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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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I should state what I meant clearly.

When I said these aren't payable, I mean these aren't going to be paid off in any time that's less than a year, if not two. In fact, it's entirely possible that it will take five years to complete it.

This is of course assuming we can get to the 90% mark and then reach 100% efficiency at sending reparations every single aid cycle.

Unless you can point to a group of 700 people that works at 100% efficiency every single day for even 2-3 months, this terms are unreachable.

The point of these terms is that they are so impossible to pay, even if we tried to follow the guidelines, that someone flying the NPO AA is bound to mess up and allow for a redeclaration of war.

Or in short, these terms are designed to destroy the NPO forever. Or lead to what will amount to be "perma-ZI" for the Order.

You've done things for more than a year to others, trust me its reasonable.

If you drop below a certain effiency, you should be attacked.

I hear you guys an move MILLIONS

No it isnt. We can easily come out and say "We'll ZI you guys and you can fly the AA after we are done hitting you." Or we can do it your way and attack every one of you till none or a few are left. Either way, we arent doing anything you havent done.

Get over it. Grow your spine back.

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I should state what I meant clearly.

When I said these aren't payable, I mean these aren't going to be paid off in any time that's less than a year, if not two. In fact, it's entirely possible that it will take five years to complete it.

This is of course assuming we can get to the 90% mark and then reach 100% efficiency at sending reparations every single aid cycle.

Unless you can point to a group of 700 people that works at 100% efficiency every single day for even 2-3 months, this terms are unreachable.

The point of these terms is that they are so impossible to pay, even if we tried to follow the guidelines, that someone flying the NPO AA is bound to mess up and allow for a redeclaration of war.

Or in short, these terms are designed to destroy the NPO forever. Or lead to what will amount to be "perma-ZI" for the Order.

It won't take anywhere near as long, but yes they will last a few months. Again, the way they can be reached is contained all over this thread so there's no point debating it.

If someone flying the NPO AA messes up, I'm sure it will get sorted in a civil way. As long as overall you abide by the terms, you'll be fine.

edit: grammar stuff

Edited by delendum
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Yes indeed, only those that call others are scum are scum.

But by that logic then he IS scum. And by me calling him scum makes me scum, but only scum to me because if anyone else calls me scum they become scum and... :psyduck:

Edited by Seerow
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I should state what I meant clearly.

When I said these aren't payable, I mean these aren't going to be paid off in any time that's less than a year, if not two. In fact, it's entirely possible that it will take five years to complete it.

This is of course assuming we can get to the 90% mark and then reach 100% efficiency at sending reparations every single aid cycle.

Unless you can point to a group of 700 people that works at 100% efficiency every single day for even 2-3 months, this terms are unreachable.

The point of these terms is that they are so impossible to pay, even if we tried to follow the guidelines, that someone flying the NPO AA is bound to mess up and allow for a redeclaration of war.

Or in short, these terms are designed to destroy the NPO forever. Or lead to what will amount to be "perma-ZI" for the Order.

The Gremlins have already provided the numbers that the NPO can pay these reps within 4-6 months at worst.

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Scum? You dare to call me scum? I've been completely polite for the whopping 4 statements I've put in here and you call me scum.

I think this post shows who the 'scum' is.

Yeah. Me. Because I havent been hit from NPO before. I havent been betrayed by NPO before. You do this pathetic whining that is just pitiful. You have started doing what FAN did, except they kept thier dignity. You're just another one of the brainwashed pieces of trash they flush into the OWF spouting the same old crap that they breathe down into your pitiful mind as you try to make excuse after excuse for every stupid thing you have done and then come in here looking for what? What is it you attempted to accomplish in this thread?

Pity? No thanks. Show the wrongdoings of Karma? I dont see any. That hypo word you keep using? You deserve every dollar and ever tech, if not more.

Excuses are like dungholes, everyone has one and they all stink. Scum.

Edited by mykep
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You've done things for more than a year to others, trust me its reasonable.

If you drop below a certain effiency, you should be attacked.

I hear you guys an move MILLIONS

No it isnt. We can easily come out and say "We'll ZI you guys and you can fly the AA after we are done hitting you." Or we can do it your way and attack every one of you till none or a few are left. Either way, we arent doing anything you havent done.

Get over it. Grow your spine back.

[ooc] Nice personal attacks, I appreciate them.[/ooc]

Actually, we said we can move Billions. But only when we have it, not after it has been destroyed in nuclear warfare.

I'd also like to personally guarantee you that the Order will never disband because of extended warfare. If a member hasn't left by now, I sincerely doubt he/she ever will.

Grow my spine back? How about sending me some money so I can rebuild, and then declare on me mano a mano, when we are both equal. I will again guarantee that you'll be the one with the shattered nation.

Speaking of, I'm the one who stood up the largest coalition of forces ever seen and fought to the last. I guess facing insurmountable odds makes you spineless nowadays.

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Here since we are doing things unprecidented.

I could ask for permission to give my account away as part of the terms. I have 1billion worth of wonders alone.

That's against the TOS - Are you implying the terms are as well?

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Speaking of, I'm the one who stood up the largest coalition of forces ever seen and fought to the last. I guess facing insurmountable odds makes you spineless nowadays.

Needs to be repeated, as we are not spineless. Those who ran were.

Edited by Feuersturm
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Karma has already tried this, except the limit was 5kNS.

It's essentially saying "NPO has to give us unconditional surrender, let us beat their banks down to ZI, and then we'll tell them what terms we want after that".

And NPO has made it clear that we won't agree to unconditional surrender.

If Karma wants us to send out billions in $ and hundreds of thousands in tech, then they have to make us an offer that we will actually accept.

Personally, I think Karma just wants eternal war, and is scared to say so. That's why the terms are terms with so many limitations that we can't meet them. Get rid of the "Let us beat your banks black and blue, then limit which nations can make the payments on these incredibly high reps" stuff, and you would get a deal. You obviously don't want a deal.

I'm fine with that.

no, we just want you to fight the war you started

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Mykep is hardly the only person utterly disgusted by this pathetic attempt at a pity play.

So you have no issues with him flying off the handle and hurling insults and ad-hominem attacks?

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Well ill be one to say i wouldn't mind seeing it.

BTW you guys cry a lot.

I, for one, have not complained / whined about the terms. I feel they are unreasonable. So what if I think that way about them? It is my opinion, and I am allowed to express it. That is, unless KARMA wants to take away freedom of speech too.

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Speaking of, I'm the one who stood up the largest coalition of forces ever seen and fought to the last. I guess facing insurmountable odds makes you spineless nowadays.

Somehow I doubt the NPO's numerical disadvantage was worse than some of the alliances you led curbstomps on. The NPO holding together for as long as it has is nice I guess, but it's nothing that hasn't been done before by others.

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Well ill be one to say i wouldn't mind seeing it.

BTW you guys cry a lot.

Like a traditional school yard bully, as long as no one can make them stop all is fair game. but once the teacher shows up they can only whine about the everyone else is mean to them.

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That's against the TOS - Are you implying the terms are as well?

Relevant TOS:

You agree not to attempt to sell or profit from any such content or information via private exchanges without administrative consent. Such private exchanges that are forbidden include nation selling, giving away accounts

Notice I said ask for permission

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