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New raid tactic or epic fail?

Icy McFlame

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Hello CN community,

Recent, actually currently, I am being raided. As I was teamed up on I used the standard tactic of turtlling to stop all profit taking from my nation. This message then arrived:

To: Icy McFlame From: Tsar Kalashnikov Date: 7/22/2009 9:53:16 AM

Subject: RE: War Declared!

Message: Maybe I will :P. Just as a warning though, if you don't at least buy soldiers and attempt to fight I will have to nuke you.

Have a nice day!

Of course as he doesn't really know how to raid profitably he has taken this tactic to try to gain profit.

I log in tonight to this:

To: Icy McFlame From: Tsar Kalashnikov Date: 7/23/2009 12:22:52 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack

Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Tsar Kalashnikov. You lost 0 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 7 cruise missiles, 141.530 miles of land, 23.650 technology, 161.773 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

My question is not "zomgosh i iz glowing green, so unfair", I've been nuked before and this wont be the last time I'm nuked. The question is "Is nuke raiding an acceptable raid standard for the community?"

And to get in before any "join an alliance if you don't want to get attacked" posts this is once again not about me being attacked but about this tactic used to try to gain profit.

Thanks in advance, my knowing the acceptable community standard well help me in the future once I get nukes.

-Icy McFlame

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Meh, someone pissed off that they didn't get to raid you, so they nuked you in anger. Not to sure if it falls under illegal by at least some alliances' standards, but it's surely a dishonourable act. Kinda like extortion I guess...he basically said to give him your money/tech/land or he'll do as much damage as possible to you. No brownie points for that in my books.

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Nuke his $@! back!

EDIT... ah you have no nukes. Personally I think it's sad NPO is not allowed to enforce anti-raiding rules on red. Red really was a bastion for nonaligned casual and inactive players.

Edited by Count da Silva
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Oh you kids and your pixels. I hope he doesn't actually expect to gain anything from a nuclear attack. That will just make the raiding harder. So, either he made a really bad mistake, or he's just being a jerk.

Edited by Nintenderek
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He just cost himself a mil to send that nuke, plus possible exploits from your nation. I would nuke anyone in my alliance that used this tactic myself, thats how bad it is. I'm all for raids, and I did use bombers a few times on stubborn targets who turtled on me, but even then I was new and inexperienced. I didn't know it was wrong at the time. Hopefully this is just a new player who doesn't know what he's doing (although how you get nukes and don't know what you are doing is a big question).

Really though, if I were you I would hop into an AA like the Citadel Trading Company or something that isn't so much an alliance as it is just a protected group.

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He just cost himself a mil to send that nuke, plus possible exploits from your nation. I would nuke anyone in my alliance that used this tactic myself, thats how bad it is. I'm all for raids, and I did use bombers a few times on stubborn targets who turtled on me, but even then I was new and inexperienced. I didn't know it was wrong at the time. Hopefully this is just a new player who doesn't know what he's doing (although how you get nukes and don't know what you are doing is a big question).

Nation Created: 1/25/07.

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To be honest anyone who has got to your size and is still unaligned and not hiding in peace mode has got to expect to get nuked... (and probebly ZI'd eventually) the tactic is most probebly unprofitable but trust me ive seen many many a nation raid with no intent to make profit.

A lot of people just do it for the sick satisfaction of blowing stuff up. CN is a game played over many months if not years, a lot of people just get bored some days and raid purely to destroy someones nation, the fact you turtled no doubt got him more frustrated then normal and you bore the brunt of it. Your in a big bad CN world out there... not everything is logical... although you don't want to talk about it im afraid the real issue here is that you have failed to protect your nation by establishing a network of allies. This is a nation simulator... building strong allies is just as important as building infra or tech.

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Sadly, as in all walks of life, some people in CN are friendly and helpful, and some people are mindless maggots. At 910 days old, it's not like he's inexperienced, so he clearly just enjoys being the latter.

Perhaps save his nation to your notepad for a later date?

That isn't a half bad idea. It would be hilarious for him to log-in one day to find himself under attack from multiple nations and glowing more than Luke's Lightsabre.
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