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Why Karma made me a Pacifican

Brutal Psychoticus

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What I can say from my limited point of view is that the current postings by Karma and their supporters are quite nasty and derisive at times. Had it not been for so much of the put-downs and nasty comments any thoughts I had of leaving this war to save my pixels were erased. The more I read though the more angered and pissed off I got. I followed Jipps thread as he tried to have a truly open discussion about it all and I was appalled at how some responded. Much of it was pure vitriole and hate.

Every alliance has its fair share of idiots, and unfortunately these people have a tendency to shout their mouths off. Karma alliances are no exception. The only reason we haven't seen so much of that from NPO is that you have been on radio silence, but now things are really starting to heat up. Nevertheless, if you have a problem with a particular poster and/or post, contact the leadership of that alliance and make a polite complaint about it. I'm sure most will listen, they are reasonable people.

My comrades at the NPO have supported me all throughout this war with aid drops and even just IM's to check in and see how I'm doing. I have lost my 32,000 NS and at this point I do not regret a minute of it. I will never leave Pacifica. Karma had more to do with making me a Pacifican for life than even Pacifica herself. I have survived this bloody conflict and my pride is intact. My memory will now vividly recall this period of CN history as so many of you recall the events of the past I was not part of. The Pacifica of today is my Pacifica. I shall stand strong behind her and defend her forever more. Be careful of how you tread Karma because your actions today become part of the future actions of a renewed Pacifica.

Most alliances would support their members in a losing war (or a winning one, for that matter.) It has been done in the past by numerous alliances that Pacifica and her allies have rolled. It does not necessarily make that alliance a good alliance. Nevertheless, your loyalty to your alliance is commendable, and I am happy for you that you have found a place where you belong.

Also, ignore the trolls. They're inevitable on the CNF.

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Hell, so did some of the others. Yet they love to recount NPO's wrongdoings in that war and say how NPO needs to pay for it like they really gave a !@#$ about GATO in the first place.

I remember speaking out against the GPA War, the Wolfpack War (which I did), and the GATO War was considered to be a bad thing. If you spoke up against the NPO then every sanctioned alliances, yes the FOK the Sparta and the and the MHA's of Planet Bob, would pound you relentlessly with reasons to support their war. If you continued to bother them about it, then it became grounds for war.

And now what do we have? Signatures and rallying cries surrounded around past injustices most of these Karma alliances supported to begin with. You honestly think they care? No, they're using past grievances to conveniently convey points and attack crimes they're guilty of themselves.

Really sheep in wolves clothing, magic.

Edited by The AUT
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Whatever you say AUT. All your post comes down to is a lot of BS accusations.

I don't want to speak for other alliances, but I can tell you that your assumptions regarding my alliance are wrong.

It seems like you just see what you want to see.

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Whatever you say AUT. All your post comes down to is a lot of BS accusations.

I don't want to speak for other alliances, but I can tell you that your assumptions regarding my alliance are wrong.

It seems like you just see what you want to see.

Continuum-GPA War

I believe FOK actively took part in the war and accepted reparations on behalf of the GPA. Not to mention the war was later proven to be nothing but a set up by Kurushio.

If these are BS accusations then tell me what's right, please. I'm not assuming I'm just using whatever facts I have to present my case, if they're not right then please tell me. These events are pretty much set in stone if I'm missing something then I'll apologize but until then the proof is there.

I'd bring up the War of the Coalition where FOK accepted harsh reparations from Polaris but if NpO is willing to move on then so am I.

Edited by The AUT
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Continuum-GPA War

I believe FOK actively took part in the war and accepted reparations on behalf of the GPA. Not to mention the war was later proven to be nothing but a set up by Kurushio.

If these are BS accusations then tell me what's right, please. I'm not assuming I'm just using whatever facts I have to present my case, if they're not right then please tell me. These events are pretty much set in stone if I'm missing something then I'll apologize but until then the proof is there.

I'd bring up the War of the Coalition where FOK accepted harsh reparations from Polaris but if NpO is willing to move on then so am I.

And FOK has been forgiven for their actions by the GPA who now enjoys rather comfortable relation with FOK. Do tell, though, where were you when the war happened? I don't seem to recall you do anything to help the GPA at the time.

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And FOK has been forgiven for their actions by the GPA who now enjoys rather comfortable relation with FOK. Do tell, though, where were you when the war happened? I don't seem to recall you do anything to help the GPA at the time.

Where was I? In Genesis. As I recall we weren't involved in the conflict, so your point is moot.

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I'd bring up the War of the Coalition where FOK accepted harsh reparations from Polaris but if NpO is willing to move on then so am I.

You might as well bring it up anyway. People keep bringing up Legion, and Legion fought WITH the NPO in this war. The current rule appears to be that you must bring up anything anyone has ever done, or that you think they have done, even if the person you are "defending" has actively told you to stop representing them. It's gotten more than a little silly.

-Glen, MoP

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And FOK has been forgiven for their actions by the GPA who now enjoys rather comfortable relation with FOK. Do tell, though, where were you when the war happened? I don't seem to recall you do anything to help the GPA at the time.

Funny you should say that. Where was Mushroom Kingdom when the GPA war was going down? As for that matter, where was the rest of Karma? I eagerly await your response.

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Continuum-GPA War

I believe FOK actively took part in the war and accepted reparations on behalf of the GPA. Not to mention the war was later proven to be nothing but a set up by Kurushio.

If these are BS accusations then tell me what's right, please. I'm not assuming I'm just using whatever facts I have to present my case, if they're not right then please tell me. These events are pretty much set in stone if I'm missing something then I'll apologize but until then the proof is there.

I'd bring up the War of the Coalition where FOK accepted harsh reparations from Polaris but if NpO is willing to move on then so am I.

Just for reference, I was replying to this post:

I remember speaking out against the GPA War, the Wolfpack War (which I did), and the GATO War was considered to be a bad thing. If you spoke up against the NPO then every sanctioned alliances, yes the FOK the Sparta and the and the MHA's of Planet Bob, would pound you relentlessly with reasons to support their war. If you continued to bother them about it, then it became grounds for war.

And now what do we have? Signatures and rallying cries surrounded around past injustices most of these Karma alliances supported to begin with. You honestly think they care? No, they're using past grievances to conveniently convey points and attack crimes they're guilty of themselves.

Really sheep in wolves clothing, magic.

I replied to the bold part, the accusation of 'abusing power' and using 'past grievances'. The latter is just plain wrong, we went in because of a bloc treaty, not to fight some old grudges. The former is something else. As far as I know FOK would have never abused power, we just roll with our allies. We did it at that time, we did it now, we do it in the future. Of course this may have caused complicated and possibly wrong situations, however I believe FOK has long since moved on and has shown the world what path we are willing to take (/have taken). If you disagree with it, that's just fine. I probably can't make you change your mind anyway. :P

My alliance did take part in the GPA war, I never denied that nor did I ever cried about it now being 'unjustified'. It is not up to me to publicily voice an opinion on this, since I wasn't even playing CN at the time. This also goes for the polar war.

If you do want to know my opinion about these wars and what FOK should have done, send me a PM.

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As far as I know FOK would have never abused power, we just roll with our allies. We did it at that time, we did it now, we do it in the future.

Rolling with your allies will be re-interpreted as abuse of power whenever somebody doesn't like you. That's CN. Sip a Pina Colada and enjoy it.

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My alliance did take part in the GPA war, I never denied that nor did I ever cried about it now being 'unjustified'. It is not up to me to publicily voice an opinion on this, since I wasn't even playing CN at the time. This also goes for the polar war.

If you do want to know my opinion about these wars and what FOK should have done, send me a PM.

So will FoK being making these wrongs right now? Will you be returning the reparations stolen from GPA with interest, will FoK also be making restitution to NpO? If you're planning on making NPO pay for their wrongs of the past shouldn't FoK take the high road and apologize and make restitution?

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Man these threads are ridiculous. No, I didn't read the OP, I'm not in the mood, but your argument is probably the same as everyone else's, here is my response:

Our name is called KARMA, not Mercy. We gave Mercy to those who asked for it and we felt that deserved it, but NPO has been deserving this for a long time. They have back stabbed people for what, 3 years straight? We are only shutting them down for around 3 months. Sure they may not have given the amount of reps that we are giving them, but they have done the amount of deeds and organized enough stuff behind the scenes that amounts to more than this.

Mercy came in GWI, it was not returned.

We are Karma. Returning the favor back to them.

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So will FoK being making these wrongs right now? Will you be returning the reparations stolen from GPA with interest, will FoK also be making restitution to NpO? If you're planning on making NPO pay for their wrongs of the past shouldn't FoK take the high road and apologize and make restitution?

Well, we'll see what happens eh? :P

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I won't hold my breath that's for sure.

Look at it in these terms, is forcing another country to give up slavery while your country still endorses slavery a good thing and what kind of "Karma" could your country expect from such actions?

My country doesn't endorse slavery, so your point is moot.

But if you think FOK deserves 'Karma', then I'll be expecting you. :P

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My country doesn't endorse slavery, so your point is moot.

But if you think FOK deserves 'Karma', then I'll be expecting you. :P

I suspect you missed my point, allow me to restate, if your alliance engages in massive reparations and near destruction of cultures while at the same time destroying another alliance for the same behavior what does that say about your alliance?

As to deserving Karma, all things that go around come around.

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Fixed that for you.

Actually, GOD is a member inside of Karma ;)

Unfortunately, I don't think Holy Admin can judge the NPO because of the mula, so we did it for him.

Also, with your argument against FOK: People change, their judgement changes, their feelings change. If they thought those things were ok in the past, they might have had a change of heart, but NPO never did.

Edited by menwearpink135
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I suspect you missed my point, allow me to restate, if your alliance engages in massive reparations and near destruction of cultures while at the same time destroying another alliance for the same behavior what does that say about your alliance?

As to deserving Karma, all things that go around come around.

And again I say, the comparison is not valid just because you say it is. I can not comment any further because this war is still going on. So I will leave this funny (though interesting) conversation, sorry to disappoint. :)

(Again, if you have any questions you can just send a PM.)

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Sounds like the tc is just a infra lover who joined NPO so they could save their pixels and are crying that NPO is getting what it gave. If you want a nation sim join a neutral alliance but make sure that alliance isn't to big or somebody may come around and roll it anyway.

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And again I say, the comparison is not valid just because you say it is. I can not comment any further because this war is still going on. So I will leave this funny (though interesting) conversation, sorry to disappoint. :)

(Again, if you have any questions you can just send a PM.)

So you can only discuss how evil the NPO is and nothing more? Weak stuff there, in fact I think I will throw out the word hypocrite.

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Funny you should say that. Where was Mushroom Kingdom when the GPA war was going down? As for that matter, where was the rest of Karma? I eagerly await your response.

Mushroom Kingdom sat by, but you don't seem many of us complaining about it. I, however, was in GPA, fighting with everything I had until the war ended when I had 190 infra left. Why do you ask?

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The term hypocricy has about as much meaning left as OOC Attack.

Depends on who is using it, from a nation that has never accepted one penny of reparations or demanded anything other than white peace for opponents, and belongs to an alliance (my only alliance ever) that also has never asked for anything more I feel I can use the word with meaning and effect.

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Mushroom Kingdom sat by, but you don't seem many of us complaining about it. I, however, was in GPA, fighting with everything I had until the war ended when I had 190 infra left. Why do you ask?

I don't believe the point is that the Mushroom Kingdom or Genesis sat by, it's the fact some of the alliances who condemn NPO's actions partook in much of them such as the GPA-Continuum war.

You've blown my point way off course.

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