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Getting CN onto the world view


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Maybe the best bet is for those who play to float the idea with their friends. Not just the guys you show off to, people you get to really know. Friend of mine did that, and three folks from his roleplay group signed up. Two bailed, true, but I'm sure the third is still hanging around somewhere. Tends to post on the CN boards using a less than flattering avatar, name starts with a Q..

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Maybe the best bet is for those who play to float the idea with their friends. Not just the guys you show off to, people you get to really know. Friend of mine did that, and three folks from his roleplay group signed up. Two bailed, true, but I'm sure the third is still hanging around somewhere. Tends to post on the CN boards using a less than flattering avatar, name starts with a Q..

I'd say this is the best approach right here. You don't run a high risk of having your forums nuked, but at the same time you don't wind up with hard-line political zealots with an axe to grind either.

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The Greenlights have been harder and harder to get, attracting fewer and fewer players. Having joined during both the Great Greenlight, and Greenlight 2.0, while experiencing Greenlight 3.0 from within Fark, the most you can expect from a green light next year (If there is one) is at most between 10-20 new, permananent members, with maybe 2-3 that will leave Fark to join other alliances. The best bet for large intake is word of mouth campaigns, trawling politic forums with prepared spam messages high lighting the Grand Campaign politic aspects of this game, and linking on the comments pages of news web sites.

Although this will bring in a great deal of riff raff and those of not so great intelligence, it does put a little bit more meat on the bones of alliances with capable leaders.

This is exactly what has happenend over at FOK.

I agree with your suggestions. Hopefully that'll do it.

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Alternatives to /b/

A'ight, odds are some of or most of us go to forums besides this. Post links on those forums. TOP founded out of Paradox, GOONS from Something Awful, etc. Result? Crapload of people.

Alternatively, if you have a friend on YouTube who has a lot of subscribers, ask them to make a CN promo. Jarheads did it, and they had about 300-400 members. Course, most of them left, but if enough people are gathered here, we'll see a gradual increase.

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We just need something. anything. And idiots always gravitate towards active forums.

i wasn't aware you were the Dr House of CN and could prescribe exactly what is needed for this game.

and honestly, if you want more idiots then you've never had to be the one in charge of them. i have.

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I think that one of the good things about the alliance system is that most members of alliances work at least a little on trying to get non-CN players to join and then join their alliances. Really, it incentivizes drawing new people to the game, especially with regular recruiting drives by the alliances.

So really, there's nothing that we need to do on a game-wide basis - alliances are pretty good at doing this themselves.

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If you are a member of a gaming clan/guild that is not currently represented in CN, make a thread in the lounge or game review section of their forums and give the game a good review, at least a few of your guildies will come and have a look at least. And potentially you could make the new large alliance in CN. It worked for FARK, It worked for GOONs, It worked for TOP, So it might also work for you.

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Maybe the best bet is for those who play to float the idea with their friends.

I think the problem here is that CN is more of a time-intensive cerebral sort of game, and it doesn't appeal to everyone. So, if you don't have cerebral friends with a lot of free time to waste, they're not going to be interested.

I've tried to get all of my friends to play CN at one time or another. Only one of them ever went as far as to actually make a nation, and that nation purged a long, long time ago.

I'd rather see /b/tards and goons joining than I would the sort of people you'd get from political clubs.

CN's already filled with people with obsessive political views, though - it's not like this is anything new.

If anything, getting some over-excitable political zealots trying to prove their personal ideology through building an alliance based around the concept, or otherwise going to war with people who disagree with them, is classic CN. Who can say that the fascist-versus-communist wars weren't interesting? Or that the crazed libertarians in the FCC somehow "ruined" the game? What about groups like FAN or Molon Labe, which were basically built around the idea of ranting about the 2nd Amendment? :rolleyes:

If you really want to see how RL political viewpoints tend to interact in CN, visit the Boiler Room sometime.

Alternatively, if you have a friend on YouTube who has a lot of subscribers, ask them to make a CN promo. Jarheads did it, and they had about 300-400 members.

Considering the usual level of intelligence displayed by people posting YouTube comments, I'd almost be inclined to suggest it might be just as bad an idea to recruit there as it is to recruit via /b/... ~shudder~

Though it's worth noting that, for all the talk of /b/ here, it's not the only board on 4chan. /tg/ or /v/ might be interested. /co/ might have the sort of people who might be mildly interested in CN as well.

What I've always found funny is that, with all the social boards that have gamers on them on GameFAQs, attempts to recruit there rarely seem to produce all that many players. RIA has a few, and there's probably a number of them hiding in MK, but it's a tiny fraction of the people posting on the GameFAQs social boards on a regular basic.

On the other hand, the people who tend to post on the GameFAQs game boards are probably worse than YouTube in terms of IQ, and should probably be avoided like a plague...

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CN's already filled with people with obsessive political views, though - it's not like this is anything new.

If anything, getting some over-excitable political zealots trying to prove their personal ideology through building an alliance based around the concept, or otherwise going to war with people who disagree with them, is classic CN. Who can say that the fascist-versus-communist wars weren't interesting? Or that the crazed libertarians in the FCC somehow "ruined" the game? What about groups like FAN or Molon Labe, which were basically built around the idea of ranting about the 2nd Amendment? :rolleyes:

If you really want to see how RL political viewpoints tend to interact in CN, visit the Boiler Room sometime.


I wouldn't have called the fascist vs. communist wars interesting; the fact that the alliances involved in those conflicts went to war over philosophical disagreements which were largely out-of-character always made me think of them as being rather stupid. Besides, there's an embarassment factor involved when your own viewpoints coincide with those of the communist alliances that never learned how to fight their way out of a wet paper sack. (NOTE: This is a comment about alliances that don't even exist any more, so don't get butthurt over it, guys.)

Alliance first, ideology second.

Still, I suppose if members from Oceana 1.0 and the FCC were able to congregate in IRC and not shoot at each other, there's hope for anyone. I'll be staying away from the Boiler Room, though - just looking at the link to that forum triples my blood pressure, and I'd rather not die of an aneurysm at twenty-six.

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Eh. Not all of /b/ is bad and not all folks on /b/ are bad. I spent a lot of time on /b/ just finding funny pictures and enjoying very high-level analytical scientific arguments about who'd win in a fight between the Death Star and the Borg Cube. And folks who'd argue about that might be the kind of folks who'd fit in with the masses here, actually. It's getting a bunch of /b/tards together in a group that tries to bring the larger /b/ mentality to CN when they get pissed off... that's what caused problems last time.

Folks forget that for much of /b/'s life on CN they were really a relatively unobtrusive and nondramatic neutral alliance on green. Might have had some sort of tension with another green alliance or two, but who on green never has had that issue--honestly?

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You want more players? Go to where everyone present spends a large amount of time online. As individuals, they're normal folks.

Seriously though, just get exposure, go place the link on other games boards, or join other games and recruit. Use BOARDS, and you will succeed.

If /b/ comes back to the game, I think it would help our numbers go down more then it would help them go up.

The point is valid. Posting a link to CN on big websites is a good idea, as long as it isn't one of the chans.

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If you want more players, just post the link in more places. Start at /b/, don't write articles, just tell people.

DONT start at /b/....everyone, especially the admin remembers how well that went.

good idea though. yahoo gets TONS of hits per day, and itd certainly bring in plenty of people. I second this. and i might even write up an article.

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