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Vanguard Edict.

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Vanguard Edict

Changes to The Architecture.

In perhaps the worst display of democracy ever witnessed - delayed by several weeks due to obligations in the Pacific - Vanguard has assembled a ragtag bunch of misfits to form its Architecture for the June/July term. I congratulate each of them, and on behalf of QuiteTheUserName, Stumpy and myself, I can say the Grand Architecture looks forward to working with them toward further prosperity, success and strength for Vanguard. The elections successfully ended Thaliak's reign of terror as The Hammer of Vanguard, a position he held for almost two years. Thaliak will now head the Department of Education, and as such, Novices of Vanguard should prepare themselves for membership tests that may require the completion of a lengthy dissertation. Replacing Thaliak is Hirvegil Arnanu, a newcomer to The Architecture - at least in this life. Tweak1029 returns to The Architecture to head the Vanguard Imperial Force and Department of Defence, whilst Rafa Nadal tightens his stranglehold on the position of The Shield. Last, but certainly not least, Alekhine - a relatively new and promising member of Vanguard - has taken on the responsibility of controlling the Department of Finance as The Treasurer.

It is my honour to introduce our administration for the June/July term:

Grand Architects of Vanguard

The Sovereign, Revanche

The Vizier, QTUN

The Consul, Stumpy

Architects of Vanguard

The Sword, Tweak1029

The Shield, Rafa Nadal

The Hammer, Hirvegil Arnanu

The Treasurer, Alekhine

The Scholar, Thaliak

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