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The Desert Storm

Apollo Shanofan

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They had strict orders to hunt down the enemy to the last man. But the chase led the German divisions far from their beloved Europe, and deep into the sands of the Middle East. Desert storms immobilized tanks, jeeps, and every vehicle forcing the million man army to march. Communications where perminantly severed and the men had no hope of returning to Germany. The desert took the lives of nearly 400,000, before the horde found an isolated village of 300, and so the slaughter began. Survival was by this time the only goal. Their armies conquered villages, then towns, then cities each time settling in replacing the natives who where now at flight. Their conquest spanned far south of Kazakhstan along the Caspian Sea, sharply west then down into parts of Afghanistan.

Their quest for survival led to the establishment of their own nation but unbenounced to them a similar advance was occuring to their south. The Naxi tribes from Southern China and Tibet had taken up arms after being expelled from their lands and had expanded up towards the Germans. Eventually, the two rising states clashed. A war raged hidden from the rest of the world for a full year. The German military men quickly gained the uperhand slaughtering thousands of Naxi nomads before the lack of resources braught the two peoples to ceasefire. Since then they coencided and now have risen reestablishing themselves as a nation. Now led by the former German fieldmarshal Dederick Stemmer the nation of Sandwüstes Reich has risen.


(OOC: In the white lands west of Rebel Army)

Edited by Apollo Shanofan
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The Republic of Mariehamm condemns the creation of this nation. "Another state claiming to be German but insulting and perverting the real German culture. This is despicable. We call upon the world to place embargo on this state for it's slaughtering of natives."

OOC: This is even less subtle than some others around here. (Not talking about you Subtleknifewielder :P )


Why would you go out of your way to call them the Naxi when they themselves call themselves something else?

Edited by BaronUberstein
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The Republic of Mariehamm condemns the creation of this nation. "Another state claiming to be German but insulting and perverting the real German culture. This is despicable. We call upon the world to place embargo on this state for it's slaughtering of natives."

OOC: This is even less subtle than some others around here. (Not talking about you Subtleknifewielder :P )


Why would you go out of your way to call them the Naxi when they themselves call themselves something else?

OOC: We already covered that, I think. :P


Miri had heard about a new nation. She didn't trust it, like she didn't trust many others. She ordered soldiers and artillery to the border to ensure that this new nation doesn't get any ideas.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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The Kingdom of Cochin observes the rise of the new nation, Neues Deutscheland with a wary eye. It refuses to comment on the issue. Moreover it seems to be more of a problem of Rebel Army than Cochin. We hope the reports of slaughter and genocide of local population are all lies.

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The Republic of Mariehamm condemns the creation of this nation. "Another state claiming to be German but insulting and perverting the real German culture. This is despicable. We call upon the world to place embargo on this state for it's slaughtering of natives."

OOC: This is even less subtle than some others around here. (Not talking about you Subtleknifewielder :P )


Why would you go out of your way to call them the Naxi when they themselves call themselves something else?

OOC: Yes I realise that was a mistake, and it has been amended. Also, obviously they've been called both names which is how you knew which people I was speaking of.

Edited by Apollo Shanofan
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OOC: I'd highly recomend that you leave out anything that can be linked to Nazi Germany. Naxi is way too simple. Reich of Germany, sure. Germania? Go ahead. Germanic Republic? Whatever. Just...not Naxi, please. That's a bad memory for Germans. (Not German, btw, just got German blood in me)

OOC Edit: Hate to be a rule monger, but your SoI doesn't even touch that continent. Your SoI needs to be IN the area you claim, which means the Stans, but New Mexico. I don't like to rule monger, but this could save you down the line.

Edited by Drakedeath
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OOC Edit: Hate to be a rule monger, but your SoI doesn't even touch that continent. Your SoI needs to be IN the area you claim, which means the Stans, but New Mexico. I don't like to rule monger, but this could save you down the line.

OOC: Actually, the location of RP SoI can be different from IG SoI, but the diameter must be the same.

You know, I did RP ultranationalist Germans when I was Altin Urda, so we could say thses guys are spliter group. This should be interesting....

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Miri makes a statement on the founding of the Sandwüstes Reich:

"The slaughtering of the natives of the lands are a horrid act against humanity. What gives you any right as "Germans" to do such a thing? As of now, any military officer of the Sandwüstes Reich will not be welcomed into the Slavic Empire. The Slavic Empire comdemns the Sandwüstes Reich and we hereby cut off all oil and natural gas going to the state from the Empire's pipelines.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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How far do you think you can go when you slaughter all of the natives in your "nation"? We condemn your actions and will not recognize Sandwüstes Reich.

We have also placed an embargo on your nation.

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"This nation of yours isn't even worthy to lick the dirt and grime off my heels. You are a disgrace to do what you have done to the people in your fantasy world country and you will fall like all the other despots that try to rise in a world that you see does not have rules. I would be surprised if your nation makes it past the first week of existence. Barbarians that you are."

-Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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