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NPO - A Suggestion


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Wow, you guy are amazing. What is your point? Mine was that we did give FAN terms, basically proving TypoNinja wrong, both times the second they just waited it out. How is that foot in mouth? I know that we kept them at war, i also know that they got white peace finally. It astounded the level of blind hate that you but off. It makes you look foolish, to be honest.

Edited by Lord Strider
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Wow, you guy are amazing. What is your point? Mine was that we did give FAN terms both times, basically proving TypoNinja wrong, the second they just waited it out. How is that foot in mouth? I know that we kept them at war, i also know that they got white peace finally. It astounded the level of blind hate that you but off. It makes you look foolish, to be honest.

It is quite simple, Mr Strider. There has been a comparison between the situation you put FAN in and the situation you are currently in yourself, and there is an astounding resemblance.

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It is quite simple, Mr Strider. There has been a comparison between the situation you put FAN in and the situation you are currently in yourself, and there is an astounding resemblance.

I know, but when did I put my foot in my mouth? I can see the resemblance a mile away.

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I know, but when did I put my foot in my mouth? I can see the resemblance a mile away.

Because you disagreed with TypoNinjas argument. When he said that you have found yourself in an extended war, it is your own fault, you replied that it wasn't, because FAN did receive terms. Well, unless you have been ignorant of the proceedings of this war, you would know that the NPO did receive terms, thus it is its own fault that it finds itself in an extended war. That is called 'foot in mouth'.

This is why oneliners are much better.

Edited by Melchior
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I know, but when did I put my foot in my mouth? I can see the resemblance a mile away.

The foot in mouth part comes from the fact that the major talking point the NPO has lately is how the terms are terrible and its our fault for prolonging the war.

Your comment says you place the blame on the losing alliance failing to accept terms, not on the winner failing to give nicer terms.

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Because you disagreed with TypoNinjas argument. .

I did? All I said was that we did offer terms to FAN after we re declared.

Your comment says you place the blame on the losing alliance failing to accept terms, not on the winner failing to give nicer terms.

Wow, show me where I said that. Damn talking in my sleep again....

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Wow, show me where I said that. Damn talking in my sleep again....
Not really, we gave terms to FAN. They just wanted White peace so they wouldn't take them.

This is what we call reading for context. By saying FAN wouldn't take them you are suggesting that FAN was to blame for its condition, and not the NPO for whatever the terms NPO might have offered.

From this point we can look at the NPO's current talking point, namely that they think Karma's terms are designed to prolong to war and the poor NPO is being wronged, pity us.

When we contrast these two points we have an interesting dichotomy, NPO says its FAN's fault for not accepting terms, but NPO also says its Karma's fault for being such meanies about what terms are offered to the NPO.

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NPO has terms as an alliance and as individuals. They can take them or not, as they see fit, but the whining about how we want to kill their alliance is frankly stupid.

Numerous Karma members have posted that they want to see the NPO destroyed. The "terms" we've been offered start off with "We haven't been able to nuke *all* of you down, and until we do, we won't give you terms".

Looks to me like destroying the NPO is certainly your plan. I just can't see any reason to go along with it.

NPO is not accepting terms and facing eternal war, because they are holding out for white peace.

NPO is holding out for better terms than "Let us nuke down your banks, beat you to a pulp, and then pay us huge reps while we tie your hands with rules about who is allowed to make the payments."

We aren't asking for white peace. We actually offered to pay more reps than Karma asked for.

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This is what we call reading for context. By saying FAN wouldn't take them you are suggesting that FAN was to blame for its condition, and not the NPO for whatever the terms NPO might have offered.

From this point we can look at the NPO's current talking point, namely that they think Karma's terms are designed to prolong to war and the poor NPO is being wronged, pity us.

When we contrast these two points we have an interesting dichotomy, NPO says its FAN's fault for not accepting terms, but NPO also says its Karma's fault for being such meanies about what terms are offered to the NPO.

You can't be serious.... I wrote the simplest of simple.

You said, "The point was that NPO actually has terms..."

I said, "we gave terms to FAN."

Now how in gods good earth did you read between the lines of that? I didn't suggest a damn thing, I said that we had in fact given them terms. I didn't imply that we are being wrong or anything else in your over exaggerated post. I don't think I have even commented in this thread besides to show that we did give terms to FAN. Stop reading into a simple post so much and more so, stop trying to put words into my mouth.

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Wow, you guy are amazing. What is your point? Mine was that we did give FAN terms, basically proving TypoNinja wrong, both times the second they just waited it out. How is that foot in mouth? I know that we kept them at war, i also know that they got white peace finally. It astounded the level of blind hate that you but off. It makes you look foolish, to be honest.

I was under the impression FAN came looking for terms and were answered with something like "die". I thought Moo said they wouldn't get terms until they came out of peace mode?

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time has nothing to do with them in PM its more the fact that i can only have 3 offensive wars at a time :(

I'm sure that among the numerous alliances array against NPO, you had enough members to get decent staggers on the majority of NPO. The problem is that you had neither the time nor the coordination to organize such an effort correctly. Bakunin's Dream was even properly staggered and he still got into peace mode:


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I'm sure that among the numerous alliances array against NPO, you had enough members to get decent staggers on the majority of NPO. The problem is that you had neither the time nor the coordination to organize such an effort correctly. Bakunin's Dream was even properly staggered and he still got into peace mode:


It was a huge operation involving something like a dozen alliances, with the clock running for the defenders. It's not like we were planning the war, either. :ph34r:

Still they appear to be down around 75% of their strength. I consider that a success.

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It was a huge operation involving something like a dozen alliances, with the clock running for the defenders. It's not like we were planning the war, either. :ph34r:

Still they appear to be down around 75% of their strength. I consider that a success.

I never said anything different. Systemfailure was complaining he had not the slots, and I was saying that slots weren't the issue, it was the simple inability to coordinate so many alliances properly. Last I checked the number declared on NPO was 17, but it's been a while since I've payed attention.

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I never said anything different. Systemfailure was complaining he had not the slots, and I was saying that slots weren't the issue, it was the simple inability to coordinate so many alliances properly. Last I checked the number declared on NPO was 17, but it's been a while since I've payed attention.

actually i was saying that if i could i would have declared on the entire NPO myself.

if you want a stagger done right you got to do it your self it seems :P

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You actually need it spelled out?

NPO is currently rejecting the terms they have because they don't like them, all the while whining on the OWF about how we want to kill their alliance.

Then strider sent us up the bomb.

Seriously, I've always said you get your best PR points straight from your opponents. We couldn't possibly come up with stuff that good ourselves.

Did you really need that spelled out? I hope you were kidding sir.

And cuddos to Typo for actually laying it out.

No, we could never even make up the stuff they give us for PR...

Which you responded to with a one liner.

Ok, he said you gave terms to FAN, which they denied and were subjected to two years of war, because they want white peace. NPO is not accepting terms and facing eternal war, because they are holding out for white peace.

You guys love to contradict yourselves :rolleyes:

FAN wanted white peace and nothing else. We were fine with the terms except the part of hitting our banks for

two weeks. Maybe you should look back and read before you spew your opinions.

Edited by kevin32891
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You guys love to contradict yourselves :rolleyes:

FAN wanted white peace and nothing else. We were fine with the terms except the part of hitting our banks for

two weeks. Maybe you should look back and read before you spew your opinions.

Yes, of course they wanted white peace, given that you violated the terms you had given them initially, and attacked the entire alliance after it had already disarmed for the actions of a handful of nations. You had proven yourselves to be completely untrustworthy and without honor.

Perhaps we should have you leave peace mode, disarm, and then submit to two weeks of war, since you seem so eager to compare yourselves to FAN?

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Yes, of course they wanted white peace, given that you violated the terms you had given them initially, and attacked the entire alliance after it had already disarmed for the actions of a handful of nations. You had proven yourselves to be completely untrustworthy and without honor.

Perhaps we should have you leave peace mode, disarm, and then submit to two weeks of war, since you seem so eager to compare yourselves to FAN?

FAN had violators of the terms, you really can't deny that. I'm not saying both sides handled the situation perfectly however there were violators from FAN.

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"perfectly"? it wasnt even semi-fair let alone perfect. i would go into the various ways you could have handled that situation but the past is the past.

at least the conflict gave birth to the "if 30%* of the nations are in violation the war will be re-issued" term which we now find in the majority of surrenders.

*ive no idea what the actually percentage is but ive seen the term a few times recently

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FAN had violators of the terms, you really can't deny that. I'm not saying both sides handled the situation perfectly however there were violators from FAN.

NPO wanted to attack to keep FAN down indefinitely, so they wrote a loophole into the terms. Sure there were some FAN violators, but what NPO did was historically sleazy. You would have been better off admitting you would never give them real peace as long as you were unchallenged.

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