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Fall Freiherr Military Movements


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OOC: But he would need to change his RP to actually crossing the river. He's RP'd simply rolling foward, unless he plans to have his heavy tanks sink to the bottom, I'm going to give him the chance to correct his RP.

OOC: Simply say they sink. Its his mistake.

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OOC: Simply say they sink. Its his mistake.

OOC: The GM has spoken.


Sven looked though his binoculars, "Hey..you won't believe this, the nords are driving straight into the river! I don't see a single snorkle on those tanks, they're just driving do their death!"

His comrades looked up from their foxhole, "...Wow, these people really don't know what they're doing do they?"

"Maybe you scared them with your damn snoring."

Mariehamm artillery was manned, moved out of hiding after the initial barrage. They fired HE shells at the enemy shore, using creeping barrages in the direction of the engine sounds of the massive tank armies of the nords.

They would fire no more then 3 rounds before moving to new positions, making sure to use the natural landscape to their advange, hiding in shrubs and under trees.

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There was silence for a few seconds then the loudspeaker crackled off to project a different voice.

"This is Grand Admiral Danzig of the Prussian Länder Kriegsmarine. We're sorry for your inconvenience. All Prussian ships are to evacuate to the sea corridor. "

The ships began to hit flanking speed as they turned back into the open corridor. The helicopters and the jets headed back to their origins.

The Russians had won this time...but for how long?

The Admiral, in his office in Berlin turned to his adjunct after shutting off his communication line. "Notify the AWACs in the area that they are to follow the ships in a standoff formation, never break the line of their ship radar or the horizon. I want to see what these ships are up to."

"Authorization if they're hostiles?"


"Thank you, and good day to you gentlemen."

The Coast Guard captain puts down the loudspeaker receiver and sighs a sigh of relief. "Tell those ships to stay a little closer to the shore, we don’t need anymore of these kinds of drawbacks."

Instead of taking a straight path from the ports in St. Petersburg the ships turn northward closer to the shore, while the other ships still anchored in St. Petersburg are unloaded Troops will now be transported on the ground and through the air.

***Classified to Mariehamm***

Premier Medvedev is sending troops to keep the peace in Mariehamm, General Belyakov would like to know where his men can be most useful.

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Classified Military Report to High Command:

Casuaties: Estimated 1,225

The attack is happening all at once. STOP. Enemy forces attempting to cross river. STOP. 3rd Division has not made contact. STOP. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th report nordic attempt to cross river. STOP. Artillery fire exchanged. STOP.

OOC: lol telegraphs.

= = =

Classified to Slavorussia:

Join with the 10 Shore Protection brigades. Re-enforce them to division size if possible.

= = =


The 3rd division has split off 2000 troops to move up the E8 highway into ADI and secure the E6.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: Ah thanks, missed it.


A Prussian AWACs transport plane with civilian markings flew over the guarded patch of land. Landing in the middle of the field, all the guards knew that the final contingency plan was put into place. Evacuation.

One Prussian soldier took a small trowel from his pack and scooped up the a patch of dirt and placed it in a small tin.

"Heh, I've got soil from every continent now...won't my mom be proud?" he said.

Another soldier looked at him strangely.

"No, that's weird."

"Damned Nords," said one soldier, watching from just outside the border of the property in question. He glared at one who came too close, and spat contemptuously. He was immediately cuffed in the head by his Sergeant.

"Yow! What the f*** was that for, Sarge?"

"Don't give me any lip soldier. We're not here to insult them, but to make sure every damned one of them leaves. If they provoke us in the slightest, feel free to shoot them, but otherwise let them be."

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OOC: Yuktobania declaration of war against Nordland

( Classified to Sarah Tintagyl: )

We are sending in 45,000 troops and 600 tanks to assist in the defense of your republic. Our air force has plans to conducts raids onto Nordic military targets in their mainland. They shall be available by the next morning.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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OOC: Yuktobania declaration of war against Nordland

( Classified to Sarah Tintagyl: )

We are sending in 45,000 troops and 600 tanks to assist in the defense of your republic. Our air force has plans to conducts raids onto Nordic military targets in their mainland. They shall be available by the next morning.


Thank you for your assistance. If you could deploy them to Brisbane and our Japanese holdings we would be most appreciative. Half and half if you could. Our hearts go out to your country.

Johann Kolm,

Commander-in-Chief of the Hanseatic Army

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(Classified to Sarah Tignayl )

Understood, we've sending our forces to defend Brisbane and Hanseatic Japan.

Be careful out there, the Nords are well known for their brutality.


Georgy Zhukov II

Supreme Commander of the Yuktobanian Army

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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The Entire Serca Armed forces are in DefCon 1. The Airforce has been mobilized and Troops have been mobilized.

100,000 Sercan troops have been loaded upon Transport ships headed for GNR. Serca also ask Gebiv if we can cross through their respective waters.

100 Tanks, Apcs, Artillery, SAMs are also readied and are preparing to be moved to Europe.

Anti-Missles have been readied and prepared back in Serca to repel any missile attack from GNR.

20 Missiles loaded with 8000Lb of HE warheads are prepared and Launched at Major military bases and Naval Ports throughout Nordland. damages,If target is hit, are expected to be high and Military casualties are expected.

"People of Serca, People of the world, We have entered this war in defense of the World Now we may be a distance away and are up to a challenge but my God we will fight for what we belive in. Whether we lose 1 soldier of 100,000 we will continue to fight until every man in Serca is dead. We know the chance of Serca being invaded by GNR is extremely slim but we are prepared for anything. Our soldiers will fight for freedom and our Aircraft will soar thorugh the skies of Nordland and rain hell upon the Nordic government and Nordic army fighting for an unjust cause. May God rest within your souls as this war wages on."

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*** Private Military Orders ***

Chancellor von Berg orders 650,000 landforces, 62 naval ships and 95 air squadrons to proceed post haste through (in the planes case, over) the suez canal to their final destination of Strigia.

*** Private Message to Strigia ***

Yawooian forces are on their way. Please make sure airfields are clear and harbors are open, support is coming.

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The Entire Serca Armed forces are in DefCon 1. The Airforce has been mobilized and Troops have been mobilized.

100,000 Sercan troops have been loaded upon Transport ships headed for GNR. Serca also ask Gebiv if we can cross through their respective waters.

100 Tanks, Apcs, Artillery, SAMs are also readied and are preparing to be moved to Europe.

Anti-Missles have been readied and prepared back in Serca to repel any missile attack from GNR.

We ask Serca to join Our Campaign into Southern Italy, or to Imperium Romanum. Move forces there. If peace talks break that is our HQ for joint operations.

- Lucas Perry

Chief General of The Republican Army

Naval units that were moved 50 clicks (35 units plus transports and cargo) are to be moved to Imperium Romanum for further operations. They are to not fire unless fired upon or until peace talks break. The ADI base at the bottom of Spain shall be used as a restocking post/port. Movement shall continue after fully restocked.

"Keep your distance from the border, but keep your safetys off men"

- Lucas Perry

Chief General of The Republican Army

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- Mykep Jones

Archon of the Republic

OOC: You can keep moving...just not into thier country.

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The northern offensive into Ãœberstein territory has halted. Although it had begun successfully given the saturation bombarding technique that had been used, the peacetalks then took precedence, and the Nordlanders moved back to their fortified positions before truly engaging the enemy. The Aircraft also leave the area. For a second, it seemed as if things were going back to normal again.

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OOC: What river? A river was never mentioned. I'm fighting you in the mountains. If you say I magically drive tanks into a river, lol, I'm not gonna accept that.


You honestly haven't looked at the terrain we're fighting on?

I've been mentioning the border river in almost all my military fortifications, in the google earth map that showed what armies you saw, they were across the river. You're trying to get into Finland from Sweden, there is a river that I have mined in the way. You didn't RP crossing the river, you RP'd moving forward, I assume into the river because that is all that is infront of you unless you cross it.

It's not my fault you didn't look at a map, you should have payed better attention.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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*Yamato Movements*

Out of the 33 division of the Yamato Land Defense Force, 23 have been moved to the Home Islands, leaving 10 division in Manshu. Currently, all 1000 tanks are in the Home Islands.

Meanwhile, the 55 fighter squadrons of the Air Defense Force is on patrol all over Yamato and Hanseatic Japan.

Given that Yamato does not have a blue-water navy, there is no naval movement.

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Khmer Empire now goes Defcon 1.

Hun Sen sat at his desk. "Bloody Europeans" he thought to himself. He looked up to see the heads of the Defence Forces, Air Marshall Lun Wei and General Rangsey Moul walked in. "Gentlemen, Sit down". "Now we since we agreed to join the GPI we have no choice to uphold our end of the bargain. I propose we meet up with Taiwanese forces here, before heading off to Japan to meet up with the rest of the GPI forces." Rangsey sat forward "Taiwan isn't involved yet". "Exactly" said Hun Sen. "Yet. I'll message Nebu, ask him to get involved. Now General, Mobilize Tonkin and Amman. I want Divisions XXI-XXXIV mobilized and On boats to readied to go to Japan ASAP. Air Marshall, I want the Air Force to increase patrols, standard Defcon 1 stuff." "Yes Your highness" they replied in unison.

XXI - XXXIV Divisions were mobilised and readied to go to Japan.


Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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