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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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I can tell just by the reps shown in the OP of this thread and all of the circular reasoning you guys are throwing around trying to keep us amused.

This post is just dripping with irony.

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I can tell just by the reps shown in the OP of this thread and all of the circular reasoning you guys are throwing around trying to keep us amused.

Got it the wrong way. The only circular reasoning is coming from you guys and gals as well as everything inbetween.

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[12:13] <Moo-Cows> the other nations in peace must feel the pain the rest of the alliance suffered

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> I did not shape these terms but I believe in that strongly

What's sauce for the goose is....er....grass for the heifer?

Also, have I mentioned I got my damn letter?

Edited by kingzog
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[12:13] <Moo-Cows> the other nations in peace must feel the pain the rest of the alliance suffered

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> I did not shape these terms but I believe in that strongly

What's sauce for the goose is....er....grass for the heifer?

Also, have I mentioned I got my damn letter?

Wasn't the point to be better then them?

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/me clears throat

Hi, my name is *Insert random Hegemony alliance name here* and im here to complain about these asinine terms you are issuing to the NPO, but thats all i can do because my alliance first cancelled their treaty with NPO over a month ago then when we finally honored it we surrendered after 1/2 weeks of war. So in reality all of these keystrokes i am putting into these complaints are wasted and would be better served if i had/were to join the NPO to fight against Karma (those still fighting should be commended for being semi-honorable, but you still cancelled on NPO)

How was my impression? I know its not exactly Jeff Dunham-like

Not grumpy enough to be Walter, not weird enough to be Peanut...

We've tried to get peace, and told them what is honestly possible. They refuse and spout out false numbers in an attempt to make us look like we're weaseling out of reparations. We're not.

After all these pages, I can't believe NPO still feels like they're in a position to dictate their own surrender terms. Come out of peace mode, stop hiding, and force us to change them if you don't agree with them. This isn't GW1, you don't get to dictate what you can and can't do for your terms.

And knock off the whhhha we're poor crap. Certain parties have organized the largest spy operations this game has ever seen, we know what you have, hell I've only seen a part of one PAGE, but you've got well over 30 folks sitting on billion dollar + warchests, and not all of them are in peace mode, with a crapload more hiding in PM. Not to mention what else was on the rest or the other reports. Someone in this thread leaked some of the amounts already, and they line up with what I've seen.

If those nations are telling you they don't have it, they're lying to you. Just like you're lying to us saying you're ordering nations to cycle in and out, and they're ALL ignoring the orders. When you get peace, you're going to have a nice chunk of your members shoot nearly instantly back to 5K infra, so this we're poor crap is nothing more then a failed PR stunt.

How about you go back, oh about 162 pages, and read the OP. This is already covered. Moo stated that term was never enforced and apologized for it.

It never had to be enforced. They knew you'd do it, and came out of peace to comply, and got beat down.

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It's hardly their fault that you can barely say anything without utterly sidesplitting irony.

Now, now...when they brainwashed him, they forgot to reteach common sense so lets take it easy on the grunts :lol1:.

edit: friggin grammar

Edited by James Wilson
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Wasn't the point to be better then them?

Beats me. I'm not part of Karma. I'm only here for the whimpering.

EDIT: But you know, there have been multiple posts from high-ranking NPO members about what an honorable alliance they are and so on. I would think that such an honorable group would jump at the chance to live by the standards they have set.

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> the other nations in peace must feel the pain the rest of the alliance suffered

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> I did not shape these terms but I believe in that strongly

Edited by kingzog
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nor you.

At least it's a honest NO U.

But pray tell.

Now, now...when they brainwashed him, they forgot to reteach common sence so lets take it easy on the grunts :lol1:.

The members are accountable for the actions of the leaders :awesome:

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It's hardly their fault that you can barely say anything without utterly sidesplitting irony.

Seems like irony has become endemic, possibly pandemic or even epidemic. Epic, anyway. Perhaps Holy Admin will add an irony measure to the data we have access to about Planet Bob? Alongside GRL there could be a GIL. It's over 9,000 right now, I'd guess.

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Sure you can. MK did it. Athens did it. Even TDSM8 did it. Hell, GATO did work too. Now we have gone from not being able to work with 700 people (stated before) to not being able to work with 181 people. I think you all have to go bak to private channels and get your story straight.

None of those were asked to pay reps of this magnitude, and none of those were asked to do it with only 25% of their alliance allowed to send the reps. NPO has over 700 members, but the terms require that all reps be paid by nations which have 1,000 tech. When the offer was first made, there were 181 nations which qualified by having 1,000 tech. (Many of which are at ZI.) Now there are fewer than 181, as some nations which had barely over 1,000 have lost tech and no longer qualify.

No, you see, if you make an effort and fail we'll just be like "Oh, well, that's okay, I guess we set the bar a little too high. Let's rework the numbers." Attacking people who surrender is your game, not ours.

As for GATO, are you saying that if we didn't ask for reps you'd accept being put under viceroy? (Assuming there were a way to do it that was legal by the TOS)

The actual terms have minimum payments requirement, and no mention of re-working terms if those minimums are not met. Any "rework the numbers" thing would be done on trust. Considering how many Karma members have been going on about how if we are allowed to survive at all, we are getting off light, I'm not inclined to trust in Karma's good will.

As for GATO, I'm saying that there is a major difference between selling tech and being forced to give tech away for free.

I doubt we would accept a viceroy, but it's a moot point for several reasons. I don't make the decisions, Karma hasn't made that offer, and viceroys are no longer allowed.

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Seems like irony has become endemic, possibly pandemic or even epidemic. Epic, anyway. Perhaps Holy Admin will add an irony measure to the data we have access to about Planet Bob? Alongside GRL there could be a GIL. It's over 9,000 right now, I'd guess.

Most probably.

It's been that way ever since April 21... thankfully it makes our citizens who haven't yet died in the nuclear holocaust smile.

Maybe it can be a happiness bonus? I like this idea.

Well, we all knew NPO high command lacked common sense seeing as any one WITH common sense could see this war coming a mile away.

Well yes, it appears we vastly overestimated their relative competence in several arenas. :mellow:

OOC: Has anyone nominated the attack on OV in that alliance blunder thread? I haven't checked.

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If this doesn't sum up the entire thread, I don't know what could do it better.

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> the other nations in peace must feel the pain the rest of the alliance suffered

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> I did not shape these terms but I believe in that strongly

Hypocrisy much? Come out and play, it's only 2 weeks. You should have easily built up that much money in warchests over the last month and a half. You are doing nothing but hurting yourself by staying in peace mode.

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