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Regarding peace terms with TPF

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I have never said good riddance to anyone.

The issue is, regardless of whether your nation accepted reps, you were a member of an alliance that demanded them. The peace terms in war are handed out to alliances by alliances, not individuals. Your alliance demanded reps when they stomped alliances aggressively and now your alliance is asked to do the same when they lose a war.

In my two years of alliance leadership, there has only been one example of a war being carried out for this long and that was BAPS. I worked for a very long time to make that one right. I'm curious what you make of our other "stomp"s and reps, given the majority have resulted in white peace. The other ones all combined amount to less than what mk alone is asking for this single engagement. Alliances under my leadership are not known for harsh reps or wars of annhilation.

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In my two years of alliance leadership, there has only been one example of a war being carried out for this long and that was BAPS. I worked for a very long time to make that one right. I'm curious what you make of our other "stomp"s and reps, given the majority have resulted in white peace. The other ones all combined amount to less than what mk alone is asking for this single engagement. Alliances under my leadership are not known for harsh reps or wars of annhilation.

Contrary to your continued efforts to claim otherwise, TPF did not come into being the day you took over its leadership. But I give you some credit for persisting with your attempts to claim otherwise.

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Contrary to your continued efforts to claim otherwise, TPF did not come into being the day you took over its leadership. But I give you some credit for persisting with your attempts to claim otherwise.

Well if he could make the entire world believe it he may have a point in his arguments....

and now Im going to bed cause it's like 3am

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Mhawk and TPF's Government must have really lost their minds. The terms they received were ridiculously lenient. It proves that TPF's Government really does not have their Alliance's future in mind. It's one thing to have honor. It is quite another to commit needless suicide. (sighs)Se le guerre.

I look at it as TPF is trying to reclaim whatever dignity they lost from backing out of the Unjust War two years ago so this is fine with me. Two years too late, but at least they're trying. :rolleyes:

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Contrary to your continued efforts to claim otherwise, TPF did not come into being the day you took over its leadership. But I give you some credit for persisting with your attempts to claim otherwise.

Perhaps you should judge individuals on their actions, not those of forefathers long since departed?

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As much as I dislike the NPO, I think it's things like this that will make it some how enjoyable to seem them exsact their revenge on karma.

We're going to be down for the count for a long time. If you want Karma to get what's coming to them you'll have to do it yourself.

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I could say man things about this, but I'm drunk and I just say that: terms are fair although some of the alliances do not deserve it(PC I'm talking about you) so Mhawk, sometimes we need forget our pride, think in your alliance and accept the terms.

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Your ability to read my mind is phenomenal.

I've been taking lessons from ChairmanHal.

The irony is that to try to disprove my point you once again list actions done by others, not myself or gov.

The only thing that is ironic is your continued demands to be given concessions that the Continuum never offered others. As far as the "it wasn't me" routine. You lay with dogs, you get fleas. TPF ran with the Continuum and its previous incarnation and did so of their own free will. As an alliance TPF reaps what it sows.

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If only you'd been so reasonable to GATO a year ago...

I believe I was. Elysium never fought GATO. Infact I remember fighting to defend GATO in GWIII as part of legion.

Edited by mhawk
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Some people really do prefer to be blind.

Remember the TORN/OV rift thread well before the war started? Yeah, I suppose you think that wasn't a precursor or that Torn wasnt all excited when they found out that OV was supposedly spying?

You do realize that someone from the NPO was talking to Archon and they were asked by Archon whether they would be willing to discuss settling the situation and the answer was yes. That wasn't backstabbing Torn. Archon took that to their ally Torn and got Woody to think they were the next alliance NPO was going to backstab.

It was Woody that did the stabbing though by racing across the communication lines (IRC) spreading the word about NPO's deceit which then lead to that infamous announcement of multiple treaties dropped with NPO. It was then TORN that followed that false information and signed over all their rights in the war leaving all their allies without any aid from them.

Its funny how any action done to NPO can be explained off as honorable despite the facts and details of the situation. Look, I got no love for the NPO but you people really gotta get over this syndrome of yours.

You are the first person on the 'other side' to actually admit that this happened.

I was wondering if it would ever happen.

I salute you, good sir.

Edited by James Dahl
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This is a little off topic, but why do people think a year is a long time? It's really not.

For some alliances that were part of the Hegemony and are now in "Karma" their allies think that some months are enough to what goes around do not come around anymore.

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I've been taking lessons from ChairmanHal.

The only thing that is ironic is your continued demands to be given concessions that the Continuum never offered others. As far as the "it wasn't me" routine. You lay with dogs, you get fleas. TPF ran with the Continuum and its previous incarnation and did so of their own free will. As an alliance TPF reaps what it sows.

In my time there Continuum conducted no joint war up until the most recent. So once again you have nothing to stand on. As far as "lay with dogs", STA under your command was a stead fast ally to NPO during the events you decry.

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You are the first person on the 'other side' to actually admit that this happened.

I was wondering if it would ever happen.

I salute you, good sir.

You havn't been paying attention then. If you think this is the first time I have spoken of such, just go ask Torn. They dont allow me in their channels for a reason.

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I've been taking lessons from ChairmanHal.

The only thing that is ironic is your continued demands to be given concessions that the Continuum never offered others. As far as the "it wasn't me" routine. You lay with dogs, you get fleas. TPF ran with the Continuum and its previous incarnation and did so of their own free will. As an alliance TPF reaps what it sows.

If TPF must hang for the Continuum as a whole than why is it that only half the Continuum hangs in the gallows, is the crime of one not the crime of them all?

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First of all, your post almost made me gag. Laying it on a little thick are we?

Secondly, I have no doubt the next great war will be about the NPO getting retribution, it seems to be one of the main focuses of the alliance. But, as was learned in Great War 1, giving them white peace (or close enough) wouldn't make any difference, might as well give them the punishment they deserve in that case, wouldn't you agree?

We won't be in the next great war.

First of all, it will happen before our terms expire, and second of all we will be diplomatically isolated and still largely a heap of rubble even a year from now.

Our terms will have set a fun precedent that the winning side of the ensuing war will impose on the losing side though.

I will make sure the losing side remembers what they said to us.

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In my time there Continuum conducted no joint war up until the most recent. So once again you have nothing to stand on. As far as "lay with dogs", STA under your command was a stead fast ally to NPO during the events you decry.

You need to concentrate really hard now, mhawk. I'm talking about TPF being judged for their past actions. TPF did not come into being when you became leader and TPF did involve itself in curbstomps in the past and demand reps.

Suck it up and move on.

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The only thing that is ironic is your continued demands to be given concessions that the Continuum never offered others. As far as the "it wasn't me" routine. You lay with dogs, you get fleas. TPF ran with the Continuum and its previous incarnation and did so of their own free will. As an alliance TPF reaps what it sows.

If this was true all those in Q and the Initiative should be in the same boat and all members of any alliance who spent time in Q and the Initiative should get individual beatdowns. This is not the case, TPF have been isolated and become the whipping boy of the day simply because the major alliances have no problem with this. The two scenarios are very different.

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