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FEAR Announcement

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The Tokyo-3 Compact

A temporary protection agreement between the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics and the Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens

Article I: Protection Agreement

The Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics agrees to protect and defend the Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens from attack while this agreement is in effect. In the event that the Fellowship becomes involved in a war external to this agreement, the Primarchy may offer its assistance, but such assistance is not compulsory.

Article II: Assistance and Education

The alliances in this agreement shall work together to improve their membership training and education materials and techniques. They may also opt to assist each other on matters not directly covered under Article I.

Article III: Review and Termination

This agreement shall be reviewed after 14 days time, at which they may, by mutual agreement, extend the length of time this agreement remains in effect. Should either party wish to opt out of the treaty, they have the right to do so at that time. This treaty may be canceled by either party at any time, following a 24 hour notice of intent to do so given in private to the other party.

Signed for the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics:

Canik - Grand Chancellor

Schmutte693 - Internal Chancellor

ClashCityRocker - External Chancellor

Signed for the Embattled Primarchy of Independent Citizens:

Lord Boris - Primarch

Edited by Canik
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Oh, I get it - your acronym forms a word. Very clever.

OOC: That's what makes an acronym an acronym. Something like OMFG is an alphabetism/initialism. Also, epic Neon Genesis Evangelion reference is epic.




I hope this works out for you, Lord Boris.

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Thanks folks. Hopefully will have some more stuff coming out in the upcoming days.

Also, cookies to the first person who points out the flag basis (that hasn't already had to have it explained).

EDIT: Looks like the cookie offer was pre-empted by Uralica :P

Edited by Lord Boris
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OOC: That's what makes an acronym an acronym. Something like OMFG is an alphabetism/initialism. Also, epic Neon Genesis Evangelion reference is epic.




I hope this works out for you, Lord Boris.

I didn't know you watch anime :o but indeed it is

congrats to EPIC for finding great protectors (:wub: FEAR)

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OOC: That's what makes an acronym an acronym. Something like OMFG is an alphabetism/initialism. Also, epic Neon Genesis Evangelion reference is epic.




I hope this works out for you, Lord Boris.

Sileath, you just got served. :P

Also, this is just a temporary protectorate. Not important enough to bust out the bad puns for yet. ;)

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OOC: That's what makes an acronym an acronym. Something like OMFG is an alphabetism/initialism.

He beat me to it... Also, o/ Epic and o/ FEAR

But I must ask, why is it temporary? Or did my skimming miss that part?

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OOC: That's what makes an acronym an acronym. Something like OMFG is an alphabetism/initialism.

AADN is an acronym, though "aadn" is not a word. "EPIC" and "FEAR" are both acronyms as well as words.

Alliance-wise, NPO is an acronym, but npo is not a word.

Need I go on?

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Also, this is just a temporary protectorate. Not important enough to bust out the bad puns for yet. ;)

Nothing is too unimportant for bad puns! Even you! ;)

Congratz to all involved, you are all epic. B)

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