving together, getting curbstomped is pretty unavoidable. We thought we could avoid this by being bigger and better than everybody else, but it turned out we weren't entirely matched up to everybody else together. The trick of good leadership is not in avoiding the unavoidable, but in surviving a curbstomp and bouncing back. And I know we will.

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We thought we could avoid this by being bigger and better than everybody else, but it turned out we weren't entirely matched up to everybody else together.

That's a rather arrogant point of view, as there were quite a lot of alliances and NS on your side of the conflict.

Additionally, you completely fail to admit why you became more somewhat isolated and affirm that you will not partake in the same sort of actions which led to that scenario.

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Not surprising. What will be interesting to see is, after the reps have been paid off, if the Pacific banking system is as good as they've always claimed it to be.
Any banking system cannot exist without capital in it and karma is going to bleed them dry. However I fully expect them to rebound and if NPO can do one thing it is hold a grudge.
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As the leaders of Karma have all experienced at one time or another, once your friends are slowly moving away and your enemies are moving together, getting curbstomped is pretty unavoidable. We thought we could avoid this by being bigger and better than everybody else, but it turned out we weren't entirely matched up to everybody else together. The trick of good leadership is not in avoiding the unavoidable, but in surviving a curbstomp and bouncing back. And I know we will.

I'm not sure but imo "the Continuum" should ring some bells here. If you thought you coud avoid all this by being bigger and better than everybody else, frankly, you'd be morons. But you're not, for the Pacifican domination has always been focused around diplomatic domination, manipulation and exploitation instead of raw military force. It's the likes of GOONS and IRON who kept you alive and kicking this long.

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Meh we lost, oh well. The NPO is built off of friendship more then anything else, and that is something hard to take away. As for WTF, so what? If they have ghosts, they should take care of them. If they don't, good for them, I hope they have a fun time being in sanction. Now as of the NPOs sanction loss, who cares? Everyone should be aware that sometimes people hate losing and leave to look for winners. Everyone should also know that improvements and military are big NS boosters. For if they do not, then they may be in a world of hurt when a nation with the same NS attacks them and quickly builds up their military to it's true power. I've had it happen to me, wasn't fun.

Anyways, after the terms are over, I'm looking forward to ordering quite a bit of T-90E tanks from the Motherland. Sounds like a lot of fun.

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As the leaders of Karma have all experienced at one time or another, once your friends are slowly moving away and your enemies are moving together, getting curbstomped is pretty unavoidable. We thought we could avoid this by being bigger and better than everybody else, but it turned out we weren't entirely matched up to everybody else together. The trick of good leadership is not in avoiding the unavoidable, but in surviving a curbstomp and bouncing back. And I know we will.

Actually this war confirmed something that has long been known by anyone with a decent grasp of game mechanics since about GW3: that despite its seemingly impressive stats the NPO couldn't match up to alliances half its size without help.

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Actually this war confirmed something that has long been known by anyone with a decent grasp of game mechanics since about GW3: that despite its seemingly impressive stats the NPO couldn't match up to alliances half its size without help.

Your post only confirms what I know since I saw you the first time, when your alliance (naac) lost at the hands of the NPO--- you are really detached from reality when it comes to the NPO.

I am sorry your alliances lost 4 times against us (or is it 5) but what is, is. You gotta let go mate. :lol1:

Edited by Branimir
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