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Oh yeah and people keep saying "CT deserves it" Huh? Ender is getting beaten with pure ease out of about 16 land attacks he won about 1 or 2. Yes he is nuking us but like i said before i am not obsessed with growth anymore. I dont really care if i incur losses anymore. Actually its really good fun. Its good practice because i have a nation in CNTE. Fury and i are beating him very easily and i am getting a WRC tomo too. Woop Woop.

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And what exactly are the wrongdoings he has done? Not fight in a few wars, be a coward in your eyes? Well maybe it isn't exactly "honorable," but he never did you any harm. Just Ender being petty, that's all, and the support of this isn't setting a good standard I might say.

How quickly you people forget.


I would have to agree with His holiness here. I would have to ask the same question. What are his wrongdoings? Did he hurt someone? Did the alliances he leave have policies that prevented a member from leaving before a war? What's so wrong about growth? So he's a coward. Is there a rule that says one must not be a coward? Did the alliances he leave had a similar rule? What rule did he break?

EDIT: Font.

Edited by kulomascovia
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Funny stuff in this thread .. I got a few shout outs woot FnKa got some publicity more wewt ..

Whats done has been done

Ender went rouge he attacked Ct.. CT fights back... o god glory O.o

Every one has there own personal issues with every one that will never change. Lets grow up drink some haterade call it a new one o.O

If CT was such a coward he would of surrender he has not and what ever his past was it is not his future now.

Good luck to both guys hopefully new friends will be made out of this. Love and Sexc Magik

o/ FnKa

Yankees Platino Holla if ya here me :P

Edited by SilentFury
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Oh yeah and people keep saying "CT deserves it" Huh? Ender is getting beaten with pure ease out of about 16 land attacks he won about 1 or 2. Yes he is nuking us but like i said before i am not obsessed with growth anymore. I dont really care if i incur losses anymore. Actually its really good fun. Its good practice because i have a nation in CNTE. Fury and i are beating him very easily and i am getting a WRC tomo too. Woop Woop.

Do you really think Ender declared on you not fully understanding that he was going to get wrecked?

To Ender, his war is about proving the Infra is less important than honor. You're helping make his case by bragging about how much damage you're doing.

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Do you really think Ender declared on you not fully understanding that he was going to get wrecked?

To Ender, his war is about proving the Infra is less important than honor. You're helping make his case by bragging about how much damage you're doing.

Oh man i've heard enough of you... i did nt even bother reading your post, i just wrote this reply.

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So the point of all this is to get CT to believe that he doesn't care if his nation gets wiped out? You just attacked CT to prove that he cares if he gets attacked?

No, as just like everything else on our wretched planet he did it because he really didnt like the guy and/or because he was bored.

Digging deeper into honor, what he deserves, his sins and blah blah blah is pointless.

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I think this is a conspiracy from Ender and CT to raise the GRL..

Anyway, a fight at that level of NS is usually interesting to watch. Get those raiders out of there and make it a 1-1.

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I think this is a conspiracy from Ender and CT to raise the GRL..

Anyway, a fight at that level of NS is usually interesting to watch. Get those raiders out of there and make it a 1-1.

LOL. yeah keep watching its mad one. we are all losing lots of stuff. Also I would be happy to do a one on one! Save my good friend Furys infra.lol

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Do you really think Ender declared on you not fully understanding that he was going to get wrecked?

To Ender, his war is about proving the Infra is less important than honor. You're helping make his case by bragging about how much damage you're doing.

How does this have anything to do with honor?

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Do you really think Ender declared on you not fully understanding that he was going to get wrecked?

To Ender, his war is about proving the Infra is less important than honor. You're helping make his case by bragging about how much damage you're doing.

Because nuke roguing on someone is definitely honorable. Not saying it's wrong, but it's hardly some great honorable crusade.


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Well done Ender Land. I couldn't think of a better way to play this game.

As for CT - weren't some of those 4 nukes from a tech raid while you were using PC's AA? I seem to remember that...well before you left them thinking TPF would attack.

Anyway - Rogues always have a mission and Ender has found a damn good one. You can certainly argue that certain rogues have no mission at all and hit random targets who likely do not deserve the war. CT does deserve this. Maybe a few more rogue attacks on his nation and the amount of infra he established while dishonorably leaving alliances on the eve of war will be finally lost.

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Enderland - I wish you well in whatever the future holds for you - Kronos thanks you for your service and [ooc]I hope RL treats you well[/ooc]

So you left your alliance to go rogue. One heck of a leader you are. Oh well, have fun I guess.

He was indeed one heck of a leader, Kronos was very lucky to have had him

Let's see what we have here. A member of the dominant side of the world goes rogue on a considerably smaller faction to the cheers of the world (well, his world, forget the rest of them). Sort of reminds me of when I attacked the first Vox Populi with the moral and financial support of NPO, TPF, and Valhalla, among others. I can recall quite a few of you people being annoyed that my roguery was supported (ender land among them). Are you people blind to the similarities between yourselves and that you claim to fight against? Be proud.

How is Ender a member of the dominant side of the world? What's the dominant side? When did FnKa end up on the smaller side?

As for your rogue actions - I think most people enjoyed mocking you too much

Oh yeah and people keep saying "CT deserves it" Huh? Ender is getting beaten with pure ease out of about 16 land attacks he won about 1 or 2. Yes he is nuking us but like i said before i am not obsessed with growth anymore. I dont really care if i incur losses anymore. Actually its really good fun. Its good practice because i have a nation in CNTE. Fury and i are beating him very easily and i am getting a WRC tomo too. Woop Woop.

You mean Ender is getting beaten by someone with 4x his infra and 2x his tech? Who'da thunk... I'm more curious why you require backup to help you and why it took you this long to get a WRC... though I guess you never had a need for one before now. Too bad it took you this long to figure out standing up for your friends and fighting by those you committed yourself to can actually be fun.

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How is Ender a member of the dominant side of the world? What's the dominant side? When did FnKa end up on the smaller side?

I'm pretty sure he was referencing how Kronos is a part of Karma and allied to other Karma alliances, whereas we fought on the side of The Hegemony.

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I'm pretty sure he was referencing how Kronos is a part of Karma and allied to other Karma alliances, whereas we fought on the side of The Hegemony.

Oh I thought he was referring to Kronos and our semi-allied state to Citadel (and C&G for that part) in a multi-polar world with numerous beacons of power and influence. If he's referring to Ender bieng part of Karma then I misunderstood.

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How is Ender a member of the dominant side of the world? What's the dominant side? When did FnKa end up on the smaller side?

As for your rogue actions - I think most people enjoyed mocking you too much

FnKa sided with TOOL, and they are not part of the Karma clique. Kronos is one of those new alliances that likes to have a "tough guy" image, as evidenced by your support of this.

As for the mocking, this isn't the first time I've been insulted and it certainly will not be the last. Time will prove me right though, just as it did before.

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You mean Ender is getting beaten by someone with 4x his infra and 2x his tech? Who'da thunk... I'm more curious why you require backup to help you and why it took you this long to get a WRC... though I guess you never had a need for one before now. Too bad it took you this long to figure out standing up for your friends and fighting by those you committed yourself to can actually be fun.

Well i did nt tell him to declare on me. If he wants to declare on someone much larger thats his choice.

I did not need back up in the slightest. It was the FnKa Gov decision to hit him because he is a rogue. The very day i was hit i recieved messages from PM shards offering help from FnKa ers and allies. And although i did not and still do not need help it is very greatly appreciated to be supported in this way. And they will recieve the same help from me in the future.

Well i have not bought a WRC because i always had growth as priority.

Well im not being rude but FnKa is the first AA where i have made real friends. They are an amazing bunch of guys. We all always talk on irc and have good times. Although in past alliances i have met some awesome guys most of the time they were just arrogant and rude. I have found in FnKa (Fear none kill all) a great community of great guys who i am at last glad to call friends that i can confidently say i would fight for.

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Although in past alliances i have met some awesome guys most of the time they were just arrogant and rude.

Thats funny considering you were belittling people in gremlins for having a "tiny nation". Now please dont try to deny, because you tried the same thing on me in this very thread.

But well... whatever... good for you that you found your home. And good that you realized a fight can be fun.

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