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Revenge of the Valkyrie

Sarah Tintagyl

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As we are only recently established and have next to no military, The Nation of Selenarctos will not be declaring war on the GNR, but wishes good luck to those who do. Our waterways will remain open to all nations.

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All deployed Navy is to immediately deter from previously destined path into the Mediterranean Sea, hugging the Africa shore. The Royal Mechodamian Airforce that is deployed is to enter the airspace directly over Southern Italy and base at designated air fields provided. All naval vessels are to head toward Southern Italy, the first wave arriving approximately several hours before the second wave, launching an overall installment of 280,000 soldiers.

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The Kingdom of Cochin sympathizes with the Hansa cause but as a member of Dragon Empire will not state anything without a Triumvirate meeting. As of now we are neutral in this conflict.

However if Hanseatic Commonwealth territories in Asia are attacked we may join the war in their defense.

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Mama Bob Denard grunts and says, "Make it happen."


901st to 906th Fighter Squadrons are dispatched to ADI's African holdings. They will be taking with them substantial stocks of anti-shipping missiles as well.

1st through 8th Reserve Brigades are loaded onto ships. These light infantry formations are better suited for mountain fighting than heavy armored vehicles. Prior to departure they take on stocks of the new Grand Dragon fire and forget Anti-Tank missiles. Likewise, they are equipped with supplies of mines, mortars, heavy machine guns, and new camouflage uniforms better suited to the environment they will be deployed.

Joining them are the1st, 2nd, and 3rd Light Infantry Brigades, who are also supplied with the new Grand Dragon Anti-tank weapons. Further, supplies of suitable man portable anti-air weapons are being sought to supply the Somal forces with in theater.

Joining these forces are the 1001st, 1002nd, and 1003rd Gunship wings newly equipped with their Kingdom of Cochin gunships and the re-equipped 55th, and 56th Transport Wings.

These forces will act in a defensive capacity under the over all command of the Styrigian officer corp in Stygria.

These forces are loaded into ships that join the convoy of the Republic of Yawoo as he passes through the Red Sea.

Official Announcement:

No way the Republic of Somal is going to miss the chance to kill some European Imperialists. We support the forces arrayed against GNR and call upon GNR to surrender and open up their individual member nations for free elections and self-rule.

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OOC: Where was that posted?

OOC: Nvm it wasn't :P.

IC: The Alliance would like to remind invading forces positioned in stigia that it has not yet entered the war, and are to be considered neutral until further notice.

Edited by iamthey
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*Public Announcement*

The Aether Empire, in particular Von Zak, would like to announce their formal support of this decision to go to war as it will "finally put an end to bad television".

To show their support, the Aether Empire pledges to produce fifty Zuk Burger restaurants on the front lines of military conflict so that soldiers from either side can drop by for a cheap good bite to eat while discussing their diplomatic conflicts in a civil manner and share their family photos and dreams before returning the battlefield to slaughter each other in whole-sale manner. We will also provide Aether Empire flags to both sides FOR FREE so that neither side has to waste money on this symbolic silliness of taking land and can focus more on other munitions!

Unfortunately we are short on military personal at the moment and so we can only provide a total of one soldier for combat purposes to both sides, that is one to both sides and not one to one side and one to the other... which would be two people and we've already told you we are short on personal, so deal with it. You're just going to have to work out a civil way to split his time... or clone him or something. Given that the value of a single human life is priceless, I'm sure you will both be most pleased with our wonderful offering and be eternally grateful for his services (as infinite value even divided by two is still infinite).

Just come to an agreement as to where you'd like us to send him and we'll start the troop movement right away.

Edited by Zarfef
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"....... The Konpekitai has about 20 divisions of Naval infantry attached right?"

"Yes, and they have 4320 tanks with them."

"This will be a bloody war, really bloody. But it is a just war. Start fueling the Westwinds, we might need them to pound the bunkers."

Edited by Sumeragi
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Tony Montana was sitting at his desk, reviewing the document on his table.

"Dammit, where are those señoritas, I feel lonely. Hmm, so those $@roaches in Europe have finally got what is coming to them, this is excellent. Even though it is a waste of time, I might as well send the convoys to pick up those idiots in the South.

Chico, get here, we need to get the boss here to discuss what our next step shall be."

Edited by Franz Ferdinand
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 The Northeast People's Republic sympathizes with the Hansa cause but as a member of Dragon Empire will not state anything without a Triumvirate meeting. As of now we are neutral in this conflict.

However if Hanseatic Commonwealth territories in Asia are attacked we may join the war in their defense.

OOC: sorry Cochin... too lazy to type today.

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With the fall of the Communist International, the hostile balance that existed in the world, however pathetic and immature has disappeared replaced by two extreme evils. Nordland and the Dragon Empire.

I take offense to your reference to the Dragon Empire as a force of evil.

Edited by freakwars
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As a member of the Dragon Bloc I'm requesting a vote to be made on the entering of the war based on the mutual aggresion clause in the Dragon Bloc treaty.


A last minute supply ship is dispatched with a sizable consignment of anti tank missiles, anti-air missiles, and 50 155 mm Self Propelled Howitzers. Also in this shipment are nearly 100 new Somal .50 Caliber Sniper Rifles, nearly 400 12.7 mm Heavy Machine Guns, and 36 Savage Air Defense Vehicles. More will follow as it rolls off our assembly lines.

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The Chairman issued a statement regards to the proclamation of the Empire being evil....

"If defending your people and your sovereign domain is an act of evil while at the same time granting extreme civil liberties, political liberties, and a mixed bag of economic liberties leaning towards the free market and socialist hybridization is an active of evil.... then you may start referring to me as "the beast" as my often mixed up political opponents whom are overly religiously zealous do because I'm damned proud of what has been achieved through the Empire in Asia. We pity the the Hansa people which have not been able to benefit from our co-operation and benevolence. Perhaps if their leader were more enlightened they would more carefully chose their words. Perhaps if they were more enlightened, they would pay closer attention to the public access cameras now filming and reporting the workings of the Dragonisian Legislature."

"The free and unified states of Asia will not be quelled by false saber rattling. I thought you wanted peace, Lady Protector."

"I mean... we're an ally you're talking about!"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Under the cover of darkness the Somal troops quickly unload onto the soils of Strigia. Muscling their heavier equipment off the ships is a bit of a task, but they keep at it. The unloading will expect to take several hours to disembark all 11 brigades, air wings, and other heavy equipment. To ensure security a string of sentry posts are set up to keep an eye open for potential threats.

Edited by Firestorm
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Because the Hansa is a longtime friend, and RoM is a member of the TEC, Taeunas recognizes a state of war with the GNR.

As we read through the dispatches and DoWs we note that many of the worlds nations have come out against the GNR. We would suggest that the GNR stop their senseless attacks on the RoM and withdraw their forces from the field of battle. There need be no further loss of life or destruction, especially since it appears that the majority of that will be visited upon the peoples of the GNR.

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Under the guise of the darkened bellowing skies, Mechodamian ships, after docking at Gibraltar to refuel, entered the shallows of the Mediterranean, nearing the southern shores of Imperium Romanum. All the mean while the UMS Airforce's streams of turbulent air could be seen from miles away, signifying their previous departure. It wouldn't be too much longer until The 68 UMS airforce squadrons and first 140,000 soldiers would arrive... let alone the remaining 140,000.

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///---Super Classified---\\\

With full distinction of preparing the hardiest defenses, all missile bases are to assume the worst case scenario should happen. "Alpha Georgia Rocco" is now in effect. All pre-launch codes for all nuclear missile silos are to be entered accordingly.

Pre-launch Code: AGC6362AOD

All citizens are to sign in with their local bomb shelter team members and also assume the worst. Bomb sirens and alarms have been posted in primary citizen sectors and all anti-missile batteries are on high alert.

With full distinction of preparing the hardiest defenses, all missile teams harboring chemical and napalm weapons are to assume the worst case scenario should happen. "Roger Alpha Neka" is no in effect. Post-preliminary launch codes are to be entered effective immediately and be prepared for launch within the coming days.

Post-preliminary Code: 66NLDAU99

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Molakia hereby opens its borders to any nation raising arms agains the Nords. In Addition, We now OFFICIALLY recognize a state of war between the Nordlandic Empire and the Kingdom of Molakia.

-Tsarina Anna Ivanova-Romanov


Kotka, Molakia

A Nuclear Missle Silo prepares for emergency launch...should it come to it.

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