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I believe the man stated his opinions are his and his only. Seems to me as though you were putting words in his mouth. Why did you do this?

I don't need to put words into his mouth, the threat is clear to see (I have even emboldened it for you!).

This thread is about CT and his actions; from what I can tell there haven't been any insults thrown regarding FNKA practices, if CT and FNKA want to make it about calling out The Gremlins as an alliance then so be it. That is their choice, we'll see where that path leads.

Does that seem like it was a personal threat on behalf of himself only? Even when he says it is 'about calling out The Gremlins as an alliance'? No, it is an obvious threat on behalf of an alliance and I don't care if he tried to back down from it later by saying he speaks for himself only, I want to know why he made it in the first place. Why so touchy about this particular issue?

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Ender is doing what he wanted to do. CT isn't bothered by it as he's had an epiphany, changed his outlook on pixels, and made friends in FnKa. Shouldn't we simply let them be happy in this without turning it into a public spectacle/axe-grind?

Well, without public spectacles and axe grinding, these fora would undoubtedly change into something barely recognizable.

Oh wait, it'd be much better. Right I'm with Tautology here. :)

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Take that up with Ender, if you like.

I never said Ender's justification was valid.

You stated that his war was about honor before infra. I don't see where the honor is. Am I shedding any tears for a guy who left his alliance on the eve of war? No, even if he is in FnKa ( :wub: ). But is it honorable to vengefully hunt down anyone who does that? I don't think so. We had a few people leave TOOL just before this war, including one person I called a friend. Was I pissed? Hell yeah. Would I mind seeing them get nuked? Nope. But I quit holding a grudge about it. What's the use of sitting here filled with hatred for months waiting for my moment of revenge? Will that do anything? Will it make me feel better inside? No. I won't look at those people the same again, nor would I want them in any alliance I'm in, but there's no use hating them or plotting revenge. Always forgive, never forget.


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Ender, give him hell.

Side note, I hope that ender isn't PZI. I'd like to see the new penalty for rogue either reps or just some more war until they felt he has been sufficiently been beaten down. Sure going rogue and then leaving is boring, but hey some people like war and blowing things up so they should be able to do so without their absolute player mobility being taken away in my opinion.

Hmm so you're saying CT shouldn't have mercy for so called cowardice but Ender should, being a nuke rogue?

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Hmm so you're saying CT shouldn't have mercy for so called cowardice but Ender should, being a nuke rogue?

I'll take the person who will fight for my nation, my alliance, and my character everyday of the week before I take a coward who does none of the above. Ender has done all of that and more, he is settling a grudge that he has and I wish him the best of luck. Ne left his alliance to not get them in trouble, so if he is willing to pay the price (and stick around) of destroying his nation to war with someone he dislikes, then I'm all for it.

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CT, your nation deserves to perish and I am sure more will follow soon. ;)

Boy you guys sure are classy. Yet another alliance that has turned a complete 180 since the NPO got beat down. Guess you're now free to show your true colors, eh?

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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I don't need to put words into his mouth, the threat is clear to see (I have even emboldened it for you!).

Does that seem like it was a personal threat on behalf of himself only? Even when he says it is 'about calling out The Gremlins as an alliance'? No, it is an obvious threat on behalf of an alliance and I don't care if he tried to back down from it later by saying he speaks for himself only, I want to know why he made it in the first place. Why so touchy about this particular issue?

It seems like Matthew PK is speaking for himself and only himself. Is Matthew PK in a govt capacity? No. Does he speak for all of Gre? No. Aimee it's similar to how Heinous One speaks a lot on the boards yet everyone knows that he is not speaking for all of STA. He isn't at all trying to back down from words you put in his mouth, he is clarifying. I'd be touchy too if someone tried to make a big deal about my alliance and "call them out" when it is quite obvious that they are not the one in question.

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Boy you guys sure are classy. Yet another alliance that has turned a complete 180 since the NPO got beat down. Guess you're now free to show your true colors, eh?

Or maybe it's an alliance that CT left on very bad terms, many of whom took personal offense to in the manner of which he acted while in the alliance, the manner he left the alliance, and the manner he has portrayed himself on multiple occasions.

EDIT: And yes, ejayrazz isn't apart of Gre (even though he should change his AA on the boards to reflect that)

Edited by LiquidMercury
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Or maybe it's an alliance that CT left on very bad terms, many of whom took personal offense to in the manner of which he acted while in the alliance, the manner he left the alliance, and the manner he has portrayed himself on multiple occasions.

EDIT: And yes, ejayrazz isn't apart of Gre (even though he should change his AA on the boards to reflect that)

One step ahead of you. ;)

Also, the blaze cream worked.

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LMAO. Another peasant with a big mouth.

Dude, if you don't know who ejay is, I wanna know what rock you've been living under. I may give him hell for no good reason (mostly about his rapping ability), but come on, it's ejay. You can't seriously call him a peasant and think you're better than he is. You're not. I'm not. Most people are not.

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Dude, if you don't know who ejay is, I wanna know what rock you've been living under. I may give him hell for no good reason (mostly about his rapping ability), but come on, it's ejay. You can't seriously call him a peasant and think you're better than he is. You're not. I'm not. Most people are not.

Look i am only rude when i am insulted. If he says to me that i should perish it annoys me and i will respond. I'm sure he is a great guy and i do not think i am better than him or anyone but if you troll you should expect a non positive response.

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Look i am only rude when i am insulted. If he says to me that i should perish it annoys me and i will respond. I'm sure he is a great guy and i do not think i am better than him or anyone but if you troll you should expect a non positive response.

Should I go solicit people to attack you some more?

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But your forum account says none and your nation says Fark. So while you're one step ahead of LiquidMercury, you're one step behind... yourself.

Temporary aa, with approval from Shadow. ;)

And Rebel wasn't inferring FARK, but rather GRE..hence my response good sir.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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CT, your nation deserves to perish and I am sure more will follow soon. ;)

And in what way is this in any way different from Bill n Ted's remarks about nuke rogues due to hit ODN?

(I cannot believe this is happening btw. Comparing ejay to BnT ... not something I would have expected to ever be doing.)

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