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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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LOL "Please, call me Doitzel." what are you omplying

Assuming I have what you were trying to say by "omplying" correctly, I would say that it probably means that he is the man popularly known as Doitzel.

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Must not have, I was still caught up in my bond with them....

Based on the fact that you still think it would have been a smashing idea to hand over Polar's FA to Dilber and NPO, I'm going to go out on a limb and say I understand Polar better than you do, and I never have contact with them. At all.

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Assuming I have what you were trying to say by "omplying" correctly, I would say that it probably means that he is the man popularly known as Doitzel.

Thanks for pointing out that I don't proof read, you get a star. I was asking what he was implying with "foot in mouth." Pay more attention to meaning of what you assume and less on trying to troll me for that assumption ;)

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Based on the fact that you still think it would have been a smashing idea to hand over Polar's FA to Dilber and NPO, I'm going to go out on a limb and say I understand Polar better than you do, and I never have contact with them. At all.

I never said it that way.

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Thanks for pointing out that I don't proof read, you get a star. I was asking what he was implying with "foot in mouth." Pay more attention to meaning of what you assume and less on trying to troll me for that assumption ;)

He still answered your question. I'd give 10:1 odds that Elyat's sig indicates that he is Doitsel

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This is off-topic, but Elyat = Doitzel.

Now back to our 206 page train wreck, in which the NPO tries to convince everyone that they weren't really that bad. But seriously, after 4,106 posts, is there anyone on the Karma side of the fence who doubts that the NPO still doesn't get it? Who doubts that as soon as they're able to, they'll come looking for revenge against anyone and everyone who they believed wronged them?

I really think the terms offered need to be revisited in light of the attitudes displayed in this thread. One suggestion: have them decommission all military wonders and improvements.

Edited by Azhrarn
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Thanks for pointing out that I don't proof read, you get a star. I was asking what he was implying with "foot in mouth." Pay more attention to meaning of what you assume and less on trying to troll me for that assumption ;)

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but English typically requires that you actually provide some level of clarity as to what you are trying to say if you actually wish to be understood. Your post lacks that.

Also, trolling you? Hardly.

You merely appear to be either an oblivious fool or a total idiot. Foot in mouth probably would have something to do with your backtracking off of your original statement about NPO/NpO standing strong, to your second one following some rather pointed commentary.

And no, I won't quote them for you. I'm too lazy.

If I were trolling you, I'd say that your delusions are laughable and leave it at that instead of actually explaining :)

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but English typically requires that you actually provide some level of clarity as to what you are trying to say if you actually wish to be understood. Your post lacks that.

Also, trolling you? Hardly.

You merely appear to be either an oblivious fool or a total idiot. Foot in mouth probably would have something to do with your backtracking off of your original statement about NPO/NpO standing strong, to your second one following some rather pointed commentary.

And no, I won't quote them for you. I'm too lazy.

If I were trolling you, I'd say that your delusions are laughable and leave it at that instead of actually explaining :)

Thanks, that was long winded.

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Thanks, that was long winded.

Yes, it was.

Why, it even included two statements that required multiple lines of text.

I am very sorry for making you read something so horrendously long.

Edited by Aurion
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Hey, Strider can you tell me who has the next shift of keeping this thread going and when they start so I can decide whether I want to be there when they start. Generally it seems these shifts start off good but then fade into pointlessness. Rather hard to follow this entire thread, not sure how some of these folks do it.

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Yes, it was.

Why, it even included two statements that required multiple lines of text.

I am very sorry for making you read something so horrendously long.

Hey, you made me read it too!!!

I demand that you decom all your military, destroy all wonders and improvements, pay me reps, and then PZI yourself.

and be thankfull I'm being meciful this time :P

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Over 200 pages and we are now faced with an even more serious situation than what we started with; how the hell will maroon ever recover their title of being the SPAM kings after this epic SPAM thread? :(

Edited by Emperor Khan
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Hey, you made me read it too!!!

I demand that you decom all your military, destroy all wonders and improvements, pay me reps, and then PZI yourself.

and be thankfull I'm being meciful this time :P

My counter-terms are as follows:

1. You shall pay 100 BILLION DOLLARS.

2. You shall decommission all Wonders and Improvements.

3. You shall sell all of your Infrastructure. You shall remain at a state of Zero Infrastructure for the duration of these terms.

4. You shall sell all of your nation's Technology to a list of buyers that I may or may not ever provide for you at the going rate of 3 mil per 500 Tech. Any undue delay as determined by me shall result in continued horrendously long posts. I may even include full paragraphs.

5. You shall pay me your right arm, your left leg, and your right kidney.

6. The people of your nation shall acclaim me as their Viceroy and Savior.

7. Any failure to comply with the terms during the period of your surrender (Which will be less than ten years I swear) will result in continued long posts.

7a.Violations include:

Buying Tech

Buying Infra

Buying Land

Buying Improvements

Buying Wonders

8. You have thirty seconds following your successful reading of this post to be in compliance with the Infra, Improvement, and Wonder terms.

8a.Failure to comply with any of the three after that time will be considered subversion of the terms at large and will result in continued long posts.


[03:20:10] [resistance]: Aurion - Make him nuke himself :v

9. You shall find a way to bypass the game mechanics and launch a nuclear attack on your own nation. By popular demand.

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At the 206 page mark, I don't even think the NPO members still believe the peace terms in the original post are (a) too severe, and/or (b ) impossible to comply with. I think they are just bored because they finally had radio silence lifted and are just throwing anything they can think of at the wall hoping a miracle occurs and something sticks by accident.

As has been expressed by others, I hope this thread is evidence enough that the terms should be increased, not decreased. As someone said earlier, they already got their second chance ... and they wasted it. This is chance #3 they are begging for demanding.

Edited by Krack
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My counter-terms are as follows:

1. You shall pay 100 BILLION DOLLARS.

2. You shall decommission all Wonders and Improvements.

3. You shall sell all of your Infrastructure. You shall remain at a state of Zero Infrastructure for the duration of these terms.

4. You shall sell all of your nation's Technology to a list of buyers that I may or may not ever provide for you at the going rate of 3 mil per 500 Tech. Any undue delay as determined by me shall result in continued horrendously long posts. I may even include full paragraphs.

5. You shall pay me your right arm, your left leg, and your right kidney.

6. The people of your nation shall acclaim me as their Viceroy and Savior.

7. Any failure to comply with the terms during the period of your surrender (Which will be less than ten years I swear) will result in continued long posts.

7a.Violations include:

Buying Tech

Buying Infra

Buying Land

Buying Improvements

Buying Wonders

8. You have thirty seconds following your successful reading of this post to be in compliance with the Infra, Improvement, and Wonder terms.

8a.Failure to comply with any of the three after that time will be considered subversion of the terms at large and will result in continued long posts.


9. You shall find a way to bypass the game mechanics and to launch a nuclear attack on your own nation. By popular demand.

You're testing my patience :mad:

My counter-counter terms are

1. You shall pay 1 Billion Trillion Metric Tons of Gold

2. You shall decommission all of your non-essential organs.

3. You shall form an alliance dedecated to your own EZI.

4. A.You shall sell me twelve (12) bottles of the substance popularly known as essance of Xiphosis, the consumption of which will allow me to coup holy admin and destroy things by looking at them.

B. The abovementioned bottles shall be sold at a rate of ten (10) Straccian Pounds per bottle.

6. The people of your nation will, for eternity, at the hour of 23:59 every day, do the time warp for a duriation of no shorter than 24 hours.

7. Violations of these terms include:


8. These terms will self-destruct in 10 seconds...

9. You shall assist me in thinking of a term that is more epic than your term 9.

Edited by Ellis
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Lets try and keep the off-relevance messages down a bit. I'm sure we can leave that to some of our friends on the other side of the fence.


I don't think you know the general feeling of the Body Republic, so I doubt you have anything to add by saying what the NPO believes or doesn't believe. The terms do not allow the alliance to continue to function as an alliance of people and friends having a fun time. I note that some arguments exist that we stopped others from being alliances, two wrongs doesn't make a right and indeed sadly Pacifica is larger and has a bigger community and function than these smaller alliances. You can try and apply abusive terms as KARMA and we can reject them because they are a danger to what makes Pacifica deep down great, it's people.

As long as your terms don't hurt the people I am sure they will be accepted.

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The terms are supposed to hurt , and are fair (in light of the terms they have placed on enemies in the past). This refusal is nothing but the NPO higher-ups continuing thier pattern of having an alliance mearly to tech farm for thier elites. They won't accept anything that actually hurts the people at the top who are the most at fault for thier actions over the last couple of years.

If moo feels that there is language that needs to be cleared up , that would be one thing , but he's upset because his "elites" would have to bear the brunt of the punishment . And actually suffer the loss of some of that rather expensive infra before hand. If anything the terms are farrr too light and Every member of NPO should have to reduce themselves to less than 5k infra , THEN pay the terms in cash and tech as listed.

I also don't much care for the whining and crying over the length of time paying the reps would take , but I guess being in a state of war for a couple of years with terms given as "just die" makes me a bit cynical.

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The terms do not allow the alliance to continue to function as an alliance of people and friends having a fun time.

You might not have a fun time under terms, but other alliances have found that it's a time where true friendship is born. There are no "Think of the Children" clauses in war.

Also, please read some history (you seem a little naive IMO).

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You might not have a fun time under terms, but other alliances have found that it's a time where true friendship is born. There are no "Think of the Children" clauses in war.

Also, please read some history (you seem a little naive IMO).

So you'd rather an entire alliance of 700 people (minus whatever ghosts are still left, obviously) [OOC]no longer be able to play the game that you and everyone else in this thread seems to enjoy playing? How selfish of you. All of you.[/OOC]

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I note that some arguments exist that we stopped others from being alliances, two wrongs doesn't make a right and indeed sadly Pacifica is larger and has a bigger community and function than these smaller alliances.

I'm sure I can't be reading this right. Are you implying that the destruction of other alliances is not as important an issue as the destruction of the NPO, because it's larger and has had more say over the affairs on Digiterra? I certainly hope that's not what you're saying, otherwise I predict that the terms you've been offered are about to get a whole lot worse.

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The terms are supposed to hurt , and are fair (in light of the terms they have placed on enemies in the past). This refusal is nothing but the NPO higher-ups continuing thier pattern of having an alliance mearly to tech farm for thier elites. They won't accept anything that actually hurts the people at the top who are the most at fault for thier actions over the last couple of years.

If moo feels that there is language that needs to be cleared up , that would be one thing , but he's upset because his "elites" would have to bear the brunt of the punishment . And actually suffer the loss of some of that rather expensive infra before hand. If anything the terms are farrr too light and Every member of NPO should have to reduce themselves to less than 5k infra , THEN pay the terms in cash and tech as listed.

I also don't much care for the whining and crying over the length of time paying the reps would take , but I guess being in a state of war for a couple of years with terms given as "just die" makes me a bit cynical.

It isn't "elites". That has been mentioned time and time again, these higher nations that are in peace mode are what will pay the reps to KARMA once this is finally sorted out. In addition they will send rebuilding aid to the 500+ lower level nations that are at ZI or close to it. I've been in 17 wars since the start of this conflict and have been to ZI and back twice. If I didn't believe that Moo was doing the right things I wouldn't be here.

The KARMA terms are not about getting reperations, but rather as have been mentioned, i) Removing Sanction, ii) KARMA, iii) Keeping NPO down for as long as possible.

The third point is the point that damages the 'game' and as such those who participate in it. I do not believe in terms which only have a point to try and nudge an alliance towards disbandment. Therefore I concur and follow with our Leader when he rejects these terms because the Alliance is more important than the Pixels. Your terms would destroy the alliance and that is something worth fighting against.

I'm sure I can't be reading this right. Are you implying that the destruction of other alliances is not as important an issue as the destruction of the NPO, because it's larger and has had more say over the affairs on Digiterra? I certainly hope that's not what you're saying, otherwise I predict that the terms you've been offered are about to get a whole lot worse.

No I am saying two wrongs doesn't make a right. I am also saying that with a larger alliance comprised of real people, many of whom (circa it looks 400--500) have gone into ZI for the alliance we have a strong community and that is something worth protecting just as much as possible. Our members, (at least some of them) joined Pacifca for what makes us unique compared to other alliances. Just as what causes your members to join yours, advantages. One of our advantages was that we had a very active community that engaged in a whole range of things that IMHO only a very few alliances can manage. These members fight, but they're not interested in the Real Politiks of this conflict. Your terms punish them because even as our higher nations struggle to repay the cash and tech element we will have to ignore these other members who we can't rebuild and we can't spend as much time with doing the things that make us unique.


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The third point is the point that damages the 'game' and as such those who participate in it. I do not believe in terms which only have a point to try and nudge an alliance towards disbandment. Therefore I concur and follow with our Leader when he rejects these terms because the Alliance is more important than the Pixels. Your terms would destroy the alliance and that is something worth fighting against.

No I am saying two wrongs doesn't make a right. I am also saying that with a larger alliance comprised of real people, many of whom (circa it looks 400--500) have gone into ZI for the alliance we have a strong community and that is something worth protecting just as much as possible. Our members, (at least some of them) joined Pacifca for what makes us unique compared to other alliances. Just as what causes your members to join yours, advantages. One of our advantages was that we had a very active community that engaged in a whole range of things that IMHO only a very few alliances can manage. These members fight, but they're not interested in the Real Politiks of this conflict. Your terms punish them because even as our higher nations struggle to repay the cash and tech element we will have to ignore these other members who we can't rebuild and we can't spend as much time with doing the things that make us unique.


Uh... If you wanted an alliance that abhors terms which nudge their enemies towards disbandment, you picked the wrong one. I know it's awfully unfair to have the past practices of your own alliance applied against you, but I think you're just going to have to deal with it. Also, this argument that you're more deserving of life than the communities you destroyed is ridiculous and is NOT doing NPO any favors in this thread. If your leaders presented the same argument, they'd get twice the rep demands they've already received.

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